Adjoint functors

Distributive law between monads

In category theory, an abstract branch of mathematics, distributive laws between monads are a way to express abstractly that two algebraic structures distribute one over the other one. Suppose that and are two monads on a category C. In general, there is no natural monad structure on the composite functor ST. However, there is a natural monad structure on the functor ST if there is a distributive law of the monad S over the monad T. Formally, a distributive law of the monad S over the monad T is a natural transformation such that the diagrams commute. This law induces a composite monad ST with * as multiplication: , * as unit: . (Wikipedia).

Distributive law between monads
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Introduction to the Distributive Property

This video explains the distributive property and provides examples on how to use the distributive property.

From playlist The Distributive Property and Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

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Distributive Property

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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ZuriHac 2016: Monad Homomorphisms

A Google TechTalk, July 23, 2016, presented by Edward Kmett ABSTRACT: The way that we use the monad transformer library today leads to code that has pathological performance problems. Can we do better?

From playlist ZuriHac 2016

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Multiply a Binomial by a Trinomial Using Distributive Property - Math Tutorial

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multilply a Binomial by a Trinomial

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Using foil to Multiply Two Binomials - Math Tutorial

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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Multiplying Binomials and Trinomials the Easy Way - Math Tutorial

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multilply a Binomial by a Trinomial

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Multiplying Trinomials by Binomials and Determining the Results - Math Tutorial

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multilply a Binomial by a Trinomial

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LambdaConf 2015 - Cats β€” A Fresh Look at Functional Programming in Scala Mike Stew O'Connor

Cats is a library that aims to fill in the gaps in the Scala standard library that we think are necessary to do pure functional programming in Scala, in the same way that Scalaz attempts to fill the same role. This project intends not only to create a functional library, but it intends to

From playlist LambdaConf 2015

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Shadows of Computation - Lecture 7 - Because it's there

Welcome to Shadows of Computation, an online course taught by Will Troiani and Billy Snikkers, covering the foundations of category theory and how it is used by computer scientists to abstract computing systems to reveal their intrinsic mathematical properties. In the seventh lecture Will

From playlist Shadows of Computation

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Using the Box Method to Multiply a Binomial by a Trinomial - Math Tutorial

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multilply a Binomial by a Trinomial

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Mo'Problems, Mo'Nads

Monads are a uniquely powerful tool for solving common problems in your programs. If we can cut through all the jargon and notation, we really supercharge our problem-solving with monads. Kyle will help us solve our monad problems! EVENT / SPEAKER: ThunderPlains 2020 / Kyle Simpson PUBLI

From playlist Functional Programming

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OSB 2015 - Monads Made Semi-Understandable - libby kent

The word monad is all around us. I've heard long explanations of it that seem to over complicate it or make it intimidating. At Hacker School one of my goals was to learn some category theory, and understand the beast. I finally got it, and it wasn't so bad. I wanted to explain monads in a

From playlist Open Source Bridge 2015

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Steve Awodey: Type theories and polynomial monads​

Abstract: A system of dependent type theory T gives rise to a natural transformation p : Terms → Types of presheaves on the category Ctx of contexts, termed a "natural model of T". This map p in turn determines a polynomial endofunctor P : Ctxˆ → Ctxˆ on the category of all presheaves. It

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ZuriHac 2015 - Monads by Example

Google Tech Talk May 29, 2015 ("show more" for more information) Presented by Jannis Limperg ABSTRACT The Monad type class is used extensively in both the Haskell standard library and numerous third-party libraries for all sorts of dom

From playlist ZuriHac 2015

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Multiplying a Binomial by a Trinomial - Math Tutorial

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multilply a Binomial by a Trinomial

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How to Multiply to Binomials Using Distributive Property - Polynomial

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

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Asynchronous Primitives in JS | Promises and Async/Await | PureScript Abstractions | Fibers

In this introductory talk, we will look at Asynchronous programming primitives in JavaScript and PureScript from first principles, as well as how Purescript creates structure and principled approaches to asynchronous programming. PUBLICATION PERMISSIONS: Original video was published with

From playlist JavaScript

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Semantic models for higher-order Bayesian inference - Sam Staton, University of Oxford

In this talk I will discuss probabilistic programming as a method of Bayesian modelling and inference, with a focus on fully featured probabilistic programming languages with higher order functions, soft constraints, and continuous distributions. These languages are pushing the limits of e

From playlist Logic and learning workshop

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Stanford Seminar - Propositions as Types

"Propositions as Types" - Philip Wadler of University of Edinburgh About the talk: The principle of Propositions as Types links logic to computation. At first sight it appears to be a simple coincidence---almost a pun---but it turns out to be remarkably robust, inspiring the design of the

From playlist Engineering

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How to Simplify an Expression Using Distributive Property - Math Tutorial

πŸ‘‰ Learn how to multiply polynomials. To multiply polynomials, we use the distributive property. The distributive property is essential for multiplying polynomials. The distributive property is the use of each term of one of the polynomials to multiply all the terms of the other polynomial.

From playlist How to Multiply Polynomials

Related pages

Category theory | Mathematics | Monad (category theory) | Natural transformation