Decision-making paradoxes

Disposition effect

The disposition effect is an anomaly discovered in behavioral finance. It relates to the tendency of investors to sell assets that have increased in value, while keeping assets that have dropped in value. Hersh Shefrin and Meir Statman identified and named the effect in their 1985 paper, which found that people dislike losing significantly more than they enjoy winning. The disposition effect has been described as one of the foremost vigorous actualities around individual investors because investors will hold stocks that have lost value yet sell stocks that have gained value." In 1979, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky traced the cause of the disposition effect to the so-called "prospect theory". The prospect theory proposes that when an individual is presented with two equal choices, one having possible gains and the other with possible losses, the individual is more likely to opt for the former choice even though both would yield the same economic result. The disposition effect can be minimized by a mental approach called "". (Wikipedia).

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Teach Astronomy - Doppler Effect The Doppler Effect is the shift of wavelength or frequency of a source of waves due to the motion of that source of waves. Doppler Effect is most familiar in terms of sound waves. As a source of sound, such as a siren, approaches you, the pitch or frequency

From playlist 06. Optics and Quantum Theory

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Fixed Effects and Random Effects

Brief overview in plain English of the differences between the types of effects. Problems with each model and how to overcome them.

From playlist Experimental Design

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Why We May Be Angry Rather Than Sad

Behind many of our moods of depression lies something surprising: anger. Anger that hasn’t had the chance to know and express itself frequently curdles into depression – something we should bear in mind when trying to dig ourselves out of our saddest states of mind. If you like our films,

From playlist SELF

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Shifts in Equilibrium

Equilibrium occurs when the overall state of a system is constant. Equilibrium can be static (nothing in the system is changing), or dynamic (little parts of the system are changing, but overall the state isn't changing). In my video, I'll demonstrate systems in both types of equilibrium,

From playlist Physics

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Which Incapacitating Agent is the Most Effective?

This time, we're ranking incapacitating agents! The term incapacitating agent is defined by the United States Department of Defense as: "An agent that produces temporary physiological or mental effects, or both, which will render individuals incapable of concerted effort in the performance

From playlist Chemistry Tierlists

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AWESOME Physics demonstration. Coriolis effect (explained)!!!

The Coriolis effect refers to the apparent deflection of objects (such as airplanes, wind, missiles, and ocean currents) moving in a straight path relative to the Earth's surface. Its strength is proportional to the speed of the Earth's rotation at different latitudes. For example, a plane

From playlist MECHANICS

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Selection Bias Example 3

Today I again talk about selection bias, but with a more complex example.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Doppler Effect Animation

We demonstrate the Doppler Effect where a traveling transmitter excites spherical waves in fixed time intervals. While a frequency increase in the direction of travel is observed, a reduction of frequency occurs in the opposite direction.

From playlist Electromagnetic Animations

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Strata + Hadoop World 2013: The Evolving Corporation - Jim Stogdill

During the first 50 years of the Information Age information technologists wired up your company's lizard brain. Now networks, sensors, data and algorithms are the base on which corporations will evolve into much more intelligent entities and the goal of technologists is shifting from auto

From playlist Strata Conference + Hadoop World 2013

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U21 Keynote - Simon Buckingham Shum "Personalisation - A Learning Analytics Lens

Keynote 2: (Professor Simon Buckingham Shum, UTS) "Personalised Learning: The role of data and learning analytics in the personalisation of learning" The University of New South Wales welcomed delegates of the U21 Educational Innovation Cluster Annual Conference for 2014 to UNSW to part

From playlist U21 Conference 2014 Keynote Speakers

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Depression individuell behandeln

Vortrag von Florian Holsboer, Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Psychiatrie in München, am Tag der Offenen Tür 2011. Jede Depression ist anders. Deshalb arbeiten Wissenschaftler daran, die Erkrankung individuell zu behandeln. Dazu benötigen sie Marker, die Hinweise darauf liefern, welc

From playlist Most popular videos

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Ara Sedrakyan - Three dimensional Ising model as a non-critical string theory

I will discuss the sign factor problem in the 3D gauge Ising model, present the corresponding fermionic model on random surfaces, which leads to the formulation of non-critical fermionic string theory on the basis of induced Dirac action. I will demonstrate how the sign factor model is lin

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The Coriolis Effect

The Coriolis effect says that anytime you're rotating—whether it's on a playground toy or your home planet—objects moving in straight lines will appear to curve. This bizarre phenomenon affects many things, from the paths of missiles to the formation of hurricanes. You may have heard that

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The Whole of AQA A-Level Psychology | Social Influence | Revision for Exams

I want to help you achieve the grades you (and I) know you are capable of; these grades are the stepping stone to your future. Even if you don't want to study science or maths further, the grades you get now will open doors in the future. Tutoring - We can match you with an experienced t

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Catherine Panter-Brick: The Role Fathers Play in Parenting

October 8, 2014 Professor Panter-Brick's research consists of critical analyses of health and wellbeing across key stages of human development, giving special attention to the impact of poverty, disease, malnutrition, armed conflict, and social marginalization. Her focus on children in glo

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Quentin Smith - Why is there Something rather than Nothing?

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Factors affecting conformity | Revision for A-Level Psychology

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Cisco FTD Next Generation Firewalls - Green Light Security Webinar

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From playlist Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research (CACR)

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Mind & Brain: Philosophy of Mind in the 20th Century (Terry Horgan)

Terry Horgan gives a talk on the nature of the mind and the history of the philosophy of mind in the 20th century. This talk was given in 2009 at the University of Alabama as part of the Philosophy Today series. Source:

From playlist Philosophy of Mind

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