Graph data structures | Causal diagrams

Causal map

A causal map can be defined as a network consisting of links or arcs between nodes or factors, such that a link between C and E means, in some sense, that someone believes or claims C has or had some causal influence on E. This definition could cover diagrams representing causal connections between variables which are measured in a strictly quantitative way and would therefore also include closely related statistical models like Structural Equation Models and Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs). However the phrase “causal map” is usually reserved for qualitative or merely semi-quantitative maps. In this sense, causal maps can be seen as a type of concept map. Systems diagrams and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps also fall under this definition. Causal maps have been used since the 1970’s by researchers and practitioners in a range of disciplines from management science to ecology, employing a variety of methods. They are used for many purposes, for example: * As sketch diagrams to summarise causal links * As tools to understand how decisions are made * As tools to assist strategic planning * As tools to form and represent a consensus of expert views on “what causes what” in a subject area * As tools to investigate the differences in how different subjects view causal links in a subject area * As a way to encode the separate views of many different respondents on “what causes what” in a subject area * To represent “theories of change” and “program theory” in project management and evaluation Different kinds of causal maps can be distinguished particularly by the kind of information which can be encoded by the links and nodes. One important distinction is to what extent the links are intended to encode causation or (somebody’s) belief about causation. (Wikipedia).

Causal map
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Causal diagrams to understand causality

This shows how to draw causal diagrams to understand what things are inputs and which are outputs

From playlist Examples

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Causal Diagrams - Causal Inference

Today I talk about causal diagrams, e.g., dag, inline. This is one of the most important tools in Causal Inference, and we learn how to draw these tools out. Later we will learn how to use them in analysis.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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D-Separation - Causal Inference

Today I talk about association in causal diagrams, e.g., D-separation. By applying the rules I outline in this video you will be able to determine if two variables are associated.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Double Blind - Causal Inference

In this video, I talk about the double blind assumption (both placebo effects and scientist preference effects) which serves as a good segue to causal diagrams, which I also go over. Enjoy!

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Causal Inference Introduction

Causal Inference is a set of tools used to scientifically prove cause and effect, very commonly used in economics and medicine. This series will go over the basics that any data scientist should understand about causal inference - and point them to the tools they would need to perform it.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Statistical Inference for Causal Inference - Causal Inference

In this video I explain the concept of statistical inference for causal inference through a realistic group ideal experiment example. Enjoy! Here's the link to my previous Statistical Inference Introduction video if you haven't watched it yet:

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Future Topics

Thanks so much for watching! Please comment below on what topics you'd like to see covered next!

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Measurement Error - Causal Inference

In this video, I introduce our next assumption: measurement error, and make use of causal diagrams to further explain the assumption. Enjoy!

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Commutative algebra 63: Koszul complex

This lecture is part of an online course on commutative algebra, following the book "Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry" by David Eisenbud. We define the Koszul complex of a sequence of elements of a ring, and show it is exact if the sequence is regular. This gives

From playlist Commutative algebra

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Confounding Example 2 - Causal Inference

Today I cover an example of an endogenous condition, a conditioned upon confounder (and collider) which is caused by the endogenous condition, and selection bias.

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Life without Pythons would be so Simple - Geoffrey Penington

Online Workshop on Qubits and Black Holes Topic: Life without Pythons would be so Simple Speaker: Geoffrey Penington Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley Date: December 9, 2020 For more video please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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From causal inference to autoencoders, memorization & gene regulation - Caroline Uhler, MIT

Recent progress in genomics makes it possible to perform perturbation experiments at a very large scale. This motivates the development of a causal inference framework that is based on observational and interventional data. We characterize the causal relationships that are identifiable and

From playlist Statistics and computation

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Landau-Ginzburg - Seminar 14 - Revisiting the cut operation

This seminar series is about the bicategory of Landau-Ginzburg models LG, hypersurface singularities and matrix factorisations. Combining many of the previous seminars, Rohan constructs the cut operation with explicit homotopy equivalences (needed to get the explicit form of the Clifford o

From playlist Metauni

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A. Mondino - Time-like Ricci curvature bounds via optimal transport (version temporaire)

Time-like Ricci curvature bounds via optimal transport in Lorentzian synthetic spaces and applications The goal of the talk is to present a recent work in collaboration with Cavalletti (SISSA) on optimal transport in Lorentzian synthetic spaces. The aim is to set up a “Lorentzian analog”

From playlist Ecole d'été 2021 - Curvature Constraints and Spaces of Metrics

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Quantum Combs - Isaac David Smith

Isaac David Smith gives an introduction to quantum combs, with the overall aim of "Learning an unknown property of a quantum system by interacting with it". Along the way he discusses links to linear logic, process tensors, other categorical points of view, min entropy and quantum causal m

From playlist metauni festival 2023

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Landau-Ginzburg - Seminar 9 - Composition in LG

This seminar series is about the bicategory of Landau-Ginzburg models LG, hypersurface singularities and matrix factorisations. In this seminar Rohan Hitchcock recalls what we have learned so far in the LG seminar and completes the proof that composition in LG is well-defined. The webpage

From playlist Metauni

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Lecture 23, Mapping Continuous-Time Filters to Discrete-Time Filters | MIT RES.6.007

Lecture 23, Mapping Continuous-Time Filters to Discrete-Time Filters Instructor: Alan V. Oppenheim View the complete course: License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at More courses at

From playlist MIT RES.6.007 Signals and Systems, 1987

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Ben Glocker: "Causality matters in medical imaging"

Deep Learning and Medical Applications 2020 "Causality matters in medical imaging" Ben Glocker - Imperial College London, Department of Computing Abstract: We use causal reasoning to shed new light on key challenges in medical imaging: 1) data scarcity, which is the limited availability

From playlist Deep Learning and Medical Applications 2020

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Observational Studies - Causal Inference

Today I talk about how observational studies are great examples of when causation does not equal association by visiting a real world example. The next videos will explore how we extract causal information from observational studies

From playlist Causal Inference - The Science of Cause and Effect

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Wolfram Physics Project: Working Session June 9, 2020 [Experimental Math on Multiway Systems | P1]

This is a Wolfram Physics Project working session on experimental mathematics on multiway systems in the Wolfram Model. Originally livestreamed at: Stay up-to-date on this project by visiting our website: Check out the announcemen

From playlist Wolfram Physics Project Livestream Archive

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