Game theory


Coopetition or co-opetition (sometimes spelled "coopertition" or "co-opertition") is a neologism coined to describe cooperative competition. Coopetition is a portmanteau of cooperation and competition. Basic principles of co-opetitive structures have been described in game theory, a scientific field that received more attention with the book Theory of Games and Economic Behavior in 1944 and the works of John Forbes Nash on non-cooperative games. Coopetition occurs both at inter-organizational or intra-organizational levels. (Wikipedia).

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The Importance of Atonement

The idea of ‘atonement’ sounds very old-fashioned and is deeply rooted in religious tradition. To atone means, in essence, to acknowledge one’s capacity for wrongness and one’s readiness for apology and desire for change. It’s a concept that every society needs at its center. For gifts and


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AWESOME antigravity electromagnetic levitator (explaining simply)

Physics levitron (science experiments)


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We Need a Bigger Definition of Creativity

► Please Subscribe to My Channel Here - When you the word “creative,” you might think of a painter or a playwright or an author or a photographer or a filmmaker or a chef. In other words, you might think of people who make things. I think it’s what we mean wh

From playlist What Is Creativity?

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OWASP AppSec USA 2010: Panel Discussion: Vulnerability Lifecycle for Software Vendors 2/3

Panel: Edward Bonver - Principal Software Engineer, Symantec (moderator) Kelly FitzGerald, Senior Vulnerability Analyst, Symantec Katie Moussouris, Senior Security Strategist, Microsoft John Steven, Senior Director, Cigital Daniel Holden, Director, DVLabs, HP, TippingPoint More informatio

From playlist OWASP AppSec USA 2010

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The Lenovo Tapes - Wayne

A viral film we created for Lenovo featuring futuristic technology from their R&D labs.

From playlist Lenovo: For Those Who Do.

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A quantum levitator it's a circular track of magnets above which a razor-thin disc magically levitates, seeming to defy the laws of physics. The key to the levitator is the disc, which is made of superconducting material sandwiched between layers of gold and sapphire crystal. A piece of fo


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Lenovo Skywalker hologram

cool video of hologram

From playlist Lenovo: For Those Who Do.

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What the heck is a Multiverse?

The idea of a multiverse (short for multiple universes) can seem absurd. After all, the definition of universe means everything, so what does it mean to have multiple universes? In this video, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln lists a couple possible definitions for a multiverse. The reality in

From playlist Speculative Physics

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Stanford Webinar - Global Entrepreneurial Marketing, Lynda Smith and Victoria Woo

Creating a great product means nothing if you can’t get it into the hands of your customers. To do this, you need to know who your customers are, what they want, and how to reach them in this ever-changing global landscape. In this webinar, Lynda Smith and Victoria Woo will share what it

From playlist Stanford Webinars

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Class 5: Blockchain Technology & Cryptocurrencies

MIT 15.S08 FinTech: Shaping the Financial World, Spring 2020 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gensler View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: This class covers blockchain technology and crypto

From playlist MIT 15.S08 FinTech: Shaping the Financial World, Spring 2020

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Competitive altruism | Game theory | Theory of Games and Economic Behavior