Mathematical logic | Proof theory | Theorems in the foundations of mathematics

Extension by new constant and function names

In mathematical logic, a theory can be extended withnew constants or function names under certain conditions with assurance that the extension will introduceno contradiction. Extension by definitions is perhaps the best-known approach, but it requiresunique existence of an object with the desired property. Addition of new names can also be donesafely without uniqueness. Suppose that a closed formula is a theorem of a first-order theory . Let be a theory obtained from by extending its language with new constants and adding a new axiom . Then is a conservative extension of , which means that the theory has the same set of theorems in the original language (i.e., without constants ) as the theory . Such a theory can also be conservatively extended by introducing a new functional symbol: Suppose that a closed formula is a theorem of a first-order theory , where we denote . Let be a theory obtained from by extending its language with a new functional symbol (of arity ) and adding a new axiom . Then is a conservative extension of , i.e. the theories and prove the same theorems not involving the functional symbol ). Shoenfield states the theorem in the form for a new function name, and constants are the same as functionsof zero arguments. In formal systems that admit ordered tuples, extension by multiple constants as shown here can be accomplished by addition of a new constant tuple and the new constant names having the values of elements of the tuple. (Wikipedia).

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Odd & Even Functions (1 of 2: Understanding initial examples)

More resources available at

From playlist Working with Functions

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Introduction to Function Notation (L9.2)

This lesson introduces function notation and emphasizes the relationship between ordered pairs and function notation. Function inputs and outputs are found. Video content created by Jenifer Bohart, William Meacham, Judy Sutor, and Donna Guhse from SCC (CC-BY 4.0)

From playlist Introduction to Functions: Function Basics

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Overview of functions zeros and increasing decreasing

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From playlist When is the Function Increasing Decreasing or Neither

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Determining when a function is increasing decreasing or constant

👉 Learn how to determine increasing/decreasing intervals. There are many ways in which we can determine whether a function is increasing or decreasing but we will focus on determining increasing/decreasing from the graph of the function. A function is increasing when the graph of the funct

From playlist When is the Function Increasing Decreasing or Neither

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"When" Is the graph increasing decreasing constant?

👉 Learn how to determine increasing/decreasing intervals. There are many ways in which we can determine whether a function is increasing or decreasing but we will focus on determining increasing/decreasing from the graph of the function. A function is increasing when the graph of the funct

From playlist When is the Function Increasing Decreasing or Neither

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Find intervals that a function is increasing and decreasing

👉 Learn how to determine increasing/decreasing intervals. There are many ways in which we can determine whether a function is increasing or decreasing but we will focus on determining increasing/decreasing from the graph of the function. A function is increasing when the graph of the funct

From playlist When is the Function Increasing Decreasing or Neither

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Intervals of increasing and decreasing function from a graph

👉 Learn how to determine increasing/decreasing intervals. There are many ways in which we can determine whether a function is increasing or decreasing but we will focus on determining increasing/decreasing from the graph of the function. A function is increasing when the graph of the funct

From playlist When is the Function Increasing Decreasing or Neither

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12_2_1 Taylor Polynomials of Multivariable Functions

Now we expand the creation of a Taylor Polynomial to multivariable functions.

From playlist Advanced Calculus / Multivariable Calculus

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Introduction to Function Notation

Introduction to Function Notation The Definition of a Function. A full introduction including explanation of the domain and codomain.

From playlist Functions, Sets, and Relations

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Anand Pillay 10/31/14 Part 1

Title: Interpretations and Differential Galois Extensions

From playlist Fall 2014

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03/22/19 Varadharaj Ravi Srinivasan

Integration in Finite Terms: Error Functions, Logarithmic Integrals and Polylogarithmic Integrals

From playlist Spring 2019 Kolchin Seminar

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Valentin Blomer: The polynomial method for point counting and exponential sums, Lecture III

We show how families of auxiliary polynomials can be used to count the number of points on certain types of curves over finite fields and to estimate exponential sums and character sums.

From playlist Harmonic Analysis and Analytic Number Theory

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On the Ramanujan Conjecture in Geometric Langlands by Dario Beraldo

Program Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory 2021 (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Aswin Balasubramanian (Rutgers University, USA), Indranil Biswas (TIFR, india), Jacques Distler (The University of Texas at Austin, USA), Chris Elliott (University of Massachusetts, USA) and Pranav Pandi

From playlist Quantum Fields, Geometry and Representation Theory 2021 (ONLINE)

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Reid Dale Talk 2 9/16/16 Part 1

Title: An Introduction to Pillay’s Differential Galois Theory (Part 2)

From playlist Fall 2016

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An average-case depth hierarchy theorem for Boolean - Li-Yang Tan

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar I Topic: An average-case depth hierarchy theorem for Boolean circuits I Speaker: Li-Yang Tan Affiliation: Toyota Technological Institute, Chicago Date: Monday, April 4 We prove an average-case depth hierarchy theorem for Boolean circuits

From playlist Mathematics

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DEFCON 20: Weaponizing the Windows API with Metasploits Railgun

Speaker: DAVID €ŒTHELIGHTCOSINE€ MALONEY SOFTWARE ENGINEER, METASPLOIT RAPID7 No part of the Metasploit Framework has been shrouded in more mystery and confusion than the Railgun extension. Railgun is one of the most powerful tools in the Metasploit arsenal when it comes to Post Exploi

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Automorphic Levi-Sobolev Spaces, Boundary-Value Problems, and Self-Adjoint Operators - Paul Garrett

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From playlist Mathematics

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The Plancherel formula for L^2(GL_n(F)\GL_n(E)) and applications… - Raphael Beuzart-Plessis

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From playlist Mathematics

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Tartar's method and correctors in perforated domains (Lecture 3) by Patrizia Donato

PROGRAM: MULTI-SCALE ANALYSIS AND THEORY OF HOMOGENIZATION ORGANIZERS: Patrizia Donato, Editha Jose, Akambadath Nandakumaran and Daniel Onofrei DATE: 26 August 2019 to 06 September 2019 VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore Homogenization is a mathematical procedure to understa

From playlist Multi-scale Analysis And Theory Of Homogenization 2019

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How to determine the intervals that a function is increasing decreasing or constant

👉 Learn how to determine increasing/decreasing intervals. There are many ways in which we can determine whether a function is increasing or decreasing but we will focus on determining increasing/decreasing from the graph of the function. A function is increasing when the graph of the funct

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