Algebraic number theory

Eisenstein sum

In mathematics, an Eisenstein sum is a finite sum depending on a finite field and related to a Gauss sum. Eisenstein sums were introduced by Eisenstein in 1848, named "Eisenstein sums" by Stickelberger in 1890, and rediscovered by Yamamoto in 1985, who called them relative Gauss sums. (Wikipedia).

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Infinite Sum for e -- without Calculus (just a few limits)

The number e can be expressed as an infinite sum of factorial recipriocals. You usually see this for the first time in Calculus I when studying Taylor Series. In this video, we derive that sum using only a few limits, starting with the limit definition of the logarithm.

From playlist e

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Modular forms: Fourier coefficients of Eisenstein series

This lecture is part of an online graduate course on modular forms. We calculate the Fourier coefficients of the Eisenstein series introduced in the previous lecture, and use them to construct the elliptic modular function. (Minor typo: in the definition of E10 I wrote 262 instead of 26

From playlist Modular forms

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logarithm of a matrix

logarithm of a matrix. I calculate ln of a matrix by finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of that matrix and by using diagonalization. It's a very powerful tool that allows us to find exponentials, sin, cos, and powers of a matrix and relates to Fibonacci numbers as well. This is a mus

From playlist Eigenvalues

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Fourier's Proof that e is Irrational

Joseph Fourier created an accessible proof that e is an irrational number. Here it is. Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod Link: License:

From playlist e

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Modular forms: Eisenstein series

This lecture is part of an online graduate course on modular forms. We give two ways of looking at modular forms: as functions of lattices in C, or as invariant forms. We use this to give two different ways of constructing Eisenstein series. For the other lectures in the course see http

From playlist Modular forms

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Square root of a matrix

Square root of a matrix: definition and calculation using eigenvalues. What does it mean for a matrix to have a square root? Check out my Eigenvalues playlist: Subscribe to my channel:

From playlist Eigenvalues

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Find an Eigenvalue Given Matrix A and a Eigenvector

This video explains how to find an eigenvalue given a matrix and an eigenvector.

From playlist Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

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Linear Algebra: Ch 3 - Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors (5 of 35) What is an Eigenvector?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain and show (in general) what is and how to find an eigenvector. Next video in this series can be seen at:


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IWASAWA: Lecture 4 - Christopher Skinner

Christopher Skinner Princeton University; Member, School of Mathemtics February 23, 2011 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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William Duke - The distribution of modular closed geodesics revisited.

December 15, 2014 - Analysis, Spectra, and Number theory: A conference in honor of Peter Sarnak on his 61st birthday. (Joint with O. Imamoglu and A. Toth) I will describe some recent work on an apparently overlooked $PSL(2,\Z)$ equidistribution problem, namely that for positive fundament

From playlist Analysis, Spectra, and Number Theory - A Conference in Honor of Peter Sarnak on His 61st Birthday

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Lynne Walling: Understanding quadratic forms on lattices through generalised theta series

Abstract: Siegel introduced generalised theta series to study representation numbers of quadratic forms. Given an integral lattice L with quadratic form q, Siegel’s degree n theta series attached to L has a Fourier expansion supported on n-dimensional lattices, with Fourier coefficients th

From playlist Women at CIRM

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The Eisenstein Ideal and its Application to W. Stein’s Kenneth A. Ribet

Program Recent developments around p-adic modular forms (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Debargha Banerjee (IISER Pune, India) and Denis Benois (University of Bordeaux, France) DATE: 30 November 2020 to 04 December 2020 VENUE: Online This is a follow up of the conference organized last year arou

From playlist Recent Developments Around P-adic Modular Forms (Online)

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Eisenstein series and the cubic moment for PGL(2) - Paul Nelson

Joint IAS/Princeton University Number Theory Seminar Eisenstein series and the cubic moment for PGL(2) Speaker: Paul Nelson Affiliation: ETH Zürich Date: January 30, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Ken Ribet, Ogg's conjecture for J0(N)

VaNTAGe seminar, May 10, 2022 Licensce: CC-BY-NC-SA Links to some of the papers mentioned in the talk: Mazur: Ogg: Stein Thesis: Stein Book:

From playlist Modularity and Serre's conjecture (in memory of Bas Edixhoven)

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Eisenstein Series on Exceptional Groups, Graviton Scattering Amplitudes... - Stephen Miller

Stephen D. Miller Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey May 3, 2012 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Johnathan Hanke - Computer-Assisted Proofs in the Arithmetic of Quadratic Forms - IPAM at UCLA

Recorded 17 February 2023. Johnathan Hanke of Princeton University presents "Computer-Assisted Proofs in the Arithmetic of Quadratic Forms" at IPAM's Machine Assisted Proofs Workshop. Abstract: Since its early history, the ideas and results in arithmetic of quadratic forms have been inspir

From playlist 2023 Machine Assisted Proofs Workshop

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Introduction to Modular Forms - Part 3 of 8

“Introduction to Modular Forms,” by Keith Conrad. Topics include Eisenstein series and q-expansions, applications to sums of squares and zeta-values, Hecke operators, eigenforms, and the L-function of a modular form. This is a video from CTNT, the Connecticut Summer School in Number Theor

From playlist CTNT 2016 - "Introduction to Modular Forms" by Keith Conrad

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Abstract Algebra | Eisenstein's criterion

We present a proof of Eisenstein's criterion along with some examples. Please Subscribe: Personal Website: Randolph College Math: Research Gate profile: htt

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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