Classical control theory | Dynamical systems

Causal system

In control theory, a causal system (also known as a physical or nonanticipative system) is a system where the output depends on past andcurrent inputs but not future inputs—i.e., the output depends only on the input for values of . The idea that the output of a function at any time depends only on past and present values of input is defined by the property commonly referred to as causality. A system that has some dependence on input values from the future (in addition to possible dependence on past or current input values) is termed a non-causal or acausal system, and a system that depends solely on future input values is an anticausal system. Note that some authors have defined an anticausal system as one that depends solely on future and present input values or, more simply, as a system that does not depend on past input values. Classically, nature or physical reality has been considered to be a causal system. Physics involving special relativity or general relativity require more careful definitions of causality, as described elaborately in Causality (physics). The causality of systems also plays an important role in digital signal processing, where filters are constructed so that they are causal, sometimes by altering a non-causal formulation to remove the lack of causality so that it is realizable. For more information, see causal filter. For a causal system, the impulse response of the system must use only the present and past values of the input to determine the output. This requirement is a necessary and sufficient condition for a system to be causal, regardless of linearity. Note that similar rules apply to either discrete or continuous cases. By this definition of requiring no future input values, systems must be causal to process signals in real time. (Wikipedia).

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Causal Inference Introduction

Causal Inference is a set of tools used to scientifically prove cause and effect, very commonly used in economics and medicine. This series will go over the basics that any data scientist should understand about causal inference - and point them to the tools they would need to perform it.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Statistical Inference for Causal Inference - Causal Inference

In this video I explain the concept of statistical inference for causal inference through a realistic group ideal experiment example. Enjoy! Here's the link to my previous Statistical Inference Introduction video if you haven't watched it yet:

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Instrumental Variables

We introduce Instrumental Variables

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Fundamental Question - Causal Inference

In this video, I define the fundamental question and problem of causal inference and use an example to further explain the concept.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Violations of Exchangeability - Causal Inference

Today I talk about violations of exchangeability, e.g., common causes, confounding, selection bias.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Causation vs. Association - Causal Inference

In this video I talk about the difference between causation and association and explain each of these concepts through an example. Enjoy!

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Causal diagrams to understand causality

This shows how to draw causal diagrams to understand what things are inputs and which are outputs

From playlist Examples

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D-Separation - Causal Inference

Today I talk about association in causal diagrams, e.g., D-separation. By applying the rules I outline in this video you will be able to determine if two variables are associated.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Wolfram Physics I: Basic Formalism, Causal Invariance and Special Relativity

Find more information about the summer school here: Stay up-to-date on this project by visiting our website: Check out the announcement post: Find the tools to build a universe: https:

From playlist Wolfram Summer Programs

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Causal Diagrams - Causal Inference

Today I talk about causal diagrams, e.g., dag, inline. This is one of the most important tools in Causal Inference, and we learn how to draw these tools out. Later we will learn how to use them in analysis.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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No Cause for Concern: Indefinite Causal Ordering as a Tool for Understanding Entanglement

Understanding the sorts of explanations and inferences that causal processes countenance is of course of great interest to philosophers and physicists (among others).  But what can be said about physical processes that fail to exhibit classical causal structure?  Indefinite causal ordering

From playlist Franke Program in Science and the Humanities

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Causality: From Aristotle to Zebrafish - Frederick Eberhardt - 10/16/2019

Earnest C. Watson Lecture by Professor Frederick Eberhardt, "Causality: From Aristotle to Zebrafish." What causes what? If correlation does not equal causation, then how can we untangle the “why” behind processes that regulate the brain, the climate, or the economy? And how does this appl

From playlist Caltech Watson Lecture Series

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Causality and Entanglement in Holography - The Connected Wedge Theorem Revisited - Jonathan Sorce

IAS It from Qubit Workshop Workshop on Spacetime and Quantum Information Tuesday December 6, 2022 Wolfensohn Hall One puzzling aspect of holography is that it conjectures a duality between a physical theory with a single rigid causal structure (the non-gravitational "boundary theory") and

From playlist IAS It from Qubit Workshop - Workshop on Spacetime and Quantum December 6-7, 2022

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Stability and Causality of LTI Systems Described by Difference Equations for more great signal processing content, including concept/screenshot files, quizzes, MATLAB and data files. z-transform analysis of stability and causality for systems described by linear constant-coefficient difference equations.

From playlist The z-Transform

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Fay Dowker Public Lecture - Spacetime Atoms and the Unity of Physics (Perimeter Public Lecture)

Fay Dowker speaks at a Perimeter Institute Public Lecture on November 2, 2011. Black holes are hot! This discovery made by Stephen Hawking ties together gravity, spacetime, quantum matter, and thermal systems into the beautiful and exciting science of "Black Hole Thermodynamics". Its be

From playlist Public Lecture Series

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Thinking in Patterns - Level 6 - Causal Patterns

Thinking Slides: The Wonder of Science: In this video Paul Andersen shows conceptual thinking in a mini-lesson on causal patterns. Two examples are

From playlist Conceptual Thinking Mini-Lessons

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Physics Tools II: MultiwaySystem and Related Functions

Find more information about the summer school here: Stay up-to-date on this project by visiting our website: Check out the announcement post: Find the tools to build a universe: https:

From playlist Wolfram Summer Programs

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Wolfram Physics Project: Working Session Tuesday, May 12, 2020 [Distributed Computing | Part 2]

This is a Wolfram Physics Project working session on interplay with distributed computing. Originally livestreamed at: Stay up-to-date on this project by visiting our website: Check out the announcement post:

From playlist Wolfram Physics Project Livestream Archive

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Confounding Example 2 - Causal Inference

Today I cover an example of an endogenous condition, a conditioned upon confounder (and collider) which is caused by the endogenous condition, and selection bias.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Wolfram Physics Project: Working Session Wednesday, Apr. 22, 2020 [Distributed Computing]

Stephen Wolfram & Jonathan Gorard continue answering questions about the new Wolfram Physics Project, this time specifically for a live working session of the project delving into distributed computing. Guests include Tali Beynon & Jesse Friedman. Begins at 6:15 Originally livestreamed at

From playlist Wolfram Physics Project Livestream Archive

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