Computational fluid dynamics

Code Saturne

code_saturne is a general-purpose computational fluid dynamics free computer software package. Developed since 1997 at Électricité de France R&D, code_saturne is distributed under the GNU GPL licence.It is based on a co-located finite-volume approach that accepts meshes with any type of cell (tetrahedral, hexahedral, prismatic, pyramidal, polyhedral...) and any type of grid structure (unstructured, block structured, hybrid, conforming or with hanging nodes...). Its basic capabilities enable the handling of either incompressible or expandable flows with or without heat transfer and turbulence (mixing length, 2-equation models, v2f, Reynolds stress models, Large eddy simulation...).Dedicated modules are available for specific physics such as radiative heat transfer, combustion (gas, coal, heavy fuel oil, ...), magneto-hydro dynamics, compressible flows, two-phase flows (Euler-Lagrange approach with two-way coupling), extensions to specific applications (e.g. for atmospheric environment). (Wikipedia).

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Cassini: Four Years of Discovery

New revelations of Saturn, its moons and rings, courtesy of NASA's Cassini mission to Saturn.

From playlist Cassini at Saturn

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Collision of an Ancient Moon Formed Saturn's Rings and Tilted It Sideways

Get a Wonderful Person Tee: More cool designs are on Amazon: Alternatively, PayPal donations can be sent here: Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about the origin o

From playlist Saturn and Its Moons

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Patreon page: Hello and welcome to What Da Math! In this video, we will talk about 5 unusual facts about various moons of Saturn - the 6th planet from the Sun. Learn more by watching the video. Enjoy and please subscribe. Don't forget, suppor

From playlist Saturn and Its Moons

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Saturn Hurricane Movie

This movie, made from images obtained by NASA's Cassini spacecraft, shows the clouds of a hurricane-like storm, which circulate around the north pole of Saturn out to 88.5 degrees north latitude.

From playlist Cassini at Saturn

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You'll Never Guess What NASA Discovered Inside the Rings of Saturn

You can buy Universe Sandbox 2 game here: Hello and welcome to What Da Math! In this video, we will talk about the rings of Saturn. Support this channel on Patreon to help me make this a full time job: Space Engine is available f

From playlist Space Engine

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Saturn: Best Rings in the Solar System

I think that nine out of ten people, if you ask them to picture a planet in their minds, will picture Saturn. Why? It's those rings! They are irresistible. Rings are to planets as peanut butter is to chocolate. The perfect complement. But there is much more to Saturn than just its rings. T

From playlist Astronomy/Astrophysics

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Incredible Photos of Saturn and Its Moons - Space Engine

Patreon page: Hello and welcome to What Da Math! In this video, we will talk about various incredible photos that were taken around Saturn and that were recently featured on All of these photos are also available directly from JPL a

From playlist SPACE (MISC)

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Hitler's Alligator - The Last German Prisoner of War in Russia

➤ Watch awesome documentaries on CuriosityStream:" Register with the promo code "markfelton" to get a 30-day free trial! This is the amazing true story of Saturn, the Berlin Zoo Alligator captured by the Soviets in 1945 and who recently died in

From playlist Hitler Various Subjects

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What Did Cassini Teach Us? Remembering Cassini and Saying Goodbye

In just a few months, NASA's Cassini spacecraft is going to die, crashing into the planet Saturn. Let's look back across the mission's history. What were the highlights? What did we learn? Sponsored by the .space domain name. Go to and use the code "GUIDETOSPACE" t

From playlist Space Exploration

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Craziest eclipses in the solar system

A total solar eclipse passed across North America on August 21, 2017. Are there other total solar eclipses in the solar system? Get your first two months of CuriosityStream free by going to and using the promo code “physicsgirl” Do Mars moons, or Jup

From playlist Unique Astrophysics #BackToSchool

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Parallel Processing in Python || Aaron Richter

Python has a vast ecosystem of tools for scientific computing and data science. However, when data size or computational complexity grows, users may encounter performance challenges. This talk will cover the current landscape of parallel processing tools in Python, with a focus on which to

From playlist Python

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Voyager 2 and the Grand Tour

Enjoy 10% off 6” and 8.5” MOVA Globes with code THEHISTORYGUY. Shop now on In 1964, engineers at NASA's jet propulsion laboratory noted that a rare alignment of four planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, would occur in the late 1970s, allowing an unpre

From playlist History without War

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Apollo 6: A Major Unplanned Accomplishment.

Enjoy 10% off 6” and 8.5” MOVA Globes with code THEHISTORYGUY. Shop now on On July 20, 1969, at 10:56 PM, eastern time, television images of Neil Armstrong were broadcast world wide as he put his foot on the lunar surface. But there is far more to the program

From playlist Space

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How Wiretapping Helped Transform Astronomy

Early telegraph operators and WWI spies picked up some weird noises on radio waves. As it turned out, they were actually listening to plasma waves in Earth’s magnetic field lines! Get 10% off today —WITH FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING—by going to and use code “SCISHOW” a

From playlist SciShow Space

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Universe Sandbox 2 - Terraforming Titan and The Moons of Saturn

You can buy Universe Sandbox 2 game here: Hello and welcome to What Da Math. This is a somewhat long video of a potential terraforming project of Titan - the 2nd biggest moon in the Solar System orbiting around Saturn. We are also going to take a look at and discuss

From playlist Saturn and Its Moons

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Why Doesn’t Earth Have Rings?

Early this week, scientists discovered a super Saturn, which got us thinking: Why doesn’t Earth have rings? Get 15% off’s s domain names and web hosting when you use coupon code DNEWS at checkout! Read More: Monster Ring System Circles Giant Alien Planet ht

From playlist Planets and Moons

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Saturn: Crash Course Astronomy #18

Saturn is the crown jewel of the solar system, beautiful and fascinating. It is a gas giant and has a broad set of rings made of ice particles. Moons create gaps in the rings via their gravity. Saturn has dozens of moons, including Titan, which is as big as Mercury and has a thick atmosphe

From playlist Astronomy

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RubyConf 2017: Orbital Rocket Guidance with Ruby by Nate Berkopec

Orbital Rocket Guidance with Ruby by Nate Berkopec Using the popular space simulator Kerbal Space Program and some remote procedure calls, we're going to use Ruby to launch (simulated) rockets into space! We'll discuss the history of computing in the space program, real-life algorithms fo

From playlist RubyConf 2017

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Creating Saturn and Its Moons Using Universe Sandbox 2

Hello and welcome to What Da Math! In this video, we will talk about how the moons of Saturn were created and how they were formed. Patreon page: Enjoy and please subscribe. Other videos here:

From playlist Saturn and Its Moons

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"Dreams of Other Worlds" Chapter 3 Part 1

We're reading "Dreams of Other Worlds," a book about the history of unmanned space travel by Chris Impey and Holly Henry on our Twitch channel! Every week on Monday at 10am PST we read another chapter on our TeachAstronomy Twitch channel and archive them here for anyone who misses it. Enjo

From playlist Dreams of Other Worlds Book Read

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