Applied mathematics

European Study Groups with Industry

A European Study Group with Industry (ESGI) is usually a week-long meeting where applied mathematicians work on problems presented by industry and research centres. The aim of the meeting is to solve or at least make progress on the problems. The study group concept originated in Oxford, in 1968 (initiated by Leslie Fox and Alan Tayler). Subsequently, the format was adopted in other European countries to form ESGIs. Currently, with a variety of names, they appear in the same or a similar format throughout the world. More specific topics have also formed the subject of focussed meetings, such as the environment, medicine and agriculture. Problems successfully tackled at study groups are discussed in a number of textbooks as well as a collection of case studies, European Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics. A guide for organising and running study groups is provided by the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry. (Wikipedia).

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6. Workshop and Factory

France Since 1871 (HIST 276) The Industrial Revolution in France is often said to have been entirely overshadowed by British industrial development. This analysis is inaccurate because it ignores the significance of domestic and other non-factory occupations. Indeed, it was the class of

From playlist France Since 1871 with John Merriman

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Will The EU Fail? | Economics Explained

This video was made possible by our Patreon community! ❤️ See new videos early, participate in exclusive Q&As, and more! ➡️ In this video, we will rank the European Union (EU) on the Economics Explained National Leaderboard, exploring the economi

From playlist Countries Economies Explained

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9. Middle Classes

European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202) The nineteenth century in Europe is, in many ways, synonymous with the rise of the bourgeoisie. It is misleading, however, to consider this newly dominant middle class as a homogenous group; rather, the century may be more accurately described i

From playlist European Civiliization (1648-1945) with John Merriman

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The Economy of Germany

This video was made possible by our Patreon community! ❤️ See new videos early, participate in exclusive Q&As, and more! ➡️ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ This is Germany, the largest economy in all of Europe by a significant margin and the fourth la

From playlist Countries Economies Explained

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The Industrial Revolution: Crash Course European History #24

We've talked about a lot of revolutions in 19th Century Europe, and today we're moving on to a less warlike revolution, the Industrial Revolution. You'll learn about the development of steam power and mechanization, and the labor and social movements that this revolution engendered. SOURC

From playlist European History

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Episode 38: Trade Blocs

This video gives an overview of the types of trade agreements, or trade blocs. "Episode 38: Trade Blocs" by Dr. Mary J. McGlasson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

From playlist Microeconomics modules

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Food Regulation in the EU vs the U.S.: Does Politics Trump Science?

David Cameron, Professor of Political Science and Director of the EU Studies Program at Yale, and Joao Rodrigues, EU Visiting Fellow and Senior Legal Counsel of the European Parliament discuss “Food Regulation in the EU vs the US: Does Politics Trump Science?” Sponsored by the European U

From playlist The MacMillan Center

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Georg Fischer, "The Debate on Economic Convergence and Divergence in the European Union"

Georg Fischer is the 2015-16 European Union Visiting Fellow for the EU Studies Program at the MacMillan Center. He is on leave from his job as the analysis/evaluation Director at the Employment and Social Policy Department of the European Commission. He is a labor economist who, before joi

From playlist The MacMillan Report

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24C3: EU Policy on RFID & Privacy

Speaker: Andreas Krisch Developments 2007, Outlook 2008 Following the public consultation on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) carried out in 2006 the European Commission set up an RFID Expert Group in July 2007, focussing on Privacy and Security. One of the groups tasks is to prov

From playlist 24C3: Full steam ahead

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Global Governance Series: “Role of the Visegrad Group in Forging EU Sustainability”

A Global Governance discussion with Agata Duda-Płonka, Head of the Social and Economic Section, First Secretary of the ‎Permanent Mission of Poland to the UN and Yuriy Sergeyev, Senior Fellow and Lecturer at Yale, and former Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN. Discussion sponsor

From playlist The MacMillan Center

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27c3: Copyright Enforcement Vs. Freedoms

Speaker: Jérémie Zimmermann ACTA, IPRED3 and other upcoming battles of the crusade against sharing ACTA, upcoming criminal enforcement directive, filtering of content... The entertainment industries go further and further into their crusade against sharing. They not only attack our funda

From playlist 27C3: We come in peace

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27c3: Copyright Enforcement Vs. Freedoms (en)

Speaker: Jérémie Zimmermann ACTA, IPRED3 and other upcoming battles of the crusade against sharing ACTA, upcoming criminal enforcement directive, filtering of content... The entertainment industries go further and further into their crusade against sharing. They not only attack our fu

From playlist 27C3: We come in peace

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Anne-Sandrine Paumier - Quel(s) lieu(x) pour quelle(s) mathématique(s) ?

Quel(s) lieu(x) pour quelle(s) mathématique(s) ? Penser et construire l’Institut de Hautes Études Scientifiques Conférence donnée devant L'Association des Amis de l'IHES à l'IHES le 4 mai 2017. L’IHES est créé officiellement le 27 juin 1958, dans le bureau de Joseph Pérès, doyen de la Fa

From playlist Évenements grand public

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27c3: Netzmedienrecht, Lobbyismus und Korruption (de)

Speaker: Thomas Barth How does the lobby of media conglomerates? The media use, but also their management and compensation, so its management must be adapted to a digital network world. What is the status of a legal dispute over the rights of authors, exploiters and users of media conten

From playlist 27C3: We come in peace

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New Ways for Regulating Greenhouse Gases

January 14, 2009 lecture by David Victor for the Woods Energy Seminar (ENERGY301). In his talk "New Ways to Think About Regulating Greenhouse Gasses," Victor discusses the need for an international and universal regulation on greenhouse gas emissions and he posits that the nature of the c

From playlist Lecture Collection | Energy Seminar

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8. Industrial Revolutions

European Civilization, 1648-1945 (HIST 202) The Industrial Revolution was for a long time treated as a decisive break in which some countries, specifically England, innovated and progressed rapidly while others were left behind. This type of analysis lead many historians to overlook the m

From playlist European Civiliization (1648-1945) with John Merriman

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Bethlehem: American Utopia, American Tragedy | Seth Moglen

Seth Moglen, Associate Professor of English and Co-Director of the South Side Initiative, Lehigh University; Member (2009-10), School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study April 28, 2010 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, was founded by t

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