Theorems in mathematical physics

Chasles' theorem (gravitation)

In gravitation, Chasles' theorem says that the Newtonian gravitational attraction of a spherical shell, outside of that shell, is equivalent mathematically to the attraction of a point mass. The theorem is attributed to Michel Chasles (1793–1880). Benjamin Peirce followed Chasles work on that developed an analogy between conduction of heat and gravitational attraction: A single current in a direction perpendicular to the level surfaces, and having a velocity proportionate to the decrease in density … is the law of propagation of heat, when there is no radiation, and hence arise the analogies between the levels and isothermal surfaces, and the identity of the mathematical investigations of the attraction of bodies and the propagation of heat which have been developed by Chasles. The Chaslesian shell is the figure that Peirce exploits: If an infinitely thin homogeneous shell is formed upon each level surface, of a system of bodies, having at each point a thickness proportional to the attraction at that point, the portion of either of these shells, which is included in a canal formed by trajectories, bears the same ratio to the whole shell, which the portion of another shell included in the same canal bears to that shell, provided there is no mass included between the shells.The conception of these shells, and the investigation of their acting and reacting properties was original with Chasles, and it will be convenient, as it is appropriate, to designated them as Chaslesian shells. Chasles' theorem as expressed by Peirce: The external level surfaces of a shell are the same with those of the original masses, and the attraction of the shell upon an external point has the same direction with the attraction of the original masses, and is normal to the level surface passing through the point. This theorem is due to Chasles. The ellipsoid is recruited to bound the Chaslesian shells: An infinitely thin homogeneous shell, of which the inner and outer surfaces are those of similar, and similarly placed, concentric ellipsoids, is a Chaslesian shell. (Wikipedia).

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Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation (8.1-8.3)

In this video, I write down Newton's universal law of gravitation, prove that it is conservative, and derive the potential energy associated with it.

From playlist Intermediate Classical Mechanics

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Newton’s Universal Gravitation vs Coulomb’s Law

This video explains the differences and similarities between Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation and Coulomb’s Law for electrostatic forces. Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation is used to calculate the magnitude of the force of attraction between two objects that have mass and Coulomb’

From playlist Coulomb's Law and the Electric Force

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Gravitation (1 of 17) Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, An Explanation with Examples

This video goes over an explanation of Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation. Also included are two examples of how to calculate the force of attraction between two objects that have mass. This is know as an inverse square law. The force of attraction between two objects is directly propor

From playlist Gravitation: Orbital Velocity, Orbital Period, Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, Mass and Weight

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Pappus' theorem and the cross ratio | Universal Hyperbolic Geometry 3 | NJ Wildberger

Pappus' theorem is the first and foremost result in projective geometry. Another of his significant contributions was the notion of cross ratio of four points on a line, or of four lines through a point. We discuss various important results: such as the Cross ratio theorem, asserting the

From playlist Universal Hyperbolic Geometry

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The Universal Law of Gravitation - Part 1 | Physics | Don't Memorise

This video explains the concept of the Universal Law of Gravitation. To learn more about Gravitation, enroll in our full course now: To watch the se

From playlist Physics

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The Journey to 3264 - Numberphile

Professor David Eisenbud talks about conics, and visits a few numbers along the way. More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓ David Eisenbud Numberphile Playlist: David Eisenbud: 3264 and All

From playlist David Eisenbud on Numberphile

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Lec 20. Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation: Gravitation and Quantum Mechanics

UCI Physics 255 Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation (Spring 2014) Lec 20. Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation -- Gravitation and Quantum Mechanics -- View the complete course: Instructor: Herbe

From playlist Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation

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C2_W4_Concept Trailer_Gravitation V2.mp4

From playlist Concepts and Commentary

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Universal Law of Gravitation - Part 2 | Physics | Don't Memorise

This video explains the concept of the Universal Law of Gravitation. ✅To learn more about Gravitation, enroll in our full course now: In this video,

From playlist Physics

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Journée de la Revue d’histoire des mathématiques - Nicolas Michel - 01/12/17

Journée de la Revue d’histoire des mathématiques (séance préparée par la rédaction de la RHM) Nicolas Michel (UMR SPHère, CNRS & Université Paris Diderot), « "Une proposition tantôt vraie, tantôt fausse" : autour de la controverse Chasles-De Jonquières » -----------------------------

From playlist Séminaire d'Histoire des Mathématiques

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Gravitation (2 of 17) Calculate Your Weight Two Different Ways

This video shows you two different ways to calculate your weight of Earth; (1) using Newton's Second Law of Motion and (2) using Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. Newton's second law states that the force is equal to the mass times the acceleration. Newton's law of universal gravita

From playlist Gravitation: Orbital Velocity, Orbital Period, Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy, Mass and Weight

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Colloque d'histoire des sciences "Gaston Darboux (1842 - 1917)" - Hélène Gispert - 17/11/17

En partenariat avec le séminaire d’histoire des mathématiques de l’IHP Darboux c’est aussi le nom d’un journal : le Bulletin des sciences mathématiques (1869-1917) Hélène Gispert, GHDSO, Université Paris-Sud 11 À l’occasion du centenaire de la mort de Gaston Darboux, l’Institut Henri Poi

From playlist Colloque d'histoire des sciences "Gaston Darboux (1842 - 1917)" - 17/11/2017

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Gravitational radiation from post-Newtonian sources.... by Luc Blanchet (Lecture - 2)

PROGRAM SUMMER SCHOOL ON GRAVITATIONAL WAVE ASTRONOMY ORGANIZERS : Parameswaran Ajith, K. G. Arun and Bala R. Iyer DATE : 15 July 2019 to 26 July 2019 VENUE : Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore This school is part of the annual ICTS summer schools on gravitational-wave (GW) astronomy.

From playlist Summer School on Gravitational Wave Astronomy -2019

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Gravitation: The Four Fundamental Forces of Physics #3

Hank continues our series on the four fundamental forces of physics with a description of gravitation -the interaction by which physical bodies attract with a force proportional to that of their masses, and which is responsible for keeping planets in orbit, among other things. SciShow has

From playlist Uploads

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Journée de la Revue d’histoire des mathématiques - Catherine Radtka - 01/12/17

Journée de la Revue d’histoire des mathématiques (séance préparée par la rédaction de la RHM) Catherine Radtka (UMR FEMTO-ST/RECITS, CNRS & Université de technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard), « De l'Université au primaire et retour : quelles continuité et unité disciplinaires dégager au

From playlist Séminaire d'Histoire des Mathématiques

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Vincent Divol 5/25/20: Studying the space of persistence diagrams using optimal partial transport II

Speakers: Vincent Divol and Théo Lacombe Title: Studying the space of persistence diagrams using optimal partial transport, part II Abstract: First talk: Introduction and theoretical background Despite the obvious similarities between the metrics used in topological data analysis and t

From playlist ATMCS/AATRN 2020

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Gravitational Waves From Soft Theorem by Ashoke Sen

Discussion Meeting The Future of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy ORGANIZERS: Parameswaran Ajith, K. G. Arun, B. S. Sathyaprakash, Tarun Souradeep and G. Srinivasan DATE: 19 August 2019 to 22 August 2019 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore This discussion meeting, organized in c

From playlist The Future of Gravitational-wave Astronomy 2019

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Einstein's General Theory of Relativity | Lecture 1

Lecture 1 of Leonard Susskind's Modern Physics concentrating on General Relativity. Recorded September 22, 2008 at Stanford University. This Stanford Continuing Studies course is the fourth of a six-quarter sequence of classes exploring the essential theoretical foundations of modern ph

From playlist Lecture Collection | Modern Physics: Einstein's Theory

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Stephen Hawking - Quantum Black Holes

In the 1960s Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking produced their ground-breaking work on Black Holes. In 2017 Stephen gave the first Oxford Mathematics Roger Penrose Public Lecture in honour of his great friend. His subject? Black Holes of course. The full lecture, one of Stephen's last, is n

From playlist Oxford Mathematics Public Lectures

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Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation


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