Fair item allocation

Fair random assignment

Fair random assignment (also called probabilistic one-sided matching) is a kind of a fair division problem. In an assignment problem (also called house-allocation problem or one-sided matching), there m objects and they have to be allocated among n agents, such that each agent receives at most one object. Examples include the assignment of jobs to workers, rooms to housemates, dormitories to students, time-slots to users of a common machine, and so on. In general, a fair assignment may be impossible to attain. For example, if Alice and Batya both prefer the eastern room to the western room, only one of them will get it and the other will be envious. In the random assignment setting, fairness is attained using a lottery. So in the simple example above, Alice and Batya will toss a fair coin and the winner will get the eastern room. (Wikipedia).

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Introduction to Fair Division

This video introduced fair division. Site: http://mathispower4u.com

From playlist Fair Division

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Avoiding circular inference

Discussions of circular inference (a.k.a. biased selection, a.k.a. double-dipping) and how to avoid it during statistical analyses. For more online courses about programming, data analysis, linear algebra, and statistics, see http://sincxpress.com/

From playlist OLD ANTS #8) Statistics

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Random and systematic error explained: from fizzics.org

In scientific experiments and measurement it is almost never possible to be absolutely accurate. We tend to make two types of error, these are either random or systematic. The video uses examples to explain the difference and the first steps you might take to reduce them. Notes to support

From playlist Units of measurement

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Statistics: Sampling Methods

This lesson introduces the different sample methods when conducting a poll or survey. Site: http://mathispower4u.com

From playlist Introduction to Statistics

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Conceptual Questions about Random Variables and Probability Distributions

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! https://goo.gl/JQ8Nys Conceptual Questions about Random Variables and Probability Distributions

From playlist Statistics

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Sampling (2 of 5: Introduction to Random Samples and Spreadsheets)

More resources available at www.misterwootube.com

From playlist Data Analysis

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Variance (4 of 4: Proof of two formulas)

More resources available at www.misterwootube.com

From playlist Random Variables

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Sample Bias Types

Sample bias: Response, Voluntary Response, Non-Response, Undercoverage, and Wording of Questions

From playlist Unit 4: Sampling and Experimental Design

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Markets for Centralized Allocation Problems - F. Echenique - 1/31/2020

"Markets for Centralized Allocation Problems: Fairness, Efficiency, and Property Rights" Federico Echenique, Allen and Lenabelle Davis Professor of Economics, Caltech Abstract: Economists study naturally occurring markets and their welfare properties, but it is also possible to create art

From playlist HSS Caltech + Finance 2020

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Cynthia Dwork - Scoring Functions Pt. 1/2 - IPAM at UCLA

Recorded 12 July 2022. Cynthia Dwork of Harvard University SEAS presents "Scoring Functions" at IPAM's Graduate Summer School on Algorithmic Fairness. Abstract: Scoring functions assign numbers to individuals that are frequently interpreted as probabilities, as in, “What is the probability

From playlist 2022 Graduate Summer School on Algorithmic Fairness

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Algorithmic fairness and individual probabilities - Cynthia Dwork, Harvard University

The theory of algorithmic fairness has given rise to new fundamental questions and new insights into old questions. This talk outlines one such question -- what is the meaning of an "individual probability"? -- situating the problem in the context of algorithmic fairness. We propose a noti

From playlist Interpretability, safety, and security in AI

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Cynthia Dwork - Affirmative action, Composition Pt. 1/2 - IPAM at UCLA

Recorded 12 July 2022. Cynthia Dwork of Harvard University SEAS presents "Affirmative action, Composition" at IPAM's Graduate Summer School on Algorithmic Fairness. Abstract: Are systems that are composed of pieces that are each fair necessarily fair in the aggregate? We will discuss compo

From playlist 2022 Graduate Summer School on Algorithmic Fairness

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Cynthia Dwork - Affirmative action, Composition Pt. 1/2 - IPAM at UCLA

Recorded 12 July 2022. Cynthia Dwork of Harvard University SEAS presents "Affirmative action, Composition" at IPAM's Graduate Summer School on Algorithmic Fairness. Abstract: Are systems that are composed of pieces that are each fair necessarily fair in the aggregate? We will discuss compo

From playlist 2022 Graduate Summer School on Algorithmic Fairness

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The Most Powerful Tool Based Entirely On Randomness

We see the effects of randomness all around us on a day to day basis. In this video we’ll be discussing a couple of different techniques that scientists use to understand randomness, as well as how we can harness its power. Basically, we'll study the mathematics of randomness. The branch

From playlist Classical Physics by Parth G

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Phebe Vayanos - Integer optimization for predictive & prescriptive analytics in high stakes domains

Recorded 01 March 2023. Phebe Vayanos of the University of Southern California presents "Integer optimization for predictive and prescriptive analytics in high stakes domains" at IPAM's Artificial Intelligence and Discrete Optimization Workshop. Abstract: Motivated by problems in homeless

From playlist 2023 Artificial Intelligence and Discrete Optimization

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Cynthia Dwork - Group Fairness and Individual Fairness Pt. 1/2 - IPAM at UCLA

Recorded 11 July 2022. Cynthia Dwork of Harvard University SEAS presents "Group Fairness and Individual Fairness" at IPAM's Graduate Summer School on Algorithmic Fairness. Abstract: The early literature on the theory of algorithmic fairness identified two categories of fairness notions: gr

From playlist 2022 Graduate Summer School on Algorithmic Fairness

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Lecture 6B: Streams, Part 2

MIT 6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Spring 2005 Instructor: Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman View the complete course: https://ocw.mit.edu/6-001S05 YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE18841CABEA24090 Streams, Part 2 Despite

From playlist MIT 6.001 Structure and Interpretation, 1986

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