Integer sequences

Complete sequence

In mathematics, a sequence of natural numbers is called a complete sequence if every positive integer can be expressed as a sum of values in the sequence, using each value at most once. For example, the sequence of powers of two (1, 2, 4, 8, ...), the basis of the binary numeral system, is a complete sequence; given any natural number, we can choose the values corresponding to the 1 bits in its binary representation and sum them to obtain that number (e.g. 37 = 1001012 = 1 + 4 + 32). This sequence is minimal, since no value can be removed from it without making some natural numbers impossible to represent. Simple examples of sequences that are not complete include the even numbers, since adding even numbers produces only even numbersโ€”no odd number can be formed. (Wikipedia).

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Introduction to Sequences

This video introduces sequences.

From playlist Infinite Series

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What is the difference between finite and infinite sequences

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn about sequences. A sequence is a list of numbers/values exhibiting a defined pattern. A number/value in a sequence is called a term of the sequence. There are many types of sequence, among which are: arithmetic and geometric sequence. An arithmetic sequence is a sequence in which

From playlist Sequences

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What are partial sums?

Ever wondered what a partial sum is? The simple answer is that a partial sum is actually just the sum of part of a sequence. You can find a partial sum for both finite sequences and infinite sequences. When we talk about the sum of a finite sequence in general, weโ€™re talking about the sum

From playlist Popular Questions

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Introduction to Partial Sums and Partial Products

This video lesson introduces partial sums and partial products.

From playlist Sequences (Discrete Math)

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What is the alternate in sign sequence

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn about sequences. A sequence is a list of numbers/values exhibiting a defined pattern. A number/value in a sequence is called a term of the sequence. There are many types of sequence, among which are: arithmetic and geometric sequence. An arithmetic sequence is a sequence in which

From playlist Sequences

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What is the definition of a geometric sequence

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn about sequences. A sequence is a list of numbers/values exhibiting a defined pattern. A number/value in a sequence is called a term of the sequence. There are many types of sequence, among which are: arithmetic and geometric sequence. An arithmetic sequence is a sequence in which

From playlist Sequences

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Completeness In this video, I define the notion of a complete metric space and show that the real numbers are complete. This is a nice application of Cauchy sequences and has deep consequences in topology and analysis Cauchy sequences: Check out my Sequences

From playlist Sequences

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What is a sequence?

Sequence Definition and Examples Welcome to our sequence adventure! In this video, I give some basic examples of sequences, and in the remainder of the playlist we'll discover beautiful properties of sequences and their limits. Enjoy! Check out my Sequences Playlist:

From playlist Sequences

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What is a sequence

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn about sequences. A sequence is a list of numbers/values exhibiting a defined pattern. A number/value in a sequence is called a term of the sequence. There are many types of sequence, among which are: arithmetic and geometric sequence. An arithmetic sequence is a sequence in which

From playlist Sequences

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MAST30026 Lecture 18: Banach spaces (Part 2)

I gave a counter-example which shows that the space of functions on an integral pair with the L^p-norm for p finite is not complete, and then I started the process of constructing the completion. We almost got to the end of proving the existence of the completion of a metric space. Lectur

From playlist MAST30026 Metric and Hilbert spaces

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MAST30026 Lecture 13: Metrics on function spaces (Part 2)

I discussed pointwise and uniform convergence of functions, proved that the uniform limit of continuous functions is continuous, and used that to prove that Cts(X,Y) is a complete metric space with respect to the sup metric if X is compact and Y is a complete metric space. Lecture notes:

From playlist MAST30026 Metric and Hilbert spaces

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MAST30026 Lecture 18: Banach spaces (Part 3)

I finished (completed!) the construction of the completion of a metric space, and sketched the proof that uniformly continuous functions extend from a metric space to its completion uniquely. I then constructed the completion of a normed space and ended by formally defining L^p spaces. Le

From playlist MAST30026 Metric and Hilbert spaces

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Complete metric space: example & proof

This video discusses an example of particular metric space that is complete. The completeness is proved with details provided. Such ideas are seen in branches of analysis.

From playlist Mathematical analysis and applications

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Metric Completions and doubt, Topology PhD Qualifying Exam Problems (Stream 2)

Just practicing some arguments from topology qualifying exam problems. Hanging out here instead of on Twitch. Working through some metric completion nuances and path connectedness problems. 00:00:00 Dead Air 00:01:12 I exist huzzah! 00:03:22 Metric Completions Problem 02:06:00 Path Compon

From playlist CHALK Streams

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Metric Spaces - Lectures 11 & 12: Oxford Mathematics 2nd Year Student Lecture

For the first time we are making a full Oxford Mathematics Undergraduate lecture course available. Ben Green's 2nd Year Metric Spaces course is the first half of the Metric Spaces and Complex Analysis course. This is the 6th of 11 videos. The course is about the notion of distance. You ma

From playlist Oxford Mathematics Student Lectures - Metric Spaces

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Metric Spaces - Lectures 13 & 14: Oxford Mathematics 2nd Year Student Lecture

For the first time we are making a full Oxford Mathematics Undergraduate lecture course available. Ben Green's 2nd Year Metric Spaces course is the first half of the Metric Spaces and Complex Analysis course. This is the 7th of 11 videos. The course is about the notion of distance. You ma

From playlist Oxford Mathematics Student Lectures - Metric Spaces

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Real Analysis - Part 7 - Cauchy sequences and Completeness [dark version]

Support the channel on Steady: Or support me via PayPal: Or via Ko-fi: Or via Patreon: Or via other methods: https://thebrightsideofmathematics.

From playlist Real Analysis [dark version]

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Toeplitz methods in completeness and spectral problems โ€“ Alexei Poltoratski โ€“ ICM2018

Analysis and Operator Algebras Invited Lecture 8.18 Toeplitz methods in completeness and spectral problems Alexei Poltoratski Abstract: We survey recent progress in the gap and type problems of Fourier analysis obtained via the use of Toeplitz operators in spaces of holomorphic functions

From playlist Analysis & Operator Algebras

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Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: Completeness

Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: Completeness This lecture is a long and complex proof that every finite vector space is complete. The purpose is to demonstrate some of the methods of real and functional analysis as well as to emphasize the significance of a vector space being finite-dim

From playlist Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

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Introduction to Sequences (Discrete Math)

This video introduces sequences for a discrete math class.

From playlist Sequences (Discrete Math)

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