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Experix is an open-source command interpreter designed for operating laboratory equipment, especially data acquisition devices, and processing, displaying and storing the data from them. It is usable now, only under Linux on the x86 architecture, but still under development, and users are welcome to participate in extending and improving it. Experix is radically different from mostcommercial data acquisition programs, for example LabVIEW, which model a measurement and control application as a network of operational units represented graphically as boxes with connections that stand for data flow. In these systems an application is created by manipulating these symbols on the screen, and then it is used by clicking buttons and filling dialog boxes in a GUI environment. Experix, in contrast, represents the application as a series of operations generally taking place one after another. It processes a command line in a sequential way, and numbers, operators, functions and commands in the command line consume and create objects on a stack. These objects include integers and floating-point numbers in several sizes, complex and polar numbers, multi-dimensional arrays made from any of the numerical types, several kinds of strings, and pointers to functions, commands and variables (which can be numbers, arrays and strings). A function, command or operator requires certain types of objects on the stack and puts objects on the stack, and may also change values in stack objects and variables, draw graphs, order operations in device drivers, and read and write files. Experix is released under the GNU GPL. (Wikipedia).

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Viendo: Imágenes anamórficas.

Usando nuestro libro de actividades “Viendo” podremos descifrar imágenes anamórficas.

From playlist Exploratorium | Español

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the art of seeing

A set of fast and furious images from the Exploratorium. To learn more, please visit:

From playlist Hands-on Exploratorium

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El espejo anamórfico

Observa cómo un espejo cilíndrico puede hacer trucos con nuestra percepción.

From playlist Exploratorium | Español

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exploratorium: an exhibition with strobo

exploratorium: an exhibition with strobo

From playlist Exploratorium through your eyes

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We Run The Exploratorium

From playlist Exploratorium through your eyes

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The Exploratorium is AWESOOOOOME

From playlist Exploratorium through your eyes

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Free & Fun Learning Resources from the Exploratorium

Keep kids inspired and find support for your virtual classroom with the Exploratorium’s free and fun educational resources. Stay curious and keep exploring, no matter what school looks like this year. → Explore more at -- The Exploratorium is a non-profit mus

From playlist Teaching and Learning | Exploratorium

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Misterios del agua de las fuentes.

Aprende sobre la reflexión y refracción de la luz a través de los misterios del agua de las fuentes comunes y corrientes.

From playlist Exploratorium | Español

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La tienda del Exploratorium

Exploremos la nueva tienda del Exploratorium con muchos juegos educativos sobre la ciencia.

From playlist Exploratorium | Español

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take a peak at exploratorium exhibits!

Check out cool on-line exhibits at

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