
Chronology protection conjecture

The chronology protection conjecture is a hypothesis first proposed by Stephen Hawking that laws of physics beyond those of standard general relativity prevent time travel on all but microscopic scales - even when the latter theory states that it should be possible (such as in scenarios where faster than light travel is allowed). The permissibility of time travel is represented mathematically by the existence of closed timelike curves in some solutions to the field equations of general relativity. The chronology protection conjecture should be distinguished from chronological censorship under which every closed timelike curve passes through an event horizon, which might prevent an observer from detecting the causal violation (also known as chronology violation). (Wikipedia).

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The Predictive Power Of Symmetry

From a bee’s hexagonal honeycomb to the elliptical paths of planets, symmetry has long been recognized as a vital quality of nature. Einstein saw symmetry hidden in the fabric of space and time. The brilliant Emmy Noether proved that symmetry is the mathematical flower of deeply rooted phy

From playlist Science Shorts and Explainers

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What is a Symmetry?

Symmetries show up everywhere in physics. But what is a symmetry? While the symmetries of shapes can be interesting, a lot of times, we are more interested in symmetries of space or symmetries of spacetime. To describe these, we need to build "invariants" which give a mathematical represen

From playlist Relativity

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What Is the Future of Cryptography?

Historically, as advances were made in the fields of engineering, mathematics, and physics, so the field of cryptography has advanced with them—usually by leaps and bounds. Where is it headed next? Science journalist Simon Singh concedes that the science of secrecy tends to be secret, so w

From playlist Technology

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Introduction to Detection Theory (Hypothesis Testing) for more great signal-processing content: ad-free videos, concept/screenshot files, quizzes, MATLAB and data files. Includes definitions of binary and m-ary tests, simple and composite hypotheses, decision regions, and test performance characterization: prob

From playlist Estimation and Detection Theory

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Teach Astronomy - Causation and Correlation Science starts by looking for patterns in data. Therefore it's important to understand the distinction between causation and correlation. Scientists believe in causation, the general idea that events have causes. However science starts by looking for patte

From playlist 01. Fundamentals of Science and Astronomy

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Nomenclature -- Special Relativity

Transcript: The Tabletop Explainer is an intermittent educational vlog presenting answers to viewer questions, brief science lessons, and ideas for teachers and students. It is a feature of my blog "Tilts at Windmils" which can be found a

From playlist Physics

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The Beauty of Balance

Why are we drawn to symmetry? Because it provides order in a seemingly chaotic world? Because our brains are the product of the very same laws that yield the flower, the snowflake and the solar system? Because evolution selects for structures with symmetry? In this Salon, we will ask an in

From playlist Deeper Dives 2016

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Cohomology and arithmetic of some mapping spaces - Oishee Banerjee

Members' Colloquium Topic: Cohomology and arithmetic of some mapping spaces Speaker: Oishee Banerjee Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: Date: April 10, 2023  How do we describe the topology of the space of all nonconstant holomorphic (respectively, algebraic) maps F: X--- g

From playlist Mathematics

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Beauville's splitting principle for Chow rings of projective hyperkaehler manifolds - Lie Fu

Lie Fu Member, School of Mathematics November 4, 2014 Being the natural generalization of K3 surfaces, hyperkaehler varieties, also known as irreducible holomorphic symplectic varieties, are one of the building blocks of smooth projective varieties with trivial canonical bundle. One of th

From playlist Mathematics

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Cryptography's Human Problem

How safe is your data? Your money? Your identity? No matter how sophisticated and complex a security encryption system, all of it can be foiled by the simplest of human errors. Security expert Brian Snow points out that the primary weakness in any modern security mechanism tends to be the

From playlist Mathematics

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Local-Global Compatibility in the p-Adic Langlands Progra for GL(2) over Q II - Matthew Emerton

Matthew Emerton Northwestern University November 3, 2010 I will outline the proof of various cases of the local-global compatibility statement alluded to in the title, and also explain its applications to the Fontaine--Mazur conjecture, and to a conjecture of Kisin. For more videos, visi

From playlist Mathematics

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Causal Inference Introduction

Causal Inference is a set of tools used to scientifically prove cause and effect, very commonly used in economics and medicine. This series will go over the basics that any data scientist should understand about causal inference - and point them to the tools they would need to perform it.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Olivier Wittenberg - On the cycle class map for zero-cycles over local fields

Séminaire de Géométrie Arithmétique Paris-Pékin-Tokyo avec Olivier Wittenberg (ENS et CNRS) The Chow group of zero-cycles of a smooth and projective variety defined over a field k is an invariant of an arithmetic and geometric nature which is well understood only when k is a finite field

From playlist Conférences Paris Pékin Tokyo

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Pierre Colmez - Sur le programme de Langlands p-adique

Le programme de Langlands p-adique a pour origine les travaux de Serre et de Hida sur les familles p-adiques de formes modulaires et les représentations galoisiennes qui leur sont associées. Mazur, en collaboration avec Gouvéa et avec Coleman, a joué un grand rôle dans la maturation de ce

From playlist Journée Gretchen & Barry Mazur

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Zarhin's trick and geometric boundedness results for K3 surfaces - François Charles

François Charles Université Paris-Sud November 11, 2014 Tate's conjecture for divisors on algebraic varieties can be rephrased as a finiteness statement for certain families of polarized varieties with unbounded degrees. In the case of abelian varieties, the geometric part of these finite

From playlist Mathematics

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Alexander Dranishnikov (9/22/22): On the LS-category of group homomorphisms

In 50s Eilenberg and Ganea proved that the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of a discrete group Γ equals its cohomological dimension, cat(Γ) = cd(Γ). We discuss a possibility of the similar equality cat(φ) = cd(φ) for group homomorphisms φ : Γ → Λ. We prove this equality for some classes of

From playlist Topological Complexity Seminar

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Stanford Lecture: Donald Knuth - "Fast Input/Output with Many Disks, Using a Magic Trick"

January 20, 1998 Professor Knuth is the Professor Emeritus at Stanford University. Dr. Knuth's classic programming texts include his seminal work The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-3, widely considered to be among the best scientific writings of the century.

From playlist Donald Knuth Lectures

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Tamás Hausel : Toric non-abelian Hodge theory

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Keeping Secrets: Cryptography In A Connected World

Josh Zepps, Simon Singh, Orr Dunkelman, Tal Rabin, and Brian Snow discuss how, since the earliest days of communication, clever minds have devised methods for enciphering messages to shield them from prying eyes. Today, cryptography has moved beyond the realm of dilettantes and soldiers to

From playlist Explore the World Science Festival

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Mark Grant (10/22/20): Bredon cohomology and LS-categorical invariants

Title: Bredon cohomology and LS-categorical invariants Abstract: Farber posed the problem of describing the topological complexity of aspherical spaces in terms of algebraic invariants of their fundamental groups. In Part One of this talk, I’ll discuss joint work with Farber, Lupton and O

From playlist Topological Complexity Seminar

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