Lie groups | Symmetry

Einstein group

Albert Einstein, in searching for the transformation group for his unified field theory, wrote: Every attempt to establish a unified field theory must start, in my opinion, from a group of transformations which is no less general than that of the continuous transformations of the four coordinates. For we should hardly be successful in looking for the subsequent enlargement of the group for a theory based on a narrower group. (Wikipedia).

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Group Definition (expanded) - Abstract Algebra

The group is the most fundamental object you will study in abstract algebra. Groups generalize a wide variety of mathematical sets: the integers, symmetries of shapes, modular arithmetic, NxM matrices, and much more. After learning about groups in detail, you will then be ready to contin

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Group Theory: The Center of a Group G is a Subgroup of G Proof

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Group Theory: The Center of a Group G is a Subgroup of G Proof

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Definition of a group Lesson 24

In this video we take our first look at the definition of a group. It is basically a set of elements and the operation defined on them. If this set of elements and the operation defined on them obey the properties of closure and associativity, and if one of the elements is the identity el

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Quotient group example

Now that we know what a quotient group is, let's take a look at an example to cement our understanding of the concepts involved.

From playlist Abstract algebra

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GT2. Definition of Subgroup

Abstract Algebra: We define the notion of a subgroup and provide various examples. We also consider cyclic subgroups and subgroups generated by subsets in a given group G. Example include A4 and D8. U.Reddit course materials available at

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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What is a Group? | Abstract Algebra

Welcome to group theory! In today's lesson we'll be going over the definition of a group. We'll see the four group axioms in action with some examples, and some non-examples as well which violate the axioms and are thus not groups. In a fundamental way, groups are structures built from s

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Center of a group in abstract algebra

After the previous video where we saw that two of the elements in the dihedral group in six elements commute with all the elements in the group, we finally get to define the center of a group. The center of a group is a subgroup and in this video we also go through the proof to show this.

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Michael Wibmer: Etale difference algebraic groups

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Symmetric Groups (Abstract Algebra)

Symmetric groups are some of the most essential types of finite groups. A symmetric group is the group of permutations on a set. The group of permutations on a set of n-elements is denoted S_n. Symmetric groups capture the history of abstract algebra, provide a wide range of examples in

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Ramiro Lafuente: Non-compact Einstein manifolds with symmetry

Abstract: In this talk we will discuss recent joint work in collaboration with Christoph Böhm in which we obtain structure results for non-compact Einstein manifolds admitting a cocompact isometric action of a connected Lie group. As an application, we prove the Alekseevskii conjecture (19

From playlist MATRIX-SMRI Symposium: Singularities in Geometric Flows

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Bourbaki - 24/01/15 - 4/4 - Philippe EYSSIDIEUX

Métriques de Kähler-Einstein sur les variétés de Fano [d'après Chen-Donaldson-Sun et Tian]

From playlist Bourbaki - 24 janvier 2015

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Einstein's Quantum Riddle | Full Documentary | NOVA | PBS

Join scientists as they grab light from across the universe to prove quantum entanglement is real. #NOVAPBS Official Website: Einstein called it “spooky action at a distance,” but today quantum entanglement is poised to revolutionize technology from computers t

From playlist Full episodes I NOVA

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Foundations of General Relativity - Andrew Strominger

General Relativity at 100: Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University Celebrate the Enduring Reach, Power and Mysteries of Einstein’s Theory Andrew Strominger - November 5, 2015 Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, a pillar of modern physi

From playlist General Relativity at 100

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Rod Gover - Geometric Compactification, Cartan holonomy, and asymptotics

Conformal compactification has long been recognised as an effective geometric framework for relating conformal geometry, and associated field theories « at infinity », to the asymptotic phenomena of an interior (pseudo‐)‐Riemannian geometry of one higher dimension. It provides an effective

From playlist Ecole d'été 2014 - Analyse asymptotique en relativité générale

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Bernd Ammann - Yamabe constants, Yamabe invariants, and Gromov-Lawson surgeries

In this talk I want to study the (conformal) Yamabe constant of a closed Riemannian (resp. conformal) manifold and how it is affected by Gromov-Lawson type surgeries. This yields information about Yamabe invariants and their bordism invariance. So far the talk gives an overview over older

From playlist Not Only Scalar Curvature Seminar

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Thibaut Delcroix : Kähler-Einstein metrics on group compactifications

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Symmetry in Quantum Gravity by Hirosi Ooguri

DATE: 15 January 2018, 16:00 to 17:30 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore General relativity and quantum mechanics were crowning achievements of physics in the 20th century, and their unification has been left as our homework in the 21st century. Superstring theory is our best

From playlist Kavli Asian Winter School (KAWS) on Strings, Particles and Cosmology 2018

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Groups and subgroups

Jacob explains the fundamental concepts in group theory of what groups and subgroups are, and highlights a few examples of groups you may already know. Abelian groups are named in honor of Niels Henrik Abel (, who pioneered the subject of

From playlist Basics: Group Theory

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