Statistical distance


As described in and DiShIn (Disjunctive Shared Information) is method to calculate that shared information content by complementing the value of most informative common ancestor (MICA) with their disjunctive ancestors by exploring the multiple inheritance of an ontology. The shared information content of two terms in an Ontology (information science) is a popular technique to measure their semantic similarity. DiShIn re-defines the shared information content between two concepts as the average of all their disjunctive ancestors, assuming that an ancestor is disjunctive if the difference between the number of distinct paths from the concepts to it is different from that of any other more informative ancestor. In other words, a disjunctive ancestor is the most informative ancestor representing a given set of parallel interpretations. DiShIn is an improvement of GraSM in terms of computational efficiency and in the management of parallel interpretations. (Wikipedia).

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The BuShou of HanZi :田

A brief description of the BuShou of 田.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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The BuShou of HanZi :舌

A brief description of the BuShou of 舌.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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The BuShou of HanZi :片

A brief description of the BuShou of 片.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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The BuShou of HanZi :目

A brief description of the BuShou of 目.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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The BuShou of HanZi :彳

A brief description of the BuShou of 彳.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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The BuShou of HanZi :囗

A brief description of the BuShou of 囗.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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The BuShou of HanZi :禾

A brief description of the BuShou of 禾.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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The BuShou of HanZi :宀

A brief description of the BuShou of 宀.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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The BuShou of HanZi :耳

A brief description of the BuShou of 耳.

From playlist The BuShou of HanZi

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Semantic similarity | Information content | Lowest common ancestor