Decision-making software

Decision support system

A decision support system (DSS) is an information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities. DSSs serve the management, operations and planning levels of an organization (usually mid and higher management) and help people make decisions about problems that may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance—i.e. unstructured and semi-structured decision problems. Decision support systems can be either fully computerized or human-powered, or a combination of both. While academics have perceived DSS as a tool to support decision making processes, DSS users see DSS as a tool to facilitate organizational processes. Some authors have extended the definition of DSS to include any system that might support decision making and some DSS include a decision-making software component; Sprague (1980) defines a properly termed DSS as follows: 1. * DSS tends to be aimed at the less well structured, underspecified problem that upper level managers typically face; 2. * DSS attempts to combine the use of models or analytic techniques with traditional data access and retrieval functions; 3. * DSS specifically focuses on features which make them easy to use by non-computer-proficient people in an interactive mode; and 4. * DSS emphasizes flexibility and adaptability to accommodate changes in the environment and the decision making approach of the user. DSSs include knowledge-based systems. A properly designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from a combination of raw data, documents, and personal knowledge, or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions. Typical information that a decision support application might gather and present includes: * inventories of information assets (including legacy and relational data sources, cubes, data warehouses, and data marts), * comparative sales figures between one period and the next, * projected revenue figures based on product sales assumptions. (Wikipedia).

Decision support system
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A hybrid decision making system using image analysis to detect human falls - Pingfan Wang

About the conference: The 1st International ‘Turing’ conference on decision support and recommender systems will bring together junior and experienced researchers, industry professionals and domain experts to discuss latest trends and ongoing challenges in: - Human and AI-driven complex

From playlist 1st International conference on decision support and recommender systems

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Decision making model based on expert evaluations - Cristina Zuheros Montes

About the conference: The 1st International ‘Turing’ conference on decision support and recommender systems will bring together junior and experienced researchers, industry professionals and domain experts to discuss latest trends and ongoing challenges in: - Human and AI-driven complex

From playlist 1st International conference on decision support and recommender systems

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Spotify: Personalising the Listening Experience - Mounia Lalmas

About the conference: The 1st International ‘Turing’ conference on decision support and recommender systems will bring together junior and experienced researchers, industry professionals and domain experts to discuss latest trends and ongoing challenges in: - Human and AI-driven complex

From playlist 1st International conference on decision support and recommender systems

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Better Decisions with Machine Learning - Peter Flach

About the conference: The 1st International ‘Turing’ conference on decision support and recommender systems will bring together junior and experienced researchers, industry professionals and domain experts to discuss latest trends and ongoing challenges in: - Human and AI-driven complex

From playlist 1st International conference on decision support and recommender systems

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The Computer Chronicles - Decision Support Systems (1984)

Special thanks to for hosting these episodes. Downloads of all these episodes and more can be found at:

From playlist The Computer Chronicles 1984 Episodes

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The Computer Chronicles - Decision Support Software (1988)

Special thanks to for hosting these episodes. Downloads of all these episodes and more can be found at:

From playlist Computer Chronicles Episodes on Software

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Stanford Seminar - Bridging AI & HCI: Incorporating Human Values into the Development of AI Tech

Haiyi Zhu of CMU HCII November 4, 2022 Bridging AI and HCI: Incorporating Human Values into the Development of AI Technologies The increasing accuracy and falling costs of AI have stimulated the increased use of AI technologies in mainstream user-facing applications and services. However,

From playlist Stanford Seminars

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AI explanation and the content lifecycle - David Leslie

- Links to talks - Reuben Binns: Alison Reuben: David Leslie: Panel discussion: In the lecture series 'Driving data futures', the public policy programme of The Alan Turing

From playlist Driving Data Futures: AI explainability with a human face

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Stanford Seminar - Designing for Human - AI Complementarity

For more information about Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence courses and programs, visit: Ken Holstein is an Assistant Professor in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. This talk was given on March 5, 2021. AI systems are in

From playlist Stanford Seminars

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DjangoCon US 2016 - Django, Python, and Health Care Data by Becca Nock

Django, Python, and Health Care Data by Becca Nock Data and technology can be used to improve the health of older adults and to help them to continue to live at home and in the community as they age. Predictive analytics and modeling can predict who will get sick, be hospitalized, or have

From playlist DjangoCon US 2016

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Decision Intelligence - still not dead in 2022?

In Jan 2018 Harvard Business Review wrote about AI executing business decisions. How did Decision Intel (DI) evolved since then? Why is it a Top Strategic Tech Trend in 2022? Should you care for your business? Ironic remarks on insights from IBM, Google and Gartner to ease my complex app

From playlist Explainable AI (XAI) and Decision Intelligence (DI). Performance on Vision.

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