Category theory | Monoidal categories

Fiber functor

No description. (Wikipedia).

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Introduction to Fiber Bundles part 1: Definitions

We give the definition of a fiber bundle with fiber F, trivializations and transition maps. This is a really basic stuff that we use a lot. Here are the topics this sets up: *Associated Bundles/Principal Bundles *Reductions of Structure Groups *Steenrod's Theorem *Torsor structure on arith

From playlist Fiber bundles

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 12: Fiber Bundles - Formal Description

This is a long lesson, but it is not full of rigorous proofs, it is just a formal definition. Please let me know where the exposition is unclear. I din't quite get through the idea of the structure group of a fiber bundle fully, but I introduced it. The examples in the next lesson will h

From playlist What is a Manifold?

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Visualization of tensors - part 1

This video visualizes tensors. It shows some introduction to tensor theory and demonstrates it with the Cauchy stress tensor. Future parts of this series will show more theory and more examples. It talks about the term 'tensor' as used in physics and math. In the field of AI the term 'te

From playlist Animated Physics Simulations

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Linear Algebra 2q: Summary of Terms Encountered so Far - Linear Algebra on Lemma - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Part 1 Linear Algebra: An In-Depth Introduction with a Focus on Applications

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What exactly is a vector? | Arithmetic and Geometry Math Foundations 30 | N J Wildberger

The notion of vector is here made completely explicit. Vectors arise in physics as forces, positions, velocities, accelerations, torques, displacements. It is useful to distinguish between points and vectors; they are different types of mathematical objects. In particular the position of a

From playlist Math Foundations

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What is a vector?

What is a vector? We gently introduce the i and j basis vectors and the idea of a column vector is presented. The algebra of addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication is discussed. Free ebook Free ebook (updated link) Take a sh

From playlist Introduction to Vectors

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2 Construction of a Matrix-YouTube

This video shows you how a matrix is constructed from a set of linear equations. It helps you understand where the various elements in a matrix comes from.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists. 1. Introducing Vectors

This computer science video is one of a series on linear algebra for computer scientists. This video introduces the concept of a vector. A vector is essentially a list of numbers that can be represented with an array or a function. Vectors are used for data analysis in a wide range of f

From playlist Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists

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Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists. 7. Linear Combinations of Vectors

This computer science video is one of a series on linear algebra for computer scientists. In this video you will learn about linear combinations of vectors, that is, you will learn how to create new vectors by scaling then adding other vectors together. You will also learn that some sets

From playlist Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists

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Yonatan Harpaz - New perspectives in hermitian K-theory II

Warning: around 32:30 in the video, in the slide entitled "Karoubi's conjecture", a small mistake was made - in the third bulleted item the genuine quadratic structure appearing should be the genuine symmetric one (so both the green and red instances of the superscript gq should be gs), an

From playlist New perspectives on K- and L-theory

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Yonatan Harpaz - New perspectives in hermitian K-theory III

For questions and discussions of the lecture please go to our discussion forum: This lecture is part of the event "New perspectives on K- and L-theory", 21-25 September 2020, hosted by Mathematics Münster: https://go.wwu

From playlist New perspectives on K- and L-theory

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Morphisms of Fibered Categories

The two category structure of fibered categories. We will need this for morphisms of Gerbes in the future.

From playlist Stacks

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A categorical approach to representations in defining characteristic - Nate Harman

SL2 Seminar Topic: A categorical approach to representations in defining characteristic Speaker: Nate Harman Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: January 19, 2021 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Christoph Winges: Automorphisms of manifolds and the Farrell Jones conjectures

The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: K-Theory and Related Fields. Building on previous work of Bartels, Lück, Reich and others studying the algebraic K-theory and L-theory of discrete group rings, the validity of the Farrell-Jones Conjecture has be

From playlist HIM Lectures: Trimester Program "K-Theory and Related Fields"

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Ulrich Pennig: "Fell bundles, Dixmier-Douady theory and higher twists"

Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras 2021 "Fell bundles, Dixmier-Douady theory and higher twists" Ulrich Pennig - Cardiff University, School of Mathematics Abstract: Classical Dixmier-Douady theory gives a full classification of C*-algebra bundles with compact operators as fibres

From playlist Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras 2021

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Partially wrapped Floer theory - Zach Sylvan

Workshop on Homological Mirror Symmetry: Methods and Structures Speaker:Zach Sylvan Title: Partially wrapped Floer theory Affilation: IAS Date: November 10, 2016 For more vide, visit

From playlist Workshop on Homological Mirror Symmetry: Methods and Structures

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Markus Land - L-Theory of rings via higher categories II

For questions and discussions of the lecture please go to our discussion forum: This lecture is part of the event "New perspectives on K- and L-theory", 21-25 September 2020, hosted by Mathematics Münster: https://go.wwu

From playlist New perspectives on K- and L-theory

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Clark Barwick - 3/3 Exodromy for ℓ-adic Sheaves

In joint work with Saul Glasman and Peter Haine, we proved that the derived ∞-category of constructible ℓ-adic sheaves ’is’ the ∞-category of continuous functors from an explicitly defined 1-category to the ∞-category of perfect complexes over ℚℓ. In this series of talks, I want to offer s

From playlist Summer School 2020: Motivic, Equivariant and Non-commutative Homotopy Theory

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Tensor Field Networks | AISC

Toronto Deep Learning Series, 11-Feb-2019 TENSOR FIELD NETWORKS: ROTATION- AND TRANSLATION-EQUIVARIANT NEURAL NETWORKS FOR 3D POINT CLOUDS We introduce tensor field neural networks, which are locally equivariant to 3D rotations, translations, a

From playlist Math and Foundations

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