Game theory | Operations research

Drama theory

Drama theory is one of the problem structuring methods in operations research. It is based on game theory and adapts the use of games to complex organisational situations, accounting for emotional responses that can provoke irrational reactions and lead the players to redefine the game. In a drama, emotions trigger rationalizations that create changes in the game, and so change follows change until either all conflicts are resolved or action becomes necessary. The game as redefined is then played. Drama theory was devised by professor Nigel Howard in the early 1990s and, since then, has been turned to defense, political, health, industrial relations and commercial applications. Drama theory is an extension of Howard's metagame analysis work developed at the University of Pennsylvania in the late 1960s, and presented formally in his book Paradoxes of Rationality, published by MIT Press. Metagame analysis was originally used to advise on the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT). (Wikipedia).

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Defining the Humanities: Poetics

Stanford Professor of English and Comparative Literature Roland Greene talks about poetics and how it helps us understand poetry.

From playlist Defining The Humanities

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Love in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

In this lecture, Professor Helen Smith (University of York) explores the presentation of love in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, focusing in particular on: (i) the ways in which Shakespeare engages with contemporary love poetry; (ii) Shakespeare’s engagement with the ‘bookishness’ of love

From playlist English Literature

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Defining the Humanities: African American Theater

Stanford Professor of Drama Harry Elam discusses African American theater and its use as a form of social protest.

From playlist Defining The Humanities

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We Love Opera! What is a libretto in an opera?

A quick definition of the "libretto" in an opera. Pick one up ahead of time if you want to know the story going in! Want to go to the opera, but you're not sure you'll understand what's going on? "We Love Opera" is a video series from Socratica that will help you understand what opera

From playlist Opera Glossary

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We Love Opera! What is a recitative in an opera?

A quick definition of the opera term "recitative." It's a little break from the more complicated singing. Want to go to the opera, but you're not sure you'll understand what's going on? "We Love Opera" is a video series from Socratica that will help you understand what opera is all abo

From playlist Opera Glossary

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Jules Hedges - compositional game theory - part I

Compositional game theory is an approach to game theory that is designed to have better mathematical (loosely “algebraic” and “geometric”) properties, while also being intended as a practical setting for microeconomic modelling. It gives a graphical representation of games in which the flo

From playlist compositional game theory

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Mod-05 Lec-34 Classical Criticism

English Language and Literature by Dr. Liza Das & Dr. Krishna Barua,Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,IIT Guwahati.For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist IIT Guwahati: English Language and Literature | English Language

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What Is Theater? Crash Course Theater #1

Welcome to Crash Course Theater with Mike Rugnetta! In this, our inaugural week, we're going to ask the two classic questions about theater. 1.What is theater? And 2. Is it spelled -re or -er? Well, there's a clue to question two in the title of the video. The first question is a little tr

From playlist Crash Course Theater and Drama

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Shakespeare on Stage – Parts and Rehearsals

In this module, Professor Tiffany Stern explores the tendency for actors in the Elizabethan period to be given their parts only, with a few cue words to let them know when to speak. The fact that actors only had access to their own parts gave them some insight which is perhaps lost today,

From playlist English Literature

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Mod-03 Lec-19 Modern Literature

English Language and Literature by Dr. Liza Das & Dr. Krishna Barua,Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,IIT Guwahati.For more details on NPTEL visit

From playlist IIT Guwahati: English Language and Literature | English Language

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Expressive Intelligence: AI, Games and New Media

October 20, 2006 lecture by Michael Mateas for the Stanford University Human Computer Interaction Seminar (CS547). "Expressive AI (Artificial Intelligence)", a process occurring when AI research and art mutually inform each other, is discussed using the interactive drama Facade (downloada

From playlist Course | Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (2006-2007)

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Derived de Rham Cohomology - Bhargav Bhatt

Bhargav Bhatt University of Michigan; Member, School of Mathematics September 25, 2012 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Intelligent Narratives: the Stories We Tell Ourselves through Digital Media

From the Interactive Media & Games Seminar Series; Sherol Chen, Independent Game Designer and PhD Candidate at the UCSC discusses how we create and receive narratives through procedural and interactive spaces. Sherol also examines the foundations of narrative and storytelling and introduce

From playlist Interactive Media & Games Seminar Series

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Thespis, Athens, and The Origins of Greek Drama: Crash Course Theater #2

This week on Crash Course Theater, Mike is acting like theater started in Greece. Well, for the western theater, this is true. The earliest recorded drama in the west arose in Athen, and these early plays grew out or religious ritual. Namely, they evolved from the worship of Dionysus, god

From playlist Back to School - Expanded

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Samuel Raskin: Spectral decomposition of the principal series category

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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RailsConf 2022 - Keynote: A tech görl origin story by Crystal Tia Martin

Keynote: A tech görl origin story by Crystal Tia Martin

From playlist RailsConf 2022

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Cicero and Roman Oratory

In this lecture, Professor Catherine Steel (University of Glasgow) provides an introduction to the genre of Roman oratory, focusing in particular on: (i) the importance of oratory compared to other genres (e.g. poetry, philosophy) to the elite of Rome; (ii) the importance of oratory as wor

From playlist Classics & Ancient History

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Defining the Humanities: Normativity

Philosophy Professor Ken Taylor talks about the concept of normativity and what makes human beings "norm-mongering" creatures.

From playlist Defining The Humanities

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The Importance of Form in 'An Inspector Calls'

Today we look at the importance of form in 'An Inspector Calls'. Books referred to: 1) ''Theatre Outlook' by JB Priestley 2) 'The Theory and Analysis of Drama' by Manfred Pfister 3) 'JB Priestley' by Maggie B Gale Buy my revision guides in paperback on Amazon*: Mr Bruff’s Guide to ‘An In

From playlist 'An Inspector Calls' by J.B Priestley

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