Numerical analysis | Differential calculus

Difference quotient

In single-variable calculus, the difference quotient is usually the name for the expression which when taken to the limit as h approaches 0 gives the derivative of the function f. The name of the expression stems from the fact that it is the quotient of the difference of values of the function by the difference of the corresponding values of its argument (the latter is (x + h) - x = h in this case). The difference quotient is a measure of the average rate of change of the function over an interval (in this case, an interval of length h). The limit of the difference quotient (i.e., the derivative) is thus the instantaneous rate of change. By a slight change in notation (and viewpoint), for an interval [a, b], the difference quotient is called the mean (or average) value of the derivative of f over the interval [a, b]. This name is justified by the mean value theorem, which states that for a differentiable function f, its derivative f′ reaches its mean value at some point in the interval. Geometrically, this difference quotient measures the slope of the secant line passing through the points with coordinates (a, f(a)) and (b, f(b)). Difference quotients are used as approximations in numerical differentiation, but they have also been subject of criticism in this application. Difference quotients may also find relevance in applications involving Time discretization, where the width of the time step is used for the value of h. The difference quotient is sometimes also called the Newton quotient (after Isaac Newton) or Fermat's difference quotient (after Pierre de Fermat). (Wikipedia).

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Difference Quotient

What is a difference quotient? How to find a difference quotient. Deriving it from the rise over run formula.

From playlist Calculus

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Difference Quotient - What is it? (PreCalculus)

How to find the Difference Quotient. We discuss how the difference quotient represents a formula for the slope between points but as the distance between the two points decreases you get the instant rate of change or the slope of the tangent line. 0:04 What is the Difference Quotient 0:11

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PreCalculus | Finding the difference quotient: Example 3

We present a few examples of calculating the difference quotient.

From playlist PreCalculus

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How to simplify the difference quotient of a function

👉 Learn how to evaluate the limit of a function using the difference quotient formula. The difference quotient is a measure of the average rate of change of the function over an interval, h. The limit of the difference quotient gives the derivative of the function. The difference quotient

From playlist Evaluate the Limit (PC)

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Simplifying the difference quotient

👉 Learn how to evaluate the limit of a function using the difference quotient formula. The difference quotient is a measure of the average rate of change of the function over an interval, h. The limit of the difference quotient gives the derivative of the function. The difference quotient

From playlist Evaluate the Limit..........Help!

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Determining the Difference Quotient

👉 Learn how to evaluate the limit of a function using the difference quotient formula. The difference quotient is a measure of the average rate of change of the function over an interval, h. The limit of the difference quotient gives the derivative of the function. The difference quotient

From playlist Evaluate the Limit (PC)

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Difference Quotient - How to Simplify (3 Types)

Learn how to simplify the difference quotient in this video math tutorial by Mario's Math Tutoring. We go through 3 examples: one involving fractions, another square roots, and the third one is a quadratic function. We also discuss how if you take the difference quotient one step further

From playlist Difference Quotient & Derivatives

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❖ The Difference Quotient - Example 1 ❖

Thanks to all of you who support me on Patreon. You da real mvps! $1 per month helps!! :) !! The Difference Quotient - Example 1. In this video, I give the formula for the difference quotient (aka, the subtraction fraction) and do a couple examples of

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Take the derivative from the difference quotient without simplifying

👉 Learn how to evaluate the limit of a function using the difference quotient formula. The difference quotient is a measure of the average rate of change of the function over an interval, h. The limit of the difference quotient gives the derivative of the function. The difference quotient

From playlist Evaluate the Limit (PC)

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 14: Quotient Spaces

I AM GOING TO REDO THIS VIDEO. I have made some annotations here and annotations are not visible on mobile devices. STAY TUNED. This is a long lesson about an important topological concept: quotient spaces.

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Partial Quotients - Dividing Whole Numbers

The video explains how to use the method of partial quotients to divide whole numbers. This is an alternative method to performing long division. Library: Search:

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Ian Dryden : Bayesian ambient space inference for object data

Recording during the thematic meeting : "Geometrical and Topological Structures of Information" the September 01, 2017 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent

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Prayagdeep Parija: Random Quotients of Hyperbolic Groups and Property (T)

Prayagdeep Parija, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Title: Random Quotients of Hyperbolic Groups and Property (T) What does a typical quotient of a group look like? Gromov had looked at density model of quotients of free groups. The density parameter d measures the rate of exponential gro

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Visual Group Theory, Lecture 3.5: Quotient groups

Visual Group Theory, Lecture 3.5: Quotient groups Like how a direct product can be thought of as a way to "multiply" two groups, a quotient is a way to "divide" a group by one of its subgroups. We start by defining this in terms of collapsing Cayley diagrams, until we get a conjecture abo

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What is the Quotient of - 4 and 8? Be careful easy to make a mistake!

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What is a Manifold? Lesson 15: The cylinder as a quotient space

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MA 15 Gerrymandering detection: Isoperimetric Quotient

This video is for my Spring 2020 section of MA 15, for the class meeting on Friday March 20. Visit the class website for the handouts! Fast forward music is from "Now Get Busy" by the Beastie Boys, licensed Creative Commons Non

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Use the difference quotient to find the derivative of square root

👉 Learn how to evaluate the limit of a function using the difference quotient formula. The difference quotient is a measure of the average rate of change of the function over an interval, h. The limit of the difference quotient gives the derivative of the function. The difference quotient

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