Formal methods | Concurrency control | Process calculi | Model checkers | Formal specification languages

Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes

CADP (Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes) is a toolbox for the design of communication protocols and distributed systems. CADP is developed by the CONVECS team (formerly by the VASY team) at INRIA Rhone-Alpes and connected to various complementary tools. CADP is maintained, regularly improved, and used in many industrial projects. The purpose of the CADP toolkit is to facilitate the design of reliable systems by use of formal description techniques together with software tools for simulation, rapid application development, verification, and test generation. CADP can be applied to any system that comprises asynchronous concurrency, i.e., any system whose behavior can be modeled as a set of parallel processes governed by interleaving semantics. Therefore, CADP can be used to design hardware architecture, distributed algorithms, telecommunications protocols, etc.The enumerative verification (also known as explicit state verification) techniques implemented in CADP, though less general that theorem proving, enable an automatic, cost-efficient detection of design errors in complex systems. CADP includes tools to support use of two approaches in formal methods, both of which are needed for reliable systems design: * Models provide mathematical representations for parallel programs and related verification problems. Examples of models are automata, networks of communicating automata, Petri nets, binary decision diagrams, boolean equation systems, etc. From a theoretical point of view, research on models seeks for general results, independent of any particular description language. * In practice, models are often too elementary to describe complex systems directly (this would be tedious and error-prone). A higher level formalism known as process algebra or process calculus is needed for this task, as well as compilers that translate high-level descriptions into models suitable for verification algorithms. (Wikipedia).

Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes
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Network Analysis. Lecture 9. Graph partitioning algorithms

Graph density. Graph pertitioning. Min cut, ratio cut, normalized and quotient cuts metrics. Spectral graph partitioning (normalized cut). Direct (spectral) modularity maximization. Multilevel recursive partitioning Lecture slides:

From playlist Structural Analysis and Visualization of Networks.

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Network Analysis. Course introduction.

Introduction to the Social Network Analysis course.

From playlist Structural Analysis and Visualization of Networks.

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Graph Data Structure 1. Terminology and Representation (algorithms)

This is the first in a series of videos about the graph data structure. It mentions the applications of graphs, defines various terminology associated with graphs, and describes how a graph can be represented programmatically by means of adjacency lists or an adjacency matrix.

From playlist Data Structures

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Stack Data Structure - Algorithm

This is an explanation of the dynamic data structure known as a stack. It includes an explanation of how a stack works, along with pseudocode for implementing the push and pop operations with a static array variable.

From playlist Data Structures

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Steffen Borgwardt: The role of partition polytopes in data analysis

The field of optimization, and polyhedral theory in particular, provides a powerful point of view on common tasks in data analysis. In this talk, we highlight the role of the so-called partition polytopes and their studies in clustering and classification. The geometric properties of parti

From playlist Workshop: Tropical geometry and the geometry of linear programming

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Indexing 17: distributed search

Instead of using MapReduce to construct a single index, we can distribute portions of the index across a cluster of machines. We can then send a query to all the machines, receive partial ranked lists and then combine them into one list that would be returned to the user. This is known as

From playlist IR7 Inverted Indexing

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Estimating Transfer Functions and Process Models

Get a Free Trial: Get Pricing Info: Ready to Buy: Estimate continuous-time and discrete-time transfer functions and low-order process models. Use the estimate models for analysis and control design. For more videos, visit

From playlist Control System Design and Analysis

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Quantitative Risk Analysis | What Is Quantitative Risk Analysis? | PMI-RMP Course | Simplilearn

This video on Quantitative Risk Analysis will help you understand how to perform Quantitative RIsk Analysis, List the tools and Techniques required for the analysis. This Video will also help you in EMV analysis and Probability Distribution. 🔥Free Project Management Course: https://www.sim

From playlist PMI-RMP® Training Videos [2022 Updated]

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Quantitative Risk Analysis | What Is Quantitative Risk Analysis? | PMI-RMP Course | Simplilearn

This video on Quantitative Risk Analysis will help you understand how to perform Quantitative RIsk Analysis, List the tools and Techniques required for the analysis.This Video will also help you in EMV analysis and Probability Distribution. #QuantitativeRiskAnalysis #WhatIsQuantitativeRis

From playlist PMI-RMP® Training Videos [2022 Updated]

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Stanford CS229: Machine Learning | Summer 2019 | Lecture 17 - Factor Analysis & ELBO

For more information about Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence professional and graduate programs, visit: Anand Avati Computer Science, PhD To follow along with the course schedule and syllabus, visit:

From playlist Stanford CS229: Machine Learning Course | Summer 2019 (Anand Avati)

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Jonathan Gair - Rapid and robust parameter estimation for gravitational wave observations

Recorded 03 December 2021. Jonathan Gair of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Albert Einstein Institute, presents "Rapid and robust parameter estimation for gravitational wave observations" at IPAM's Workshop IV: Big Data in Multi-Messenger Astrophysics. Abstract: Over th

From playlist Workshop: Big Data in Multi-Messenger Astrophysics

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Clustering (2): Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering

Hierarchical agglomerative clustering, or linkage clustering. Procedure, complexity analysis, and cluster dissimilarity measures including single linkage, complete linkage, and others.

From playlist cs273a

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Twenty third SIAM Activity Group on FME Virtual Talk Series

Date: Thursday, December 2, 2021, 1PM-2PM ET Speaker 1: Renyuan Xu, University of Southern California Speaker 2: Philippe Casgrain, ETH Zurich and Princeton University Moderator: Ronnie Sircar, Princeton Universit Join us for a series of online talks on topics related to mathematical fina

From playlist SIAM Activity Group on FME Virtual Talk Series

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Nicolas Perkowski: Lecture #1

This is the first lecture on "A Markovian perspective on some singular SPDEs" taught by Professor Nicolas Perkowski. For more materials and slides visit:

From playlist Summer School on PDE & Randomness

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Matrix liberation process - Y. Ueda - Workshop 2 - CEB T3 2017

Yoshimichi Ueda / 24.10.17 Matrix liberation process We introduce a natural random matrix counterpart of the so-called liberation process introduced by Voiculescu in the framework of free probability, and consider its possible LDP in the large N limit. ---------------------------------

From playlist 2017 - T3 - Analysis in Quantum Information Theory - CEB Trimester

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Statistical Rethinking Fall 2017 - week10 lecture19

Week 10, lecture 19 for Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan, taught at MPI-EVA in Fall 2017. This lecture covers Chapters 14 and 15. Slides are available here: Additional in

From playlist Statistical Rethinking Fall 2017

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Qualitative And Quantitative Risk Analysis Explained | Risk Analysis Techniques | Simplilearn

In this video on Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Analysis, we'll go into detail about how each of them work, how it's performed and the tools and techniques required to document it. 🔥Explore Our Free Courses With Completion Certificate by SkillUp:

From playlist PMI-RMP® Training Videos [2022 Updated]

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10b Data Analytics: Spatial Continuity

Lecture on the impact of spatial continuity to motivate characterization and modeling of spatial continuity.

From playlist Data Analytics and Geostatistics

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