String data structures | Graph data structures | Finite automata

Deterministic acyclic finite state automaton

In computer science, a deterministic acyclic finite state automaton (DAFSA),also called a directed acyclic word graph (DAWG; though that name also refers to a related data structure that functions as a suffix index)is a data structure that represents a set of strings, and allows for a query operation that tests whether a given string belongs to the set in time proportional to its length. Algorithms exist to construct and maintain such automata, while keeping them minimal. A DAFSA is a special case of a finite state recognizer that takes the form of a directed acyclic graph with a single source vertex (a vertex with no incoming edges), in which each edge of the graph is labeled by a letter or symbol, and in which each vertex has at most one outgoing edge for each possible letter or symbol. The strings represented by the DAFSA are formed by the symbols on paths in the graph from the source vertex to any sink vertex (a vertex with no outgoing edges). In fact, a deterministic finite state automaton is acyclic if and only if it recognizes a finite set of strings. (Wikipedia).

Deterministic acyclic finite state automaton
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Potential Automorphy for Compatible Systems of l-Adic Galois Representations - David Geraghty

David Geraghty Princeton University; Member, School of Mathematics November 18, 2010 I will describe a joint work with Barnet-Lamb, Gee and Taylor where we establish a potential automorphy result for compatible systems of Galois representations over totally real and CM fields. This is ded

From playlist Mathematics

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9D The Determinant

A combinatorial approach to the determinant using permutations.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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9H The Determinant

Equivalent statements about the determinant.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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Group automorphisms in abstract algebra

Group automorphisms are bijective mappings of a group onto itself. In this tutorial I define group automorphisms and introduce the fact that a set of such automorphisms can exist. This set is proven to be a subgroup of the symmetric group. You can learn more about Mathematica on my Udem

From playlist Abstract algebra

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Billiards on the triaxial ellipsoid by Gisbert Wustholz

PROGRAM : ALGEBRAIC AND ANALYTIC ASPECTS OF AUTOMORPHIC FORMS ORGANIZERS : Anilatmaja Aryasomayajula, Venketasubramanian C G, Jurg Kramer, Dipendra Prasad, Anandavardhanan U. K. and Anna von Pippich DATE & TIME : 25 February 2019 to 07 March 2019 VENUE : Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Banga

From playlist Algebraic and Analytic Aspects of Automorphic Forms 2019

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23 Algebraic system isomorphism

Isomorphic algebraic systems are systems in which there is a mapping from one to the other that is a one-to-one correspondence, with all relations and operations preserved in the correspondence.

From playlist Abstract algebra

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9C The Determinant

More on properties of determinant.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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9F The Determinant

Equivalent statements about the determinant.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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9E The Determinant

General rules for the determinant.

From playlist Linear Algebra

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Diego Figueira: Semistructured data, Logic, and Automata – lecture 1

Semistructured data is an umbrella term encompassing data models which are not logically organized in tables (i.e., the relational data model) but rather in hierarchical structures using markers such as tags to separate semantic elements and data fields in a ‘self-describing’ way. In this

From playlist Logic and Foundations

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The Complexity of the Non-commutative Determinant - Srikanth Srinivasan

The Complexity of the Non-commutative Determinant Srikanth Srinivasan Institute for Advanced Study October 11, 2010 I will talk about the computational complexity of computing the noncommutative determinant. In contrast to the case of commutative algebras, we know of (virtually) no efficie

From playlist Mathematics

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History of Science and Technology Q&A (November 30, 2022)

Stephen Wolfram hosts a live and unscripted Ask Me Anything about the history of science and technology for all ages. Find the playlist of Q&A's here: Originally livestreamed at: If you missed the original livestream of thi

From playlist Stephen Wolfram Ask Me Anything About Science & Technology

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4. Pushdown Automata, Conversion of CFG to PDA and Reverse Conversion

MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020 Instructor: Michael Sipser View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Quickly reviewed last lecture. Defined context free grammars (CFGs) a

From playlist MIT 18.404J Theory of Computation, Fall 2020

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Pierre-Alain Reynier : Transductions - Partie 2

Résumé : Après une introduction générale présentant les principaux modèles et problèmes étudiés, nous étudierons plus précisément trois sujets qui permettront d’illustrer des propriétés algorithmiques, des aspects algébriques et logiques de cette théorie : - caractérisation, décision et mi

From playlist Logic and Foundations

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Émilie Charlier: Logic, decidability and numeration systems - Lecture 1

Abstract: The theorem of Büchi-Bruyère states that a subset of Nd is b-recognizable if and only if it is b-definable. As a corollary, the first-order theory of (N,+,Vb) is decidable (where Vb(n) is the largest power of the base b dividing n). This classical result is a powerful tool in ord

From playlist Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science

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Emmanuel Filiot : Transductions - Partie 1

Résumé : Après une introduction générale présentant les principaux modèles et problèmes étudiés, nous étudierons plus précisément trois sujets qui permettront d’illustrer des propriétés algorithmiques, des aspects algébriques et logiques de cette théorie : - caractérisation, décision et mi

From playlist Logic and Foundations

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Finite State Automata

A recap of the week's lectures about Finite State Automata. Converted to/from regular expressions.

From playlist Discrete Structures

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Introduction to a Unified Model of Cellular Automata

This is an introduction to a unified model of Cellular Automata in which a rule is represented not by a single function but by a vector of functions we call genes. These functions can be ordered so that they maintain the same order regardless of the rule space where they are realized. This

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