Mathematical analysts

Charles Loewner

Charles Loewner (29 May 1893 – 8 January 1968) was an American mathematician. His name was Karel Löwner in Czech and Karl Löwner in German. Karl Loewner was born into a Jewish family in Lany, about 30 km from Prague, where his father Sigmund Löwner was a store owner. Loewner received his Ph.D. from the University of Prague in 1917 under supervision of Georg Pick.One of his central mathematical contributions is the proof of the Bieberbach conjecture in the first highly nontrivial case of the third coefficient. The technique he introduced, the Loewner differential equation, has had far-reaching implications in geometric function theory; it was used in the final solution of the Bieberbach conjecture by Louis de Branges in 1985. Loewner worked at the University of Berlin, University of Prague, University of Louisville, Brown University, Syracuse University and eventually at Stanford University. His students include Lipman Bers, Roger Horn, Adriano Garsia, and P. M. Pu. (Wikipedia).

Charles Loewner
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Lagrange Bicentenary - Jacques Laskar's conference

Lagrange and the stability of the Solar System

From playlist Bicentenaire Joseph-Louis Lagrange

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Lagrange Bicentenary - Luigi Pepe's conference

Scientific biography of Joseph Louis Lagrange Part one, Lagrange in Turin : calculus of variation and vibrating sring Part two, Lagrange in Paris : didactical works and Dean for Scientific activities at the National Institute

From playlist Bicentenaire Joseph-Louis Lagrange

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Yilin Wang - 3/3 The Loewner Energy at the Crossroad of Random Conformal Geometry (...)

The Loewner energy for Jordan curves first arises from the large deviations of Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE), a family of random fractal curves modeling interfaces in 2D statistical mechanics. In a certain way, this energy measures the roundness of a Jordan curve, and we show that it is

From playlist Yilin Wang - The Loewner Energy at the Crossroad of Random Conformal Geometry and Teichmueller Theory

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Yilin Wang - 2/4 The Loewner Energy at the Crossroad of Random Conformal Geometry (...)

The Loewner energy for Jordan curves first arises from the large deviations of Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE), a family of random fractal curves modeling interfaces in 2D statistical mechanics. In a certain way, this energy measures the roundness of a Jordan curve, and we show that it is

From playlist Yilin Wang - The Loewner Energy at the Crossroad of Random Conformal Geometry and Teichmueller Theory

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Yilin Wang - 1/4 The Loewner Energy at the Crossroad of Random Conformal Geometry (...)

The Loewner energy for Jordan curves first arises from the large deviations of Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE), a family of random fractal curves modeling interfaces in 2D statistical mechanics. In a certain way, this energy measures the roundness of a Jordan curve, and we show that it is

From playlist Yilin Wang - The Loewner Energy at the Crossroad of Random Conformal Geometry and Teichmueller Theory

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Yilin Wang - 4/4 The Loewner Energy at the Crossroad of Random Conformal Geometry (...)

The Loewner energy for Jordan curves first arises from the large deviations of Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE), a family of random fractal curves modeling interfaces in 2D statistical mechanics. In a certain way, this energy measures the roundness of a Jordan curve, and we show that it is

From playlist Yilin Wang - The Loewner Energy at the Crossroad of Random Conformal Geometry and Teichmueller Theory

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Eveliina Peltola (Bonn) -- On large deviations of SLEs and real rational functions

The talk concerns a large deviation principle (LDP) for (multiple) Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) curves for the Hausdorff metric. When studying the LDP, we introduced a ''Loewner potential'' that describes the rate function. This object turned out to have several intrinsic, and perhaps s

From playlist Columbia Probability Seminar

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Lagrange Bicentenary - Cédric Villani's conference

From the stability of the Solar system to the stability of plasmas

From playlist Bicentenaire Joseph-Louis Lagrange

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Conformal removability of non-simple Schramm-Loewner evolutions - Konstantinos Kavvadias

Probability Seminar Topic: Conformal removability of non-simple Schramm-Loewner evolutions Speaker: Konstantinos Kavvadias Affiliation: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Date: April 07, 2023  We consider the Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE_{kappa}) for kappa in (4,8), which is the re

From playlist Mathematics

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Morris Ang (MIT) -- Integrability of the conformal loop ensemble

For κ between 8/3 and 8, the conformal loop ensemble CLEκ is a canonical random ensemble of loops which is conformally invariant in law, and whose loops locally look like Schramm-Loewner evolution with parameter κ. It describes the scaling limits of the Ising model, percolation, and other

From playlist Northeastern Probability Seminar 2021

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Moments in positivity:metric positivity,covariance estimation,novel graph invariant by Apoorva Khare

ABSTRACT: I will discuss the connections of matrix positivity and its preservers to multiple sub-fields of mathematics: analysis, metric geometry, combinatorics, and also downstream applications. This includes classical results by Schur, Rudin, Loewner, Karlin, and their students: FitzGera

From playlist ICTS Colloquia

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Percolation: a Mathematical Phase Transition

—————SOURCES———————————————————————— Percolation – Béla Bollobás and Oliver Riordan Cambridge University Press, New York, 2006. Sixty Years of Percolation – Hugo Duminil-Copin Percolation – Geoffrey Grimmett volume 321 of Grundlehren der Ma

From playlist Prob and Stats

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Louis Pasteur: Biography of a Great Thinker || History of Science

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was a French chemist and considered the "Father of Microbiology." He made groundbreaking discoveries in the fields of crystallography, fermentation, and vaccination. We still use his process for preserving food, pasteurization, to this day. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Love Soc

From playlist It Starts With Literacy

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5 - Grothendieck et la théorie de Galois

Orateur(s) : T. Szamuely Public : Tous Date : mardi 25 octobre Lieu : Institut Henri Poincaré

From playlist Colloque Evariste Galois

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The Liouville conformal field theory quantum zipper - Morris Ang

Probability Seminar Topic: The Liouville conformal field theory quantum zipper Speaker: Morris Ang Affiliation: Columbia University Date: February 17, 2023 Sheffield showed that conformally welding a γ-Liouville quantum gravity (LQG) surface to itself gives a Schramm-Loewner evolution (

From playlist Mathematics

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Group representation | Jacobian matrix and determinant | Linear algebra | Operator monotone function | Hexagonal lattice | Systolic geometry | Loewner differential equation | Marcel Berger | Lipman Bers | Loop-erased random walk | Mathematics | Vector (mathematics and physics) | Square matrix | Schramm–Loewner evolution | Compact group | Haar measure | Geometric function theory | Matrix (mathematics) | Loewner's torus inequality | William J. Firey