Elliptic curves

Conductor of an elliptic curve

In mathematics, the conductor of an elliptic curve over the field of rational numbers, or more generally a local or global field, is an integral ideal analogous to the Artin conductor of a Galois representation. It is given as a product of prime ideals, together with associated exponents, which encode the ramification in the field extensions generated by the points of finite order in the group law of the elliptic curve. The primes involved in the conductor are precisely the primes of bad reduction of the curve: this is the Néron–Ogg–Shafarevich criterion. Ogg's formula expresses the conductor in terms of the discriminant and the number of components of the special fiber over a local field, which can be computed using Tate's algorithm. (Wikipedia).

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Physics - E&M: Ch 35.1 Coulumb's Law Explained (2 of 28) What is a Conductor?

Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain what is a conductor. A conductor is an object made of conducting material through which charges move easily. Typically a metal, whose valence electrons are easily moved. Next video in this se


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AWESOME Eddy currents!!!

Eddy currents are currents which circulate in conductors like swirling eddies in a stream. They are induced by changing magnetic fields and flow in closed loops, perpendicular to the plane of the magnetic field. They can be created when a conductor is moving through a magnetic field, or wh


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Physics 40 Resistivity and Resistance (12 of 32) Current Density of a Conductor

Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures! In this video I will find the current density of a conductor.


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Physics - E&M: Ch 40.1 Current & Resistance Understood (8 of 17) Why is Aluminum a Good Conductor?

Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain that aluminum is a good conductor is because even when its outer most shell's 3s2 shell is filled up with 2 electrons, but its 3p1 shell has only 1 electron. Next video in this series can be


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Physics - E&M: Maxwell's Equations (22 of 30) Differential Form of Ampere's Law: 3

Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures! In this video I will find the curl of the B-field of a cylindrical conductor.


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Gauss Law Near a Conductor

We can use Gauss' Law for infinite objects, but it turns out Gauss' Law actually has a lot to tell us about finite objects as well when we are very close to the surface. In particular, charged conductors. Here we explore what the electric field is near a charged conductor and how we can us

From playlist Introductory Electromagnetism

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Mod-02 Lec-20 Dielectrics

Electromagnetic Theory by Prof. D.K. Ghosh,Department of Physics,IIT Bombay.For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

From playlist IIT Bombay: Electromagnetic Theory

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Arul Shankar, Ordering elliptic curves by conductor

VaNTAGe seminar, on Oct 27, 2020 License: CC-BY-NC-SA. Closed captions provided by Rachana Madhukara.

From playlist Rational points on elliptic curves

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CTNT 2020 - Computations in Number Theory (by Alvaro Lozano-Robledo) - Lecture 1

The Connecticut Summer School in Number Theory (CTNT) is a summer school in number theory for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students, to be followed by a research conference. For more information and resources please visit: https://ctnt-summer.math.uconn.edu/

From playlist CTNT 2020 - Computations in Number Theory Research

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Physics 38 Electrical Potential (13 of 22) Potential Outside a Cylindrical Conductor

Visit http://ilectureonline.com for more math and science lectures! In this video I will find the potential outside of a cylindrical conductor.


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Noam Elkies, Rank speculation

VaNTAGe seminar, on Sep 15, 2020 License: CC-BY-NC-SA.

From playlist Rational points on elliptic curves

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8.02x - Module 06.02 - Wire with Varying Current Density.

Varying Current Density in Wire. Magnetic Field inside and outside the wire.

From playlist 8.02x - MIT Help Sessions

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CTNT 2018 - "Computational Number Theory" (Lecture 3) by Harris Daniels

This is lecture 3 of a mini-course on "Computational Number Theory", taught by Harris Daniels, during CTNT 2018, the Connecticut Summer School in Number Theory. For more information about CTNT and other resources and notes, see https://ctnt-summer.math.uconn.edu/

From playlist CTNT 2018 - "Computational Number Theory" by Harris Daniels

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Alvaro Lozano-Robledo, The distribution of ranks of elliptic curves and the minimalist conjecture

VaNTAGe seminar, on Sep 29, 2020 License: CC-BY-NC-SA. An updated version of the slides that corrects a few minor issues can be found at https://math.mit.edu/~drew/vantage/LozanoRobledoSlides.pdf

From playlist Math Talks

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Solving Diophantine equations using elliptic curves + Introduction to SAGE by Chandrakant Aribam

12 December 2016 to 22 December 2016 VENUE Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture is a striking example of conjectures in number theory, specifically in arithmetic geometry, that has abundant numerical evidence but not a complete general solution. An

From playlist Theoretical and Computational Aspects of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture

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CTNT 2020 - A virtual tour of the LMFDB: the L-functions and Modular Forms DataBase

This video is part of a series of videos on "Computations in Number Theory Research" that are offered as a mini-course during CTNT 2020. In this video, we take a virtual tour of the LMFDB - the L-functions and modular forms database. Please click on "show more" to see the links below. Abo

From playlist CTNT 2020 - Computations in Number Theory Research

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CTNT 2018 - "Computational Number Theory" (Lecture 2) by Harris Daniels

This is lecture 2 of a mini-course on "Computational Number Theory", taught by Harris Daniels, during CTNT 2018, the Connecticut Summer School in Number Theory. For more information about CTNT and other resources and notes, see https://ctnt-summer.math.uconn.edu/

From playlist CTNT 2018 - "Computational Number Theory" by Harris Daniels

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John Cremona: The symplectic type of congruences between elliptic curves

In this talk I will describe a systematic investigation into congruences between the mod $p$ torsion modules of elliptic curves defined over $\mathbb{Q}$. For each such curve $E$ and prime $p$ the $p$-torsion $E[p]$ of $E$, is a 2-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{F}_{p}$ which carrie

From playlist Number Theory

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Barry Mazur: Arithmetic statistics for modular symbols

Arithmetic statistics for modular symbols Speaker: Barry Mazur, Harvard University Date and Time: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 - 9:15am to 10:15am Location: Fields Institute, Room 230 Abstract: Let E be an elliptic curve over Q. The modular symbols attached to E are key to the arithmeti

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J-invariant | Field extension | Prime ideal | Artin conductor | Tate's algorithm | Elliptic curve | Néron–Ogg–Shafarevich criterion | Ramification (mathematics) | Rational number | Local field | Global field | Ring of integers | Discriminant