Measure theory | Integral geometry | Differential geometry

Crofton formula

In mathematics, the Crofton formula, named after Morgan Crofton (1826โ€“1915), is a classic result of integral geometry relating the length of a curve to the expected number of times a "random" line intersects it. (Wikipedia).

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Daniel Hug: Random tessellations in hyperbolic space - first steps

Random tessellations in Euclidean space are a classical topic and highly relevant for many applications. Poisson hyperplane tessellations present a particular model for which mean values and variances for functionals of interest have been studied successfully and a central limit theory has

From playlist Trimester Seminar Series on the Interplay between High-Dimensional Geometry and Probability

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Solved simply: the impossible integral

Yes, it can't be done using substitution, by parts or changing variables (and using the Jacobian); but there is a very clever trick to actually compute this integral, which is attributed to Crofton, an English mathematician. This clever trick only requires the law of total expectation and

From playlist Novel topics (not in usual math curricula)

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Understanding the discriminant as a part of the quadratic formula

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest power on its variable(s) is 2. The quadratic formula is a formula which can be used to find the roots of (solve) a quadratic equation. The quadratic formula is given by

From playlist Solve by Quadratic Formula | x^2+bx+c

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How to solve a quadratic using the quadratic formula

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest power on its variable(s) is 2. The quadratic formula is a formula which can be used to find the roots of (solve) a quadratic equation. The quadratic formula is given by

From playlist Solve by Quadratic Formula | ax^2+bx+c

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The discriminant and finding the solutions using quadratic formula

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest power on its variable(s) is 2. The quadratic formula is a formula which can be used to find the roots of (solve) a quadratic equation. The quadratic formula is given by

From playlist Solve by Quadratic Formula | x^2+bx+c

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Andreas Bernig: Intrinsic volumes on pseudo-Riemannian manifolds

The intrinsic volumes in Euclidean space can be defined via Steinerโ€™s tube formula and were characterized by Hadwiger as the unique continuous, translation and rotation invariant valuations. By the Weyl principle, their extension to Riemannian manifolds behaves naturally under isometric em

From playlist Workshop: High dimensional measures: geometric and probabilistic aspects

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Learn to find the solutions of a quadratic by applying the quadratic formula

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest power on its variable(s) is 2. The quadratic formula is a formula which can be used to find the roots of (solve) a quadratic equation. The quadratic formula is given by

From playlist Solve by Quadratic Formula | ax^2+bx+c

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Solve a quadratic using the quadratic formula with complex answers

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest power on its variable(s) is 2. The quadratic formula is a formula which can be used to find the roots of (solve) a quadratic equation. The quadratic formula is given by

From playlist Solve by Quadratic Formula | ax^2+bx+c

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Solving a quadratic using quadratic formula with two real solutions

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest power on its variable(s) is 2. The quadratic formula is a formula which can be used to find the roots of (solve) a quadratic equation. The quadratic formula is given by

From playlist Solve by Quadratic Formula | ax^2+bx+c

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How to use the quadratic formula to solve a quadratic equation

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest power on its variable(s) is 2. The quadratic formula is a formula which can be used to find the roots of (solve) a quadratic equation. The quadratic formula is given by

From playlist Solve by Quadratic Formula | x^2+bx+c

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Zakhar Kabluchko: Random Polytopes, Lecture III

In these three lectures we will provide an introduction to the subject of beta polytopes. These are random polytopes defined as convex hulls of i.i.d. samples from the beta density proportional to (1 โˆ’ โˆฅxโˆฅ2)ฮฒ on the d-dimensional unit ball. Similarly, betaโ€™ polytopes are defined as convex

From playlist Workshop: High dimensional spatial random systems

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Learn how to solve a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest power on its variable(s) is 2. The quadratic formula is a formula which can be used to find the roots of (solve) a quadratic equation. The quadratic formula is given by

From playlist Solve by Quadratic Formula | x^2+bx+c

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Mark Meckes: Magnitude and intrinsic volumes in subspaces of L1

Magnitude is an isometric invariant of metric spaces, with origins in category theory, which turns out to be related to a wide variety of classical geometric invariants, including Minkowski dimension, volume, and surface measure. For convex bodies in ln1 , magnitude turns out to be an l1 a

From playlist Workshop: High dimensional measures: geometric and probabilistic aspects

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Herbert Edelsbrunner: The intrinsic volumes of a space filling diagram and their derivatives

The morphological approach to modeling the free energy in molecular dynamics by Roth and Mecke suggests to write it as a linear combination of weighted versions of the four intrinsic volumes of a space filling diagram: the volume, the area, the total mean curvature, and the total Gaussian

From playlist Beyond TDA - Persistent functions and its applications in data sciences, 2021

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Magenta: The colour that doesn't exist โ€“ BBC REEL

When we look at a rainbow, we see a full spectrum of light. Every colour we could imagine. Except one โ€“ magenta. Where is it? Well, officially magenta doesn't exist. There is no wavelength of light for magenta, meaning the human brain literally makes it up, but how? Video by Archie Croft

From playlist Reel Psychology

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How does the discriminant relate to the quadratic formula

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest power on its variable(s) is 2. The quadratic formula is a formula which can be used to find the roots of (solve) a quadratic equation. The quadratic formula is given by

From playlist Solve by Quadratic Formula | ax^2+bx+c

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The little-known tree that revolutionised global communication โ€“ BBC REEL

In Singapore, 1842, Dr William Montgomerie was shown a strange latex by his gardener. This material, when placed in hot water, could be moulded to any shape you wanted, and, on cooling, would set solid. You could do this again, and again and it would happily mould to any shape desired. Un

From playlist Reel Science

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The surprising reason consciousness evolved โ€“ BBC REEL

Every minute you spend awake, your mind passes from experience to experience. This ebb and flow of thoughts and feelings is often called a โ€˜stream of consciousnessโ€™ โ€“ and, throughout history, it was largely believed to only exist in humans. However, thanks to decades of consciousness resea

From playlist Reel Science

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NERD WARS: Lara Croft Vs. Elektra!

Lara Croft Vs. Elektra ... who would win? Jeff and Adam debate the match-up in this week's episode of NERD WARS! Hear their weekly audio podcast: Wackygamer on Facebook: Vsauce on Faceb

From playlist Wackygamer

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Describe and solve for the zeros using quadratic formula

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula. A quadratic equation is an equation whose highest power on its variable(s) is 2. The quadratic formula is a formula which can be used to find the roots of (solve) a quadratic equation. The quadratic formula is given by

From playlist Solve by Quadratic Formula | x^2+bx+c

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