Tops | Dynamical systems

Euler's Disk

Euler's Disk, invented between 1987 and 1990 by Joseph Bendik, is a trademark for a scientific educational toy. It is used to illustrate and study the dynamic system of a spinning and rolling disk on a flat or curved surface. It has been the subject of several scientific papers. (Wikipedia).

Euler's Disk
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Linear Algebra 21g: Euler Angles and a Short Tribute to Leonhard Euler - Linear Algebra on Lemma - Dr. Grinfeld's Tensor Calculus textbook - Complete SAT Math Prep

From playlist Part 3 Linear Algebra: Linear Transformations

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Euler Angles and the Euler Rotation Sequence

In this video we discuss how Euler angles are used to define the relative orientation of one coordinate frame to another. Topics and Timestamps: 0:00 – Introduction and example 2:34 – The Euler Rotation Sequence 16:10 – Matlab animation showing rotation sequence 21:03 – The direction cos

From playlist Flight Mechanics

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Euler's formulas, Rodrigues' formula

In this video I proof various generalizations of Euler's formula, including Rodrigues' formula and explain their 3 dimensional readings. Here's the text used in this video:

From playlist Algebra

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Euler Pronunciation: In Depth Analysis

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From playlist Fun and Amazing Math

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Euler’s method - How to use it?

► My Differential Equations course: Euler’s method is a numerical method that you can use to approximate the solution to an initial value problem with a differential equation that can’t be solved using a more traditional method,

From playlist Differential Equations

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Matt & Hugh: Euler Disk III, The Correctioning

Watch the rest of the Euler Disk Trilogy! - The Maths of Spinning Coins and Euler's Disk - Matt & Hugh: The Euler Disk Which Spins Forever Thanks to Steven Mellemans and Sander Wildeman for emailing in

From playlist Matt and Hugh play with a thing and then do some working out

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A (very) Brief History of Leonhard Euler

An incredibly brief history of Leonhard Euler! Not much math in this video, so just a heads up in the event you expect math-heavy. DISCORD ►► PATREON ►►

From playlist Mathematics named after Leonhard Euler

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Euler's Identity (Equation)

This video given Euler's identity, reviews how to derive Euler's formula using known power series, and then verifies Euler's identity with Euler's formula

From playlist Mathematics General Interest

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Geometry of Surfaces - Topological Surfaces Lecture 4 : Oxford Mathematics 3rd Year Student Lecture

This is the fourth of four lectures from Dominic Joyce's 3rd Year Geometry of Surfaces course. The four lectures cover topological surfaces and conclude with a big result, namely the classification of surfaces. This lecture covers connected sums, orientations, and finally the classificatio

From playlist Oxford Mathematics Student Lectures - Geometry of Surfaces

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AlgTop23: Knots and surfaces II

In the 1930's H. Siefert showed that any knot can be viewed as the boundary of an orientable surface with boundary, and gave a relatively simple procedure for explicitly constructing such `Seifert surfaces'. We show the algorithm, exhibit it for the trefoil and the square knot, and then di

From playlist Algebraic Topology: a beginner's course - N J Wildberger

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Geometry of Surfaces - Topological Surfaces Lecture 3 : Oxford Mathematics 3rd Year Student Lecture

This is the third of four lectures from Dominic Joyce's 3rd Year Geometry of Surfaces course. The four lectures cover topological surfaces and conclude with a big result, namely the classification of surfaces. This lecture covers cellular decompositions/subdivisions, triangulations and the

From playlist Oxford Mathematics Student Lectures - Geometry of Surfaces

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Matt & Hugh: The Euler Disk Which Spins Forever

Matt and Hugh play with an Euler Disk which spins forever. Then they do some working out to check Matt’s previous calculations. Matt’s previous video: The Maths of Spinning Coins and Euler's Disk Sadly we don’t have Euler Disks on Maths Gear b

From playlist Matt and Hugh play with a thing and then do some working out

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Do KNOT watch this video! #SoME1

This video is an entry to the 3Blue1Brown, The Summer of Math Exposition, about proving the existence of prime knots and the interesting steps towards the result. Some images produced with SeifertView, Jarke J. van Wijk, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Download SeifertView at the link

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition Youtube Videos

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Generic global existence for the modified SQG equation - Javier Gomez-Serrano

Workshop on Recent developments in incompressible fluid dynamics Topic: Generic global existence for the modified SQG equation Speaker: Javier Gomez-Serrano Affiliation: Brown University/University of Barcelona Date: April 06, 2022 In this talk we will present a construction of global ex

From playlist Mathematics

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The Math You Didn't Learn | #SoME2

Sometimes people wonder what actual mathematicians do. Do they crunch large numbers? Participate in competitions with each other? (They actually did a lot of that in the Middle Ages). Are they geniuses whose activites are unfathomable for us normal people? Math is a very large field, but m

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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Mandelbrot fractal zoom // featuring Euler bio

Mandelbrot fractal zoom // featuring Euler bio Come hang out and watch a fractal zoom through the Mandelbrot set. To celebrate Euler's contributions to mathematics, this video features a brief bio. of Leonhard Euler! ---------------------------------------------------------------------

From playlist Misc.

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