Minimal surfaces | Differential geometry

Catalan's minimal surface

In differential geometry, Catalan's minimal surface is a minimal surface originally studied by Eugène Charles Catalan in 1855. It has the special property of being the minimal surface that contains a cycloid as a geodesic. It is also swept out by a family of parabolae. The surface has the mathematical characteristics exemplified by the following parametric equation: (Wikipedia).

Catalan's minimal surface
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F. Coda Marques - Morse theory and the volume spectrum

In this talk I will survey recent developments on the existence theory of closed minimal hypersurfaces in Riemannian manifolds, including a Morse-theoretic existence result for the generic case.

From playlist 70 ans des Annales de l'institut Fourier

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Complex surfaces 2: Minimal surfaces

This talk is part of a series about complex surfaces, and explains what minimal surfaces are. A minimial surfaces is one that cannot be obtained by blowing up a nonsingular surfaces at a point. We explain why every surface is birational to a minimal nonsingular projective surface. We disc

From playlist Algebraic geometry: extra topics

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L. Mazet - Minimal hypersurfaces of least area

In this talk, I will present a joint work with H. Rosenberg where we give a characterization of the minimal hypersurface of least area in any Riemannian manifold. As a consequence, we give a lower bound for the area of a minimal surface in a hyperbolic 3-manifold.

From playlist Ecole d'été 2016 - Analyse géométrique, géométrie des espaces métriques et topologie

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L. Mazet - Some aspects of minimal surface theory (Part 1)

In a Riemannian 3-manifold, minimal surfaces are critical points of the area functional and can be a useful tool to understand the geometry and the topology of the ambient manifold. The aim of these lectures is to give some basic definitions about minimal surface theory and present some re

From playlist Ecole d'été 2016 - Analyse géométrique, géométrie des espaces métriques et topologie

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L. Mazet - Some aspects of minimal surface theory (Part 4)

In a Riemannian 3-manifold, minimal surfaces are critical points of the area functional and can be a useful tool to understand the geometry and the topology of the ambient manifold. The aim of these lectures is to give some basic definitions about minimal surface theory and present some re

From playlist Ecole d'été 2016 - Analyse géométrique, géométrie des espaces métriques et topologie

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L. Mazet - Some aspects of minimal surface theory (Part 2)

In a Riemannian 3-manifold, minimal surfaces are critical points of the area functional and can be a useful tool to understand the geometry and the topology of the ambient manifold. The aim of these lectures is to give some basic definitions about minimal surface theory and present some re

From playlist Ecole d'été 2016 - Analyse géométrique, géométrie des espaces métriques et topologie

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L. Mazet - Some aspects of minimal surface theory (Part 3)

In a Riemannian 3-manifold, minimal surfaces are critical points of the area functional and can be a useful tool to understand the geometry and the topology of the ambient manifold. The aim of these lectures is to give some basic definitions about minimal surface theory and present some re

From playlist Ecole d'été 2016 - Analyse géométrique, géométrie des espaces métriques et topologie

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L. Mazet - Some aspects of minimal surface theory (Part 5)

In a Riemannian 3-manifold, minimal surfaces are critical points of the area functional and can be a useful tool to understand the geometry and the topology of the ambient manifold. The aim of these lectures is to give some basic definitions about minimal surface theory and present some re

From playlist Ecole d'été 2016 - Analyse géométrique, géométrie des espaces métriques et topologie

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MATH331: Riemann Surfaces - part 1

We define what a Riemann Surface is. We show that PP^1 is a Riemann surface an then interpret our crazy looking conditions from a previous video about "holomorphicity at infinity" as coming from the definition of a Riemann Surface.

From playlist The Riemann Sphere

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John Thompson: Dirichlet series and SL(2,Z)

This lecture was held by Abel Laureate John G. Thompson at The University of Oslo, May 21, 2008 and was part of the Abel Prize Lectures in connection with the Abel Prize Week celebrations. Program for the Abel Lectures 2008 1. Abel Laureate John Thompson: “Dirichlet series and SL(2,Z)" 2

From playlist John Griggs Thompson

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Richard Stanley - Increasing and decreasing subsequences (2006)

slides for this talk: ICM Madrid Videos 24.08.2006 Increasing and decreasing subsequences Richard P. Stanley Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA 24-Aug-06 · 09:00-10:00 h https://www.mathunion.

From playlist Mathematics

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Vic Reiner, Lecture III - 13 February 2015 (49)

Vic Reiner (University of Minnesota) - Lecture III Many results in the combinatorics and invariant theory of reflection groups have q-analogues for the finite general linear groups GLn(Fq). These lectures will discuss several examples, and open question

From playlist Vertex algebras, W-algebras, and applications - 2014-2015

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Tropical Geometry - Lecture 3 - Fields and Varieties | Bernd Sturmfels

Twelve lectures on Tropical Geometry by Bernd Sturmfels (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences | Leipzig, Germany) We recommend supplementing these lectures by reading the book "Introduction to Tropical Geometry" (Maclagan, Sturmfels - 2015 - American Mathematical Society)

From playlist Twelve Lectures on Tropical Geometry by Bernd Sturmfels

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Cyril Banderier - Enumeration and Generation of Young Tableaux with Walls: the Density Method

We consider a generalization of Young tableaux in which we allow some consecutive pairs of cells with decreasing labels, conveniently visualized by a ”wall” between the corresponding cells. This leads to new classes of recurrences, and to a surprisingly rich zoo of generating functions (al

From playlist Combinatorics and Arithmetic for Physics: special days

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Andrew Sutherland: Introduction to Sato-Tate distributions

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Jean-Morlet Chair - Shparlinski/Kohel

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Gregory Miermont - Un panorama des limites d'échelles de cartes aléatoires

UMPA, ENS Lyon, Prix Jaffé 2016 Réalisation technique : Antoine Orlandi (GRICAD) | Tous droits réservés

From playlist Des mathématiciens primés par l'Académie des Sciences 2017

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Maciej Dołęga: Bijections for maps on non-oriented surfaces

HYBRID EVENT Recorded during the meeting "Random Geometry" the January 17, 2022 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics

From playlist Probability and Statistics

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Jonathan Novak : Monotone Hurwitz numbers and the HCIZ integral

Recording during the thematic meeting : "Pre-School on Combinatorics and Interactions" the January 13, 2017 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent

From playlist Combinatorics

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Geometry and topology of isoperimetric and index one minimal surfaces - Celso dos Santos Viana

Short talks by postdoctoral members Topic: Geometry and topology of isoperimetric and index one minimal surfaces Speaker: Celso dos Santos Viana Affiliation: University College London; Member, School of Mathematics Date: September 26, 2018 For more video please visit

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Related pages

Minimal surface | Geodesic | Differential geometry | Eugène Charles Catalan | Cycloid | Sweep line algorithm | Parametric equation | Parabola