Lambda calculus

Deductive lambda calculus

Deductive lambda calculus considers what happens when lambda terms are regarded as mathematical expressions. One interpretation of the untyped lambda calculus is as a programming language where evaluation proceeds by performing reductions on an expression until it is in normal form. In this interpretation, if the expression never reduces to normal form then the program never terminates, and the value is undefined. Considered as a mathematical deductive system, each reduction would not alter the value of the expression. The expression would equal the reduction of the expression. (Wikipedia).

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Teach Astronomy - Deduction Deduction is a way of combining observations or statements made in science logically. Deduction provides a very strong way of connecting observations with a conclusion. Typically we start with premises and combine them to draw conclusions. For example, if

From playlist 01. Fundamentals of Science and Astronomy

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Foundations - Seminar 6 - Discharging hypotheses and Curry-Howard

Daniel Murfet discusses the introduction and elimination rule for implication in natural deduction, the way in which undischarged hypotheses are managed, the "identity" of natural deductions (which deductions count as "the same") and how all of this feeds into the Curry-Howard (CH) corresp

From playlist Foundations seminar

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!!Con 2022 - La-La-Lambda Calculus: A Functional Musical Journey! by Anjana Vakil

La-La-Lambda Calculus: A Functional Musical Journey! The lambda calculus is a logical formalism that lets us represent programs - all their logic and data - as nothing but pure, anonymous, single-parameter functions. Numbers, operators, booleans, control flow, data structures… any way you

From playlist !!Con 2022

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Proof synthesis and differential linear logic

Linear logic is a refinement of intuitionistic logic which, viewed as a functional programming language in the sense of the Curry-Howard correspondence, has an explicit mechanism for copying and discarding information. It turns out that, due to these mechanisms, linear logic is naturally r

From playlist Talks

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Calculus - Find the limit of a function using epsilon and delta

This video shows how to use epsilon and delta to prove that the limit of a function is a certain value. This particular video uses a linear function to highlight the process and make it easier to understand. Later videos take care of more complicated functions and using epsilon and delta

From playlist Calculus

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Stanford Seminar - Propositions as Types

"Propositions as Types" - Philip Wadler of University of Edinburgh About the talk: The principle of Propositions as Types links logic to computation. At first sight it appears to be a simple coincidence---almost a pun---but it turns out to be remarkably robust, inspiring the design of the

From playlist Engineering

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Foundations - Seminar 2

Billy Price and Will Troiani present a series of seminars on foundations of mathematics. In this seminar Billy introduces natural deduction as a proof system. You can join this seminar from anywhere, on any device, at This video was filmed in Deprecation (https:/

From playlist Foundations seminar

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Equations of line segments and rays

How to obtain a parametric vector form of line segments and rays. Free ebook (updated link)

From playlist Introduction to Vectors

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Lambda in Python - Advanced Python 08 - Programming Tutorial - Map Filter Reduce

Lambda in Python - Advanced Python 08 - Programming Tutorial - Map Filter Reduce In this Python Advanced Tutorial, we will be learning about Lambda functions in Python. A lambda function is a small (one line) anonymous function that is defined without a name. It is typically used when you

From playlist Advanced Python - Complete Course

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The Ultimate Guide to Propositional Logic for Discrete Mathematics

This is the ultimate guide to propositional logic in discrete mathematics. We cover propositions, truth tables, connectives, syntax, semantics, logical equivalence, translating english to logic, and even logic inferences and logical deductions. 00:00 Propositions 02:47 Connectives 05:13 W

From playlist Discrete Math 1

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Deductive Reasoning


From playlist Geometry

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Computer Science and Homotopy Theory - Vladimir Voevodsky

Vladimir Voevodsky Professor, School of Mathematics April 27, 2011 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Live CEOing Ep 410: Language Design in Wolfram Language [Combinators]

In this episode of Live CEOing, Stephen Wolfram reviews the design of some upcoming functionality for the Wolfram Language. If you'd like to contribute to the discussion in future episodes, you can participate through this YouTube channel or through the official Twitch channel of Stephen W

From playlist Behind the Scenes in Real-Life Software Design

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Introduction to Lambda Calculus and Types - Semantics in Linguistics

We introduce lambda calculus but mainly focus on type theory in relation to syntactic trees. We introduce the type e (entities) and type t (truth values) and how they can be combined to account for V, VP, and S. #semantics #linguistics Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www

From playlist Semantics in Linguistics

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Christian Szegedy - Deep Learning for Formal Reasoning

Here I will discuss the frontier of research for formal reasoning via deep neural networks. I will highlight the most recent progress in the area, especially automated theorem proving and automated formalization of natural language text. Also, I will discuss the role of language models, co

From playlist Mikefest: A conference in honor of Michael Douglas' 60th birthday

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The matrix approach to systems of linear equations | Linear Algebra MATH1141 | N J Wildberger

We summarize the matrix approach to solving systems of linear equations involving augmented matrices and row reduction. We also study the consequences of linearity of themultiplication of a matrix and vector. ************************ Screenshot PDFs for my videos are available at the webs

From playlist Higher Linear Algebra

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Stepan Kuznetsov: Relational models for the Lambek calculus with intersection and unit

HYBRID EVENT Recorded during the meeting "19th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science" the November 5, 2021 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other t

From playlist Logic and Foundations

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Calculus: Antiderivatives, Part 2

This is the second of three videos discussing Briggs/Cochran Calculus Section 4.9: Antiderivatives. In this video, I give a brief introduction to differential equations, including initial value problems.

From playlist Calculus

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Squashing theories into Heyting algebras

This is the first of two videos on Heyting algebra, Tarski-Lindenbaum and negation: Followup video:

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