Mixed anion compounds


Edoylerite is a rare mercury containing mineral. Edoylerite was first discovered in 1961 by Edward H. Oyler, whom the mineral is named after, in a meter-sized boulder at the Clear Creek claim in San Benito County, California. The Clear Creek claim is located near the abandoned Clear Creek mercury mine. The material from the boulder underwent several analyses including, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), a single crystal study, and a preliminary electron microprobe analysis (EMA). Using these analyses it was determined that this was a new mineral but the nature of the material at the time prevented further investigation. It was not until 1986, with the discovery of crystals large enough for a crystal structure determination and a sufficient quantity for a full mineralogical characterization, that the study was renewed. The new edoylerite crystals were found in the same area at the Clear Creek claim but were situated in an outcrop of silica-carbonate rock. This silica-carbonate rock was mineralized by cinnabar following the hydrothermal alteration of the serpentinite in the rock. Edoylerite is a primary alteration product of cinnabar. Though found with cinnabar, the crystals of edoylerite do not typically exceed 0.5mm in length. The ideal chemical formula for edoylerite is Hg32+Cr6+O4S2 (Wikipedia).

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The BuShou of HanZi :田

A brief description of the BuShou of 田.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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(English Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DosqbEy8ecY) http://www.nucleusinc.com/ - 这个三维动画介绍了右髋关节的全髋关节置换术。该手术包括切开、露出髋关节、放置髋臼修复假体(窝)、割掉发炎的股沟头、放置股骨头假体(球)。

From playlist 在中国医学动画

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http://www.nucleushealth.com/ - 这个三维动画演示了剖腹产术的常见原因,包括肩难产、前置胎盘、胎儿窘迫和多胞胎。在这个动画中,产科医生透过比基尼切口,把处于伸腿臀位的婴儿(脚先出来)拿出来。动画还包括产妇在手术前后应当知道的信息。 ANCE00177ch

From playlist 在中国医学动画

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This levitron manufactured by my friend İzzet Özgöçmen. We enjoyed playing with it.

From playlist Izzet Özgöçmen

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Vane Pump

http://www.mekanizmalar.com A rotary vane pump is a positive-displacement pump that consists of vanes mounted to a rotor that rotates inside of a cavity.

From playlist Pumps

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stirling engine

Here is a model Stirling Engine made by my friend Izzet. It is a piece of art. I love to hear that engine sound. I hope you will like it too.

From playlist Izzet Özgöçmen

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The BuShou of HanZi :舌

A brief description of the BuShou of 舌.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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The BuShou of HanZi :片

A brief description of the BuShou of 片.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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The BuShou of HanZi :手

A brief description of the BuShou of 手.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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月周回衛星「かぐや」のHDTVが観測したオリエンタレ・ベイスン (C)JAXA/NHK

From playlist Earth's place in Solar System - Jaxa

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