Transaction processing

Civis Analytics

Civis Analytics is a US data science software and consultancy company founded by Dan Wagner in 2013, with backing by Eric Schmidt. Wagner had served as the Chief Analytics Officer for Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign. Civis Analytics helps businesses "understand their data, use that data to make predictions, and get recommendations on what steps to take next". Civis works with Fortune 500 companies and the country's largest organizations, including Verizon, Airbnb, Discovery, FEMA, Boeing and the American Red Cross. In 2020, the company faced controversy for firing employee David Shor after he tweeted a short summary of an academic paper by Omar Wasow, a black political scientist at Princeton University. Wasow's study contended that nonviolent protests had historically been more effective at driving political change than violent protests, which led some critics to argue that Shor's tweet could be interpreted as criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement. After the firing, Civis Analytics initially released a statement claiming that had not fired any employees for tweeting academic papers, but later retracted that statement and replaced it with a new statement that omitted that claim. In 2021, Wasow was quoted as having concluded from his conversations with Civis Analytics and Shor that "at the heart of it was how [Shor] was treated on Twitter by people who essentially shot the messenger"; Wasow dismissed accusations of racism or otherwise acting improperly as "baseless". Eleven employees were laid off on October 30, 2020. In December, seven of them filed unfair labor practice charges with the NLRB for wrongful termination. In July 2021, the NLRB dismissed the claim. (Wikipedia).

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Jupyter Notebooks and the Road to Enabling Data-Driven Teams

It’s not enough just to give data scientists access to Jupyter notebooks in the cloud. Skipper Seabold (Civis Analytics), Lori Eich (Civis Analytics) argue that to build truly data-driven organizations, everyone from data scientists and managers to business stakeholders needs to work in co

From playlist JupyterCon

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Discover CIRM

The Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Centre for International Research meetings in Mathematics) was created in 1981 by the French mathematics community and has become an increasingly popular destination. It provides all the facilities and equipment that conference organize

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O'Reilly Webcast: Lean Analytics 201 - Five Lessons Beyond the Basics

During the first part of this exclusive webcast event we welcome Eric Ries (@ericries) author of New York Times bestseller "The Lean Startup" for a fireside chat with Alistair Croll (@acroll) and Ben Yoskovitz (@byosko) authors of "Lean Analytics" to learn the story behind "Lean Analytics"

From playlist O'Reilly Webcasts 3

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Data Science - Part XI - Text Analytics

For downloadable versions of these lectures, please go to the following link: This is an introduction to text analytics for advanced business users and IT professionals with limited programmi

From playlist Data Science

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Rick Schultz interviewed at Strata Conference + Hadoop World 2012

Rick Schultz SVP, Marketing Alteryx Alteryx provides indispensable analytic solutions for enterprise companies making critical decisions about how to expand and grow. Our product, Alteryx Strategic Analytics, is a desktop-to-cloud Agile BI and analytics solution designed for Data Artisans

From playlist Strata Conference + Hadoop World NYC 2012

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Strata Data Awards: Winners Announced

To view more talks from Strata SF 2019, visit: The Strata Data Awards recognize the most innovative startups, leaders, and data science projects from Strata sponsors and exhibitors around the world. Join us during keynotes for the announcement of the winne

From playlist Strata Data Conference 2019 - San Francisco, California

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(phi,Gamma)-modules and locally analytic vectors

L. Berger (ENS de Lyon) (phi,Gamma)-modules and locally analytic vectors Conférence de mi-parcours du programme ANR Théorie de Hodge p-adique et Développements (ThéHopaD)­ 25-27 septembre 2013 Centre de conférences Marilyn et James Simons IHÉS Bures / Yvette France

From playlist Conférence de mi-parcours du programme ANRThéorie de Hodge p-adique et Développements (ThéHopaD)­25-27 septembre 2013

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Bayesian data interpretation with large scale cosmological (...) - Jasche - Workshop 2 - CEB T3 2018

Jens Jasche (Stockholm University) / 25.10.2018 Bayesian data interpretation with large scale cosmological models ---------------------------------- Vous pouvez nous rejoindre sur les réseaux sociaux pour suivre nos actualités. Facebook :

From playlist 2018 - T3 - Analytics, Inference, and Computation in Cosmology

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La mission locale - Sarah Mazouz

Au coeur de l'Etat Comment les institutions traitent leur public International Conference supported by the European Research Council École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris) and Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton) Paris, 11 & 12 June 2012 More videos on http://video.ias

From playlist Social Science

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10b Data Analytics: Spatial Continuity

Lecture on the impact of spatial continuity to motivate characterization and modeling of spatial continuity.

From playlist Data Analytics and Geostatistics

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Linear Algebra - Lecture 16 - Characterization of Linearly Dependent Sets

In this lecture, we will start proving some theorems that let us characterizing when a set of vectors is linearly dependent or linearly independent.

From playlist Linear Algebra Lectures

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Irène Waldspurger: Rank optimality for the Burer-Monteiro factorization

The Burer-Monteiro factorization is a classical heuristic used to speed up the solving of large scale semidefinite programs when the solution is expected to be low rank: One writes the solution as the product of thinner matrices, and optimizes over the (low-dimensional) factors instead of

From playlist Control Theory and Optimization

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Philippe Michel - Some applications of trace functions to analytic number theory

December 18, 2014 - Analysis, Spectra, and Number theory: A conference in honor of Peter Sarnak on his 61st birthday. In the lecture, we will describe several applications of the theory of trace functions (Frobenius trace functions associated to $\ell$-adic sheaves on the affine line ov

From playlist Analysis, Spectra, and Number Theory - A Conference in Honor of Peter Sarnak on His 61st Birthday

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Local Langlands correspondence and Weil restriction by Anne Marie Aubert

PROGRAM : ALGEBRAIC AND ANALYTIC ASPECTS OF AUTOMORPHIC FORMS ORGANIZERS : Anilatmaja Aryasomayajula, Venketasubramanian C G, Jurg Kramer, Dipendra Prasad, Anandavardhanan U. K. and Anna von Pippich DATE & TIME : 25 February 2019 to 07 March 2019 VENUE : Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Banga

From playlist Algebraic and Analytic Aspects of Automorphic Forms 2019

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Business Analytics Overview || What is Business Analytics?

Business analytics (BA) refers to the skills, technologies, practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business planning. #Business #analytics focuses on developing new insights and understanding of business perfo

From playlist Business Analytics

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Nicolas Rougerie: Mathematical topics around fractional quantization - lecture 2

The 1983 discovery of the fractional quantum Hall effect marks a milestone in condensed matter physics: systems of “ordinary particles at ordinary energies” displayed highly exotic effects, most notably fractional quantum numbers. It was later recognized that this was due to emergent quasi

From playlist Analysis and its Applications

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Q&A 57: Is The Fermi Paradox Really a Paradox? And More...

In this week's questions show, the viewers try to suggest names for balloon rockets. Could live from Venus escaped to Earth? Is the Fermi Paradox really a paradox when we've only explored a little bit of the galaxy? And More Audio Podcast version: ITunes:

From playlist Questions and Answers with Fraser Cain

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Cirm: an all-in-one venue for total scientific immersion

ESTABLISHED IN 1981 BY THE FRENCH MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, CIRM IS MEETING NEW CHALLENGES AND STRENGTHENING ITS ALREADY SOLID FOUNDATIONS The Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) is quite a unique place. Situated on the doorstep of the Calanques National Park, a famous nat

From playlist Cirm: an all-in-one venue for total scientific immersion

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