Markov processes

Dirichlet form

In potential theory (the study of harmonic function) and functional analysis, Dirichlet forms generalize the Laplacian (the mathematical operator on scalar fields). Dirichlet forms can be defined on any measure space, without the need for mentioning partial derivatives. This allows mathematicians to study the Laplace equation and heat equation on spaces that are not manifolds, for example, fractals. The benefit on these spaces is that one can do this without needing a gradient operator, and in particular, one can even weakly define a "Laplacian" in this manner if starting with the Dirichlet form. (Wikipedia).

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(ML 7.7.A1) Dirichlet distribution

Definition of the Dirichlet distribution, what it looks like, intuition for what the parameters control, and some statistics: mean, mode, and variance.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Dirichlet Eta Function - Integral Representation

Today, we use an integral to derive one of the integral representations for the Dirichlet eta function. This representation is very similar to the Riemann zeta function, which explains why their respective infinite series definition is quite similar (with the eta function being an alte rna

From playlist Integrals

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(ML 7.8) Dirichlet-Categorical model (part 2)

The Dirichlet distribution is a conjugate prior for the Categorical distribution (i.e. a PMF a finite set). We derive the posterior distribution and the (posterior) predictive distribution under this model.

From playlist Machine Learning

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(ML 7.7) Dirichlet-Categorical model (part 1)

The Dirichlet distribution is a conjugate prior for the Categorical distribution (i.e. a PMF a finite set). We derive the posterior distribution and the (posterior) predictive distribution under this model.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Row echelon form of matrix

What is a row echelon form of a matrix? Why is it useful? Such questions arise in the solutions to linear systems of simultaneous equations.

From playlist Intro to Linear Systems

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Math 139 Fourier Analysis Lecture 35: Dirichlet's theorem pt. 2

Dirichlet's theorem: reduction of the problem. Dirichlet L-function. Product formula for L-functions. Extension of the logarithm to complex numbers. Convergence of infinite products.

From playlist Course 8: Fourier Analysis

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Math 139 Fourier Analysis Lecture 05: Convolutions and Approximation of the Identity

Convolutions and Good Kernels. Definition of convolution. Convolution with the n-th Dirichlet kernel yields the n-th partial sum of the Fourier series. Basic properties of convolution; continuity of the convolution of integrable functions.

From playlist Course 8: Fourier Analysis

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Given a Vector in Component Form, Find the Unit Vector

Learn how to determine the unit vector of a vector in the same direction. The unit vector is a vector that has a magnitude of 1. The unit vector is obtained by dividing the given vector by its magnitude. #trigonometry#vectors #vectors

From playlist Vectors

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Introduction to the Dirac Delta Function

Please Subscribe here, thank you!!! Introduction to the Dirac Delta Function

From playlist Differential Equations

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Topic Models: Variational Inference for Latent Dirichlet Allocation (with Xanda Schofield)

This is a single lecture from a course. If you you like the material and want more context (e.g., the lectures that came before), check out the whole course: (Including homeworks and reading.) Xanda's Webpage:

From playlist Computational Linguistics I

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Theory of numbers: Dirichlet series

This lecture is part of an online undergraduate course on the theory of numbers. We describe the correspondence between Dirichlet series and arithmetic functions, and work out the Dirichlet series of the arithmetic functions in the previous lecture. Correction: Dave Neary pointed out t

From playlist Theory of numbers

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Why do prime numbers make these spirals? | Dirichlet’s theorem, pi approximations, and more

A curious pattern, approximations for pi, and prime distributions. Help fund future projects: An equally valuable form of support is to simply share some of the videos. Special thanks to these supporters: Based on this Math

From playlist Neat proofs/perspectives

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Calderon problem (Lecture 2) by Venkateswaran P Krishnan

DISCUSSION MEETING WORKSHOP ON INVERSE PROBLEMS AND RELATED TOPICS (ONLINE) ORGANIZERS: Rakesh (University of Delaware, USA) and Venkateswaran P Krishnan (TIFR-CAM, India) DATE: 25 October 2021 to 29 October 2021 VENUE: Online This week-long program will consist of several lectures by

From playlist Workshop on Inverse Problems and Related Topics (Online)

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Adam Skalski: Translation invariant noncommutative Dirichlet forms

Talk by Adam Skalski in Global Noncommutative Geometry Seminar (Europe) on April 28, 2021

From playlist Global Noncommutative Geometry Seminar (Europe)

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Introduction to number theory lecture 45 Dirichlet series

This lecture is part of my Berkeley math 115 course "Introduction to number theory" For the other lectures in the course see We introduce Dirichlet series as generating functions of arithmetical functions and give so

From playlist Introduction to number theory (Berkeley Math 115)

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Representation theory: Dirichlet's theorem

In this talk we see how to use characters of finite abelian groups to prove Dirichlet's theorem that there are infinitely many primes in certain arithmetic progressions. We first recall Euler's proof that there are infinitely many primes, which is the simplest case of Dirichlet's proof. T

From playlist Representation theory

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Aurel PAGE - Cohomology of arithmetic groups and number theory: geometric, ... 2

In this lecture series, the first part will be dedicated to cohomology of arithmetic groups of lower ranks (e.g., Bianchi groups), their associated geometric models (mainly from hyperbolic geometry) and connexion to number theory. The second part will deal with higher rank groups, mainly

From playlist École d'Été 2022 - Cohomology Geometry and Explicit Number Theory

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Weil conjectures 4 Fermat hypersurfaces

This talk is part of a series on the Weil conjectures. We give a summary of Weil's paper where he introduced the Weil conjectures by calculating the zeta function of a Fermat hypersurface. We give an overview of how Weil expressed the number of points of a variety in terms of Gauss sums. T

From playlist Algebraic geometry: extra topics

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Math 139 Fourier Analysis Lecture 08: Dirichlet Problem on the Unit Disc

Dirichlet problem on the Unit Disc: the problem; the Poisson integral solves the heat equation. L^2 convergence of Fourier Series: definition of L^2 norm; quick review of relevant ideas from linear algebra (vector space, inner product, norm, orthogonal, Pythagorean Theorem, Cauchy-Schwarz

From playlist Course 8: Fourier Analysis

Related pages

Dirichlet's principle | Dense set | Functional analysis | Symmetric bilinear form | Measure space | Markov property | Gradient | Dirichlet integral | Heat equation | Potential theory | Harmonic function