Validity (statistics)

Ecological validity

In the behavioral sciences, ecological validity is often used to refer to the judgment of whether a given study's variables and conclusions (often collected in lab) are sufficiently relevant to its population (e.g. the "real world" context). Psychological studies are usually conducted in laboratories though the goal of these studies is to understand human behavior in the real-world. Ideally, an experiment would have generalizable results that predict behavior outside of the lab, thus having more ecological validity. Ecological validity can be considered a commentary on the relative strength of a study's implication(s) for policy, society, culture, etc. This term was originally coined by Egon Brunswik and held a very narrow meaning that has since been conceptually modified. He regarded ecological validity as the utility of a perceptual cue in predicting a property (basically how informative the cue is). For example, the movement of leaves on trees is a perceptual cue to how windy it is outside. Therefore, trees rustling has high ecological validity because it is highly correlated with it being windy. Due to the evolving and broad definition of ecological validity, problematic usage of this term in modern scientific studies occurs because it is often not defined and interpreted differently in the scientific community. In fact, in many cases just being specific about what behavior/context you are testing makes addressing ecological validity unnecessary in studies. (Wikipedia).

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Differences Between Natural & Artificial Ecosystems | Ecology & Environment | Biology | FuseSchool

An ecosystem can be defined as a large, highly interconnected area of the planet that is composed of several different biotic and abiotic components. A good example of an ecosystem would be an entire forest or mountain range. A natural ecosystem is made of all the plants, animals, and en

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31. Why So Many Species? The Factors Affecting Biodiversity

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Key Ecology Terms | Ecology and Environment | Biology | FuseSchool

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Natalia Petrovskaya: Catching ghosts with a coarse net: real and imaginary effects in ...

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The Whole of AQA A Level Psychology | Revision for Exams

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