Actuarial science

Experience modifier

In the insurance industry in the United States, an experience modifier or experience modification is an adjustment of an employer's premium for worker's compensation coverage based on the losses the insurer has experienced from that employer. An experience modifier of 1 would be applied for an employer that had demonstrated the actuarially expected performance. Poorer loss experience leads to a modifier greater than 1, and better experience to a modifier less than 1. The loss experience used in determining the modifier typically comprises three years but excluding the immediate past year. For instance, if a policy expired on January 1, 2018, the period reflected by the experience modifier would run from January 1, 2014 to January 1, 2017. (Wikipedia).

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How Is the ADHD Brain Different?

If you’re online, you may notice that conversations around ADHD are everywhere. You may even be starting to wonder, as you flick from one app to the next, that you yourself may have ADHD. So in Part 1 of this series about ADHD, Julian explores what this disorder is, what’s happening in the

From playlist Seeker+

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Java 05 Access Modifiers

More videos like this online at Access Modifiers control access to the class and items within the class and depending on the context can be set to private, package, protected and public. The video investigates their meaning and effect.

From playlist Java

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Metacognition and speaking | Introduction | Part 1

In this video, I provide an overview of metacognition and discuss its role in speaking.

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What is Beauty in Design?: Understanding Design

Designers strive to fill up the world with beautiful environments, packaging, products and landscapes. These can be defined as aesthetic experiences wherein designers use the study of beauty to create pleasurable experiences for humans to interact with items and spaces. Join Prasad Borad

From playlist Understanding Design

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Introduction to Access Modifiers in Java | Java Access Modifierss | Java/J2EE & SOA Tutorial

( Java Training - ) Access modifiers (or access specifiers) are keywords in object-oriented languages that set the accessibility of classes, methods, and other members. Access modifiers are a specific part of programming language syntax use

From playlist Java Tutorial For Beginners | Edureka

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You MUST Harness the ‘Power of Intention’ When Learning Anything

The power of intention refers to the ability of a person to direct their thoughts and energy towards a specific goal or outcome. This concept is often associated with positive thinking and the law of attraction, which suggests that individuals can manifest their desires through the power o

From playlist Life Hacks

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Adaptability in the workplace

Check out the full course Adaptability is one of the keys to managing your emotions in the workplace. This short video looks at why it is important, and gives you some tips to help

From playlist When Change Happens

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How To Build User-Adaptive Interfaces

Users have indicated many preferences on their devices these days. They want the operating system and apps to look and feel like their own. User-adaptive interfaces are those which are ready to use these preferences to enhance the user experience, to make it feel more at home. If done corr

From playlist Web Design: CSS / SVG

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Computer Basics: Understanding Applications

No matter what type of device you have, you'll need to use applications (or "apps"). Applications allow you to do all kinds of things, from creating documents, to viewing videos, to playing games. We're going to show some examples of how you might use apps. For example, if you have a smar

From playlist Starting out with Technology

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Annie Sainsard-Chanet - Ciseaux moléculaires : une révolution biologique

Le prix Nobel de Chimie 2020, attribué à Jennifer Doudna et Emmanuelle Charpentier, a couronné la mise au point de l’outil CrispR-Cas9 ou ciseaux moléculaires. Grâce à cet outil, il est désormais possible de modifier les gènes de n’importe quel type de cellule, avec une facilité et une pré

From playlist Évenements grand public

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14. Protein Degradation 3

MIT 5.08J Biological Chemistry II, Spring 2016 Instructor: Elizabeth Nolan View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: This lecture discusses experiments that examine the denaturation, tr

From playlist MIT 5.08J Biological Chemistry II, Spring 2016

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18. PK and NRP Synthases 4

MIT 5.08J Biological Chemistry II, Spring 2016 Instructor: Elizabeth Nolan View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: In this final lecture of the unit on synthases, the focus is on look

From playlist MIT 5.08J Biological Chemistry II, Spring 2016

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25c3: Not Soy Fast: Genetically Modified Resource Greedy and coming to a Supermarket Near You

Speaker: Bicyclemark The silent march of the multinational GMO soy industry and its growing power in South America, the EU, and around the World. Soy is the magic ingredient that we often look to for our alternative, healthier, and more responsible diets. Yet the soy industry, with its b

From playlist 25C3: Nothing to hide

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Stanford CS224N - NLP w/ DL | Winter 2021 | Lecture 4 - Syntactic Structure and Dependency Parsing

For more information about Stanford's Artificial Intelligence professional and graduate programs visit: Syntactic Structure and Dependency parsing 1. Syntactic Structure: Consistency and Dependency (30 mins) 2. Dependency Grammar and Treebanks (15 mins) 3. Tran

From playlist Stanford CS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning | Winter 2021

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R12. Mass Spectrometry of the Cysteine Proteome

MIT 5.08J Biological Chemistry II, Spring 2016 View the complete course: Instructor: JoAnne Stubbe Continuing with Mass Spectrometry from Recitation 11, this recitation considers a hypothesis on signaling pathways, and how to design experiments to test it. Li

From playlist MIT 5.08J Biological Chemistry II, Spring 2016

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Virtual EmberConf 2020: Opening Keynote by Yehuda Katz, Jen Weber, and Godfrey Chan

Opening Keynote by Yehuda Katz, Jen Weber, and Godfrey Chan Join us for a State of the Ember Union by Ember Creator Yehuda Katz and Core Team Members Jen Weber and Godfrey Chan.

From playlist EmberConf 2020

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How To Create A Video For Data Science Website Using Fusion | Session 01 | #design

Don’t forget to subscribe! In this project series, you will learn to create a video for a data science website using Fusion. This small course has the main goal to teach you how to use a node-based video editor Fusion from the Blackmagic Design team to create abstract video backgrounds

From playlist Create A Video For Data Science Website Using Fusion

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The 8 Most Evil Science Experiments Of All Time

Please Subscribe! Swapping the heads of living things, torturing humans, and creating Frankenstein people. What are the craziest things science has ever done? Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science

From playlist Science: An Origin Story

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Your Career

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please visit to view the entire tutorial on our website. It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice and apply what you've learned.

From playlist Your Career

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EmberConf 2021 - Keynote Part 2 by Godfrey Chan

Keynote Part 2 by Godfrey Chan

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