Actuarial science

Esscher principle

The Esscher principle is an . It is given by , where is a strictly positive parameter. This premium is the for a risk , where denotes the moment generating function. The Esscher principle is a risk measure used in actuarial sciences that derives from the Esscher transform. This risk measure does not respect the positive homogeneity property of coherent risk measure for . (Wikipedia).

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Srinivasa Varadhan - The Abel Prize interview 2007

0:00 Abel Prize Ceremonies (Norwegian) 01:00 Interview with Skau and Raussen starts 02:30 Why so long for probability or statistics to be recognised? 04:35 Born and raised on Chennai, studied at Madras; mathematical influences 05:52 Excellent math. teacher, math. for enjoyment 07:30 Why gr

From playlist The Abel Prize Interviews

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Uncertainty Principle - Klim Efremenko

Klim Efremenko Tel-Aviv University; Member, School of Mathematics April 23, 2013 Informally, uncertainty principle says that function and its Fourier transform can not be both concentrated. Uncertainty principle has a lot of applications in areas like compressed sensing, error correcting c

From playlist Mathematics

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Die Leibniz Regel für Integrale

Englische Version: Heute werden wir die Leibniz Regel für Integrale behandeln. Wir werden beweisen, dass man einen Ableitungsoperator und einen Integraloperator kommutativ behandeln kann.

From playlist Theorie und Beweise

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What Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle *Actually* Means

Let's talk about one of the most misunderstood but awesome concepts in physics. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Or maybe it should be the Heisenberg 'fuzziness' principle instead? Would that confuse less people?

From playlist Some Quantum Mechanics

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Models of Superdeterminism

We discuss Hossenfelder's recent papers on Quantum Mechanics frameworks, see Here's my notes while reading the paper, links are found at the beginning of it

From playlist Physics

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The Schrodinger Equation is (Almost) Impossible to Solve.

Sure, the equation is easily solvable for perfect / idealized systems, but almost impossible for any real systems. The Schrodinger equation is the governing equation of quantum mechanics, and determines the relationship between a system, its surroundings, and a system's wave function. Th

From playlist Quantum Physics by Parth G

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What Is The Uncertainty Principle?

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for all the latest from World Science U. Visit our Website: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter:

From playlist Science Unplugged: Quantum Mechanics

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Aufbau's Principle, Hund's Rule & Pauli's Exclusion Principle - Electron Configuration - Chemistry

This chemistry video explains what is the aufbau's principle, hund's rule, and pauli's exclusion principle and how it relates to orbital diagrams, electron configuration, and quantum numbers. The basic idea of aufbau's principle is that you should fill orbitals with arrows starting from t

From playlist New AP & General Chemistry Video Playlist

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Matthias Aschenbrenner 5/22/15 Part 2

Title: Model-Completeness of Transseries

From playlist Spring 2015

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Stanford Webinar - The Innovator’s Guide to Ethics, Tom Byers and Jack Fuchs

Learn more at In this webinar, Tom Byers and Jack Fuchs will give you guidance on how to brave ethical dilemmas in your life, career, and ventures. They’ll focus on the principles of personal development and empowerment to give you a solid foundation from whic

From playlist Leadership & Management

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RedDotRuby 2014 - SOLID Design Principles in Ruby by Anil Wadghule

This talk covers following SOLID design principles in Ruby with live code examples. Single responsibility principle: an object should have only a single responsibility. Open/closed principle: an object should be open for extension, but closed for modification. Liskov substitution principl

From playlist RedDotRuby 2014

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Incentives, Inequality, & Community P2 - G. A. Cohen (1991)

Gerald Cohen gives the second Tanner lecture on Incentives, Inequality, and Community. #Philosophy #PoliticalPhilosophy

From playlist Social & Political Philosophy

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Is the Anthropic Principle Significant? | Episode 1904 | Closer To Truth

Is the Anthropic Principle significant? Here’s the claim: conditions of the universe relate to the presence of observers. Does the Anthropic Principle convey deep insights? Or thwart science? For sure, it’s often misunderstood and controversial. Featuring interviews with Bernard Carr, Pedr

From playlist Closer To Truth | Season 19

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G. A. Cohen on Justice & Incentives (2001)

G. A. Cohen gives a talk called "Rescuing Justice from Constructivism: Justice & Incentives" in 2001. 00:00 Stand-Up Comedy 10:04 The Talk #Philosophy #PoliticalPhilosophy

From playlist Social & Political Philosophy

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Do We Need Ethical Principles? Richard Rorty (1994)

Richard Rorty gives a talk on ethics and ethical principles at the Vancouver Institute in 1994. Note, the introduction to the speaker has been edited out and the audio has been slightly improved. More details will be added later. 00:00 Talk 50:59 Q&A #Philosophy #Rorty #Ethics

From playlist Social & Political Philosophy

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Oxford 4b The Argument Concerning Induction

A course by Peter Millican from Oxford University. Course Description: Dr Peter Millican gives a series of lectures looking at Scottish 18th Century Philosopher David Hume and the first book of his Treatise of Human Nature. Taken from:

From playlist Oxford: Introduction to David Hume's Treatise of Human Nature Book One | CosmoLearning Philosophy

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Joscha Prochno: The large deviations approach to high-dimensional convex bodies II

Given any isotropic convex body in high dimension, it is known that its typical random projections will be approximately standard Gaussian. The universality in this central limit perspective restricts the information that can be retrieved from the lower-dimensional projections. In contrast

From playlist Workshop: High dimensional spatial random systems

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A positive proportion of plane cubics fail the Hasse principle - Manjul Bhargava [2011]

Arithmetic Statistics April 11, 2011 - April 15, 2011 April 11, 2011 (02:10 PM PDT - 03:00 PM PDT) Speaker(s): Manjul Bhargava (Princeton University) Location: MSRI: Simons Auditorium

From playlist Number Theory

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Das Integral 1/(x^4+2x^2cosh(2a)+1)

Englische Version: Erstes Integral: Heute werden wir ein Integral besprechen, welches dem ersten Integral auf meinem Kanal sehr ähnlich ist. Hierzu benutzen wir unter Anderem Partialbruchzerlegung und Faktorisierung.

From playlist Integrale

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