Single-equation methods (econometrics) | Regression models

Censored regression model

Censored regression models are a class of models in which the dependent variable is censored above or below a certain threshold. A commonly used likelihood-based model to accommodate to a censored sample is the Tobit model, but quantile and nonparametric estimators have also been developed. These and other censored regression models are often confused with truncated regression models. Truncated regression models are used for data where whole observations are missing so that the values for the dependent and the independent variables are unknown. Censored regression models are used for data where only the value for the dependent variable is unknown while the values of the independent variables are still available. Censored dependent variables frequently arise in econometrics. A common example is labor supply. Data are frequently available on the hours worked by employees, and a labor supply model estimates the relationship between hours worked and characteristics of employees such as age, education and family status. However, such estimates undertaken using linear regression will be biased by the fact that for people who are unemployed it is not possible to observe the number of hours they would have worked had they had employment. Still we know age, education and family status for those observations. (Wikipedia).

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An Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis

Tutorial introducing the idea of linear regression analysis and the least square method. Typically used in a statistics class. Playlist on Linear Regression Like us on: Created by David Lon

From playlist Linear Regression.

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(ML 13.6) Graphical model for Bayesian linear regression

As an example, we write down the graphical model for Bayesian linear regression. We introduce the "plate notation", and the convention of shading random variables which are being conditioned on.

From playlist Machine Learning

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Linear regression

Linear regression is used to compare sets or pairs of numerical data points. We use it to find a correlation between variables.

From playlist Learning medical statistics with python and Jupyter notebooks

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10g Machine Learning: Isotonic Regression

Lecture on isotonic regression. Introduces the idea of a piece-wise linear model with monotonic constraint. Follow along with the demonstration workflow:

From playlist Machine Learning

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We propose a sparse regression method capable of discovering the governing partial differential equation(s) of a given system by time series measurements in the spatial domain. The regression framework relies on sparsity promoting techniques to select the nonlinear and partial derivative

From playlist Research Abstracts from Brunton Lab

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11f Machine Learning: Bayesian Regression Example

Review of a Bayesian linear regression model with posterior distributions for model parameters and the prediction model. Follow along with the demonstration workflow:

From playlist Machine Learning

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Data Science - Part XV - MARS, Logistic Regression, & Survival Analysis

For downloadable versions of these lectures, please go to the following link: This lecture provides an overview on extending the regression concepts brought forth in previous lectures. We wi

From playlist Data Science

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Statistical Learning: 11.3 Estimation of Cox Model with Examples

Statistical Learning, featuring Deep Learning, Survival Analysis and Multiple Testing You are able to take Statistical Learning as an online course on EdX, and you are able to choose a verified path and get a certificate for its completion:

From playlist Statistical Learning

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Statistical Rethinking Winter 2019 Lecture 13

Lecture 13 of the Dec 2018 through March 2019 edition of Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with R and Stan. Covers Chapters 11 and 12: Poisson GLMs, survival analysis, zero-inflated distributions.

From playlist Statistical Rethinking Winter 2019

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Linear Regression using Python

This seminar series looks at four important linear models (linear regression, analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and logistic regression). A video that explains all four model types is at This video is on linear regression usin

From playlist Statistics

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6. Physiological Time-Series

MIT 6.S897 Machine Learning for Healthcare, Spring 2019 Instructor: David Sontag View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Prof. Sontag gives a recap of risk stratification and then ex

From playlist MIT 6.S897 Machine Learning for Healthcare, Spring 2019

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Statistical Learning: 11.4 Model Evaluation and Further Topics

Statistical Learning, featuring Deep Learning, Survival Analysis and Multiple Testing You are able to take Statistical Learning as an online course on EdX, and you are able to choose a verified path and get a certificate for its completion:

From playlist Statistical Learning

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Learning from Censored and Dependent Data - Constantinos Daskalakis

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar I Topic: Learning from Censored and Dependent Data Speaker: Constantinos Daskalakis Affiliation: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Member, School of Mathematics Date: March 9, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Statistical Learning: 11.2 Proportional Hazards Model

Statistical Learning, featuring Deep Learning, Survival Analysis and Multiple Testing You are able to take Statistical Learning as an online course on EdX, and you are able to choose a verified path and get a certificate for its completion:

From playlist Statistical Learning

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5. Risk Stratification, Part 2

MIT 6.S897 Machine Learning for Healthcare, Spring 2019 Instructor: David Sontag View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: Prof. Sontag continues with the topic of risk stratification.

From playlist MIT 6.S897 Machine Learning for Healthcare, Spring 2019

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Statistically Valid Inferences from Privacy Protected Data

A Google TechTalk, presented by Gary King, 2020/09/18 Paper Title: "Statistically Valid Inferences from Privacy Protected Data" Abstract: Unprecedented quantities of data that could help social scientists understand and ameliorate the challenges of human society are presently locked away

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Statistical Rethinking 2023 - 09 - Modeling Events

Course details: Intro: River: Tide machine: Lego tide machine:

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Related pages

Dependent and independent variables | Censoring (statistics) | Regression analysis | Linear regression | Sampling bias | Tobit model | Likelihood function | Quantile regression | Nonparametric regression | Truncated normal hurdle model | Truncated regression model | Econometrics | Nonlinear regression