Measure theory | Functional analysis | Von Neumann algebras

Direct integral

In mathematics and functional analysis a direct integral is a generalization of the concept of direct sum. The theory is most developed for direct integrals of Hilbert spaces and direct integrals of von Neumann algebras. The concept was introduced in 1949 by John von Neumann in one of the papers in the series On Rings of Operators. One of von Neumann's goals in this paper was to reduce the classification of (what are now called) von Neumann algebras on separable Hilbert spaces to the classification of so-called factors. Factors are analogous to full matrix algebras over a field, and von Neumann wanted to prove a continuous analogue of the Artinโ€“Wedderburn theorem classifying semi-simple rings. Results on direct integrals can be viewed as generalizations of results about finite-dimensional C*-algebras of matrices; in this case the results are easy to prove directly. The infinite-dimensional case is complicated by measure-theoretic technicalities. Direct integral theory was also used by George Mackey in his analysis of systems of imprimitivity and his general theory of induced representations of locally compact separable groups. (Wikipedia).

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What is an integral and it's parts

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn about integration. The integral, also called antiderivative, of a function, is the reverse process of differentiation. Integral of a function can be evaluated as an indefinite integral or as a definite integral. A definite integral is an integral in which the upper and the lower li

From playlist The Integral

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Find the integral with inverse trig

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to evaluate the integral of a function. The integral, also called antiderivative, of a function, is the reverse process of differentiation. Integral of a function can be evaluated as an indefinite integral or as a definite integral. A definite integral is an integral in which t

From playlist The Integral

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How to integrate when there is a radical in the denominator

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to evaluate the integral of a function. The integral, also called antiderivative, of a function, is the reverse process of differentiation. Integral of a function can be evaluated as an indefinite integral or as a definite integral. A definite integral is an integral in which t

From playlist The Integral

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How to take the integral of tangent

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to evaluate the integral of a function. The integral, also called antiderivative, of a function, is the reverse process of differentiation. Integral of a function can be evaluated as an indefinite integral or as a definite integral. A definite integral is an integral in which t

From playlist The Integral

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How to find the integral using long division and natural logarithms

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to evaluate the integral of a function. The integral, also called antiderivative, of a function, is the reverse process of differentiation. Integral of a function can be evaluated as an indefinite integral or as a definite integral. A definite integral is an integral in which t

From playlist The Integral

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What is the constant rule of integration

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to evaluate the integral of a function. The integral, also called antiderivative, of a function, is the reverse process of differentiation. Integral of a function can be evaluated as an indefinite integral or as a definite integral. A definite integral is an integral in which t

From playlist The Integral

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How to find the integral with trig

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to evaluate the integral of a function. The integral, also called antiderivative, of a function, is the reverse process of differentiation. Integral of a function can be evaluated as an indefinite integral or as a definite integral. A definite integral is an integral in which t

From playlist The Integral

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Learn how to integrate a rational expression by simplifying first with rational powers

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to evaluate the integral of a function. The integral, also called antiderivative, of a function, is the reverse process of differentiation. Integral of a function can be evaluated as an indefinite integral or as a definite integral. A definite integral is an integral in which t

From playlist The Integral

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What does a triple integral represent?

โ–บ My Multiple Integrals course: Skip to section: 0:15 // Recap of what the double integral represents 1:22 // The triple integral has two uses (volume and mass) 1:45 // How to use the triple integral to find volume 8:59 // Why the

From playlist Calculus III

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What is a line integral? Chris Tisdell UNSW

This lecture discusses how to integrate vector fields over curves, better known as "line integrals". Dr Chris Tisdell defines the concept of a line integral and presents some examples on their calculation. Special attention is given to the applications of line integrals such as: ca

From playlist Vector Calculus @ UNSW Sydney. Dr Chris Tisdell

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Calculus 3: Triple Integrals (1 of 25) What is a Triple Integral?

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is a triple integral and how is it used to find volumes of 3-D objects. Next video in this series can be seen at:


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19: Neural Integrators - Intro to Neural Computation

MIT 9.40 Introduction to Neural Computation, Spring 2018 Instructor: Michale Fee View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Describes the model of short-term memory, evidence accumulation

From playlist MIT 9.40 Introduction to Neural Computation, Spring 2018

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Mod-01 Lec-04 Conservative Field, Stoke's Theorem

Electromagnetic Theory by Prof. D.K. Ghosh,Department of Physics,IIT Bombay.For more details on NPTEL visit

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Intro to line integrals

Free ebook A basic lecture on line integrals involving vector fields. We discuss the motivation for their study and present some examples.

From playlist Engineering Mathematics

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Calculus 3: Vector Calculus in 2D (30 of 39) Integration of a Position Vector

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will show how to integrate the position vector r(t) where R(t)=integral of r(t) and find R(t=0)=? Next video in the series can be seen at:


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Physics 36 Electric Field (14 of 18) Infinite Sheet of Charge: Method 2: Cartesian Coordinates

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will find the electric field a z-distance away from an infinite sheet of charge using cartiesian coordinates.


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How to find the integral of an exponential function using u sub

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to evaluate the integral of a function. The integral, also called antiderivative, of a function, is the reverse process of differentiation. Integral of a function can be evaluated as an indefinite integral or as a definite integral. A definite integral is an integral in which t

From playlist The Integral

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Integral Introduction via Work

The definite integral is defined using work. Several simple math examples are worked through. 3 different examples determining area โ€œunderโ€ curve are solved. The positive and negative value of area โ€œunderโ€ a curve is demonstrated. Want Lecture Notes?

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Find the antiderivative using the pythagorean identites

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to evaluate the integral of a function. The integral, also called antiderivative, of a function, is the reverse process of differentiation. Integral of a function can be evaluated as an indefinite integral or as a definite integral. A definite integral is an integral in which t

From playlist The Integral

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Physics Ch 67.1 Advanced E&M: Review Vectors (55 of 113) Example of Surface Integral (Part 1)

Visit for more math and science lectures! To donate: We will find the surface integral of a vector field v. (Part 1, surfaces 1, 2, 3) Next video in this series can be seen at: https://


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