Information theory

Communication source

A source or sender is one of the basic concepts of communication and information processing. Sources are objects which encode message data and transmit the information, via a channel, to one or more observers (or receivers). In the strictest sense of the word, particularly in information theory, a source is a process that generates message data that one would like to communicate, or reproduce as exactly as possible elsewhere in space or time. A source may be modelled as memoryless, ergodic, stationary, or stochastic, in order of increasing generality. Communication Source combines Communication and Mass Media Complete and Communication Abstracts to provide full-text access to more than 700 journals, and indexing and abstracting for more than 1,000 core journals. Coverage dating goes back to 1900. Content is derived from academic journals, conference papers, conference proceedings, trade publications, magazines and periodicals. A transmitter can be either a device, for example, an antenna, or a human transmitter, for example, a speaker. The word "transmitter" derives from an emitter, that is to say, that emits using the Hertzian waves. In sending mail it also refers to the person or organization that sends a letter and whose address is written on the envelope of the letter. In finance, an issuer can be, for example, the bank system of elements. In education, an issuer is any person or thing that gives knowledge to the student, for example, the professor. For communication to be effective, the sender and receiver must share the same code. In ordinary communication, the sender and receiver roles are usually interchangeable. Depending on the language's functions, the issuer fulfills the expressive or emotional function, in which feelings, emotions, and opinions are manifested, such as The way is dangerous. (Wikipedia).

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If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please visit to view the entire tutorial on our website. It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice and apply what you've learned.

From playlist Communicating Effectively

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Business Communication

If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please visit to view the entire tutorial on our website. It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice and apply what you've learned.

From playlist Business Communication

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GEN102 - Communication

Communication can be defined as the process wherby ideas, information and messages are shared with others in a particuluar time and place through a common system of symbols. This E-Lecture, which as an update of the 2013 E-Lecture, discusses the central modes of communication and the speci

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Using Messages on LinkedIn

In this video, you’ll learn more about using Messages in LinkedIn. Visit for our text-based lesson. We hope you enjoy!

From playlist LinkedIn

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If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please visit to view the entire tutorial on our website. It includes instructional text, informational graphics, examples, and even interactives for you to practice and apply what you've learned.

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Lecture 2 - Types of Wireless communication

Lecture Series on Wireless Communications by Dr.Ranjan Bose, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL, visit

From playlist Wireless Communication

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ArrrrCamp 2014- This is bigger than us: Building a future for Open Source

By, Lena Reinhard This talk will take you on a journey – from the days of the Easter Islands in the southeastern Pacific Ocean around 700CE, over the mid-15th century in England to Mars, rain forests and coral reefs of our days. On our way, we'll think about the relevance of Open Source So

From playlist ArrrrCamp 2014

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RubyConf 2017: The Unbearable Vulnerability of Open Source by Eileen M Uchitelle

The Unbearable Vulnerability of Open Source by Eileen M Uchitelle If contributing to open source was only about writing code, it would be easy. In reality open source exposes our insecurities and makes us feel vulnerable. Vulnerability can inspire change, but can also paralyze us for fear

From playlist RubyConf 2017

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Lena Reinhard: This is bigger than us: Building a future for Open Source | JSConf EU 2014

This talk aims to take you on a journey – from the days of the Easter Islands around 700CE, over the mid-15th century in England to Mars and rain forests of our days and finally to the future of Free, Libre and Open Source Software (OSS). On our way, we’ll take a close look at the culture

From playlist JSConf EU 2014

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Open Source & Feelings 2015 - How to be a Corporate Open Source Citizen by Casey West

How to be a Corporate Open Source Citizen by Casey West It's generally considered a good thing when companies open source their software. They're giving back to the community and being good citizens. Unfortunately it's not always the case that companies are good actors in our community. S

From playlist Open Source & Feelings 2015

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Nexus trimester - Michael Langberg (SUNY at Buffalo)

A reductionist view of network information theory Michael Langberg (SUNY at Buffalo) February 08, 2016 Abstract: The network information theory literature includes beautiful results describing codes and performance limits for many different networks. While common tools and themes are evi

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OSCON 2010: Deanne Clark, Hugh Creedon & J.D. Keith, " Community Collaboration Web ..." Deanne Clark (DSS Inc.), Hugh Creedon (DSS Inc.), J.D. Keith (DSS Inc.), " Community Collaboration Web Portal Uses Atlassian Open Source Web Tools to Deploy vxVistA-OS EHR"

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Drive Innovation & Collaboration (sponsored by Huawei) - Ying Xiong

Open source has been a fundamental strategy for technology collaboration and innovation at Huawei. Ying Xiong explains how Huawei collaborates with industry leaders and innovates together through open source projects like Kubernetes and Kata Container at CNCF and the OpenLab project at Ope

From playlist OSCON 2018 - Portland, Oregon

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Building Open Source Communities - Tierney Cyren - JSConf US 2019

Building Open Source Communities is hard. There’s a lot of people that do it, but we repeat the hard lessons again and again. In this talk, we'll go over overlapping lessons from four distinct OSS communities to help the next generation of builders… build.

From playlist JSConf US 2019

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DjangoCon US 2017 - Flourishing FLOSS: Making Your Project Successful by Anna Ossowski

DjangoCon US 2017 - Flourishing FLOSS: Making Your Project Successful by Anna Ossowski You maintain an Open Source project with great code? Yet your project isn’t succeeding in the ways you want? Maybe you’re struggling with funding or documentation? Or you just can’t find new contributor

From playlist DjangoCon US 2017

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the Internet (part 2)

An intro to the core protocols of the Internet, including IPv4, TCP, UDP, and HTTP. Part of a larger series teaching programming. See

From playlist The Internet

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OSCON 2012: Irene Ros, "This Is the House That Open Source Built"

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