Smooth functions | Functional analysis | Algebras

Colombeau algebra

In mathematics, a Colombeau algebra is an algebra of a certain kind containing the space of Schwartz distributions. While in classical distribution theory a general multiplication of distributions is not possible, Colombeau algebras provide a rigorous framework for this. Such a multiplication of distributions has long been believed to be impossible because of L. Schwartz' impossibility result, which basically states that there cannot be a differential algebra containing the space of distributions and preserving the product of continuous functions. However, if one only wants to preserve the product of smooth functions instead such a construction becomes possible, as demonstrated first by Colombeau. As a mathematical tool, Colombeau algebras can be said to combine a treatment of singularities, differentiation and nonlinear operations in one framework, lifting the limitations of distribution theory. These algebras have found numerous applications in the fields of partial differential equations, geophysics, microlocal analysis and general relativity so far. Colombeau algebras are named after French mathematician . (Wikipedia).

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Linear Transformations: Onto

Linear Algebra: Continuing with function properties of linear transformations, we recall the definition of an onto function and give a rule for onto linear transformations.

From playlist MathDoctorBob: Linear Algebra I: From Linear Equations to Eigenspaces | Mathematics

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7A_1 Linear Algebra Definitons

Definitions used in linear algebra

From playlist Linear Algebra

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Linear Algebra Vignette 3d: Easy Eigenvalues - Linearly Dependent Columns

This course is on Lemma: Lemma looking for developers: Other than, I recommend Strang, Gelfand, and my short book of essays Questions and comments below will be prompt

From playlist Linear Algebra Vignettes

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Linear Algebra Vignette 1b: The Dilation Operator (Has Important Applications)

This course is on Lemma: Lemma looking for developers: Other than, I recommend Strang, Gelfand, and my short book of essays Questions and comments below will be prompt

From playlist Linear Algebra Vignettes

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Linear Algebra Vignette 2a: RREF - What It's For

This course is on Lemma: Lemma looking for developers: Other than, I recommend Strang, Gelfand, and my short book of essays Questions and comments below will be prompt

From playlist Linear Algebra Vignettes

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Linear Algebra Vignette 3b: Easy Eigenvalues - Diagonal Entry

This course is on Lemma: Lemma looking for developers: Other than, I recommend Strang, Gelfand, and my short book of essays Questions and comments below will be prompt

From playlist Linear Algebra Vignettes

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Linear Algebra Vignette 3c: Easy Eigenvalues - Sums Of Rows

This course is on Lemma: Lemma looking for developers: Other than, I recommend Strang, Gelfand, and my short book of essays Questions and comments below will be prompt

From playlist Linear Algebra Vignettes

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Linear Algebra Vignette 3h: Easy Eigenvalues - The Grand Finale

This course is on Lemma: Lemma looking for developers: Other than, I recommend Strang, Gelfand, and my short book of essays Questions and comments below will be prompt

From playlist Linear Algebra Vignettes

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What is linear algebra?

This is part of an online course on beginner/intermediate linear algebra, which presents theory and implementation in MATLAB and Python. The course is designed for people interested in applying linear algebra to applications in multivariate signal processing, statistics, and data science.

From playlist Linear algebra: theory and implementation

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FIT2.3.3. Algebraic Extensions

Field Theory: We define an algebraic extension of a field F and show that successive algebraic extensions are also algebraic. This gives a useful criterion for checking algberaic elements. We finish with algebraic closures.

From playlist Abstract Algebra

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Kristin Courtney: "The abstract approach to classifying C*-algebras"

Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras 2021 Mini Course: "The abstract approach to classifying C*-algebras" Kristin Courtney - Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA January 21, 2021 For more information:

From playlist Actions of Tensor Categories on C*-algebras 2021

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Rahim Moosa 11/14/14

Title: Differential Varieties with Only Algebraic Images

From playlist Fall 2014

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Homeschool Algebra 2 - What Every Homeschool Parent Needs to Know

TabletClass Math Homeschool: How to homeschool Algebra 2 successfully. Need help with homeschooling Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and Pre-Calculus? Check out TabletClass Math for all your homeschooling needs: .

From playlist Homeschool Math

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Homeschool Geometry Before Algebra 2

TabletClass Math: This video explains why you should homeschool geometry before algebra 2.

From playlist Homeschool Math

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A geometric model for the bounded derived category of a gentle algebra, Sibylle Schroll, Lecture 1

Gentle algebras are quadratic monomial algebras whose representation theory is well understood. In recent years they have played a central role in several different subjects such as in cluster algebras where they occur as Jacobian algebras of quivers with potentials obtained from triangula

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Omar León Sánchez, University of Manchester

December 17, Omar León Sánchez, University of Manchester A Poisson basis theorem for symmetric algebras

From playlist Fall 2021 Online Kolchin Seminar in Differential Algebra

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Homeschool Algebra - What Every Homeschool Parent Needs to Know

TabletClass Math Homeschool: How to homeschool Algebra successfully. Need help with homeschooling Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and Pre-Calculus? Check out TabletClass Math for all your homeschooling needs: .

From playlist Homeschool Algebra

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Linear Algebra Vignette 1a: Matrix Representation of a Linear Transformation

This course is on Lemma: Lemma looking for developers: Other than, I recommend Strang, Gelfand, and my short book of essays Questions and comments below will be prompt

From playlist Linear Algebra Vignettes

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Higher Algebra 10: E_n-Algebras

In this video we introduce E_n-Algebras in arbitrary symmetric monoidal infinity-categories. These interpolate between associated algebras (= E_1) and commutative algebras (= E_infinity). We also establish some categorical properties and investigate the case of the symmetric monoidal infin

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