Mathematical logic

Cartesian monoid

A Cartesian monoid is a monoid, with additional structure of pairing and projection operators. It was first formulated by Dana Scott and Joachim Lambek independently. (Wikipedia).

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Coordinate plane

A brief overview of the Cartesian plane

From playlist Geometry: Cartesian Plane

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Parametric equations on one Cartesian path (1 of 2: Introduction)

More resources available at

From playlist Mathematical Exploration

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Parametric equations → Cartesian equation (2 of 2: What's the graph?)

More resources available at

From playlist Further Work with Functions

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Categories 6 Monoidal categories

This lecture is part of an online course on categories. We define strict monoidal categories, and then show how to relax the definition by introducing coherence conditions to define (non-strict) monoidal categories. We finish by defining symmetric monoidal categories and showing how super

From playlist Categories for the idle mathematician

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Geometry of Frobenioids - part 2 - (Set) Monoids

This is an introduction to the basic properties of Monoids. This video intended to be a starting place for log-schemes, Mochizuki's IUT or other absolute geometric constructions using monoids.

From playlist Geometry of Frobenioids

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What are Hyperbolas? | Ch 1, Hyperbolic Trigonometry

This is the first chapter in a series about hyperbolas from first principles, reimagining trigonometry using hyperbolas instead of circles. This first chapter defines hyperbolas and hyperbolic relationships and sets some foreshadowings for later chapters This is my completed submission t

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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Cartesian coordinates | Lecture 2 | Vector Calculus for Engineers

Defines Cartesian coordinates, unit vectors, the position vector and the displacement vector. Join me on Coursera: Lecture notes at Subscribe to my channel: http://

From playlist Vector Calculus for Engineers

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Category Theory 10.2: Monoid in the category of endofunctors

Monad as a monoid in the category of endofunctors

From playlist Category Theory

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What is the Cartesian Product of Sets? | Set Theory

What is the Cartesian product of two sets? The Cartesian product can be generalized to more than two sets, but in this video we go over Cartesian products of two sets! Here is how it works. If you have two sets, A and B, then their Cartesian product, written A x B, is the set containing al

From playlist Set Theory

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Substructural Type Theory - Zeilberger

Noam Zeilberger IMDEA Software Institute; Member, School of Mathematics March 22, 2013 For more videos, visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Higher Algebra 10: E_n-Algebras

In this video we introduce E_n-Algebras in arbitrary symmetric monoidal infinity-categories. These interpolate between associated algebras (= E_1) and commutative algebras (= E_infinity). We also establish some categorical properties and investigate the case of the symmetric monoidal infin

From playlist Higher Algebra

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Jules Hedges - compositional game theory - part I

Compositional game theory is an approach to game theory that is designed to have better mathematical (loosely “algebraic” and “geometric”) properties, while also being intended as a practical setting for microeconomic modelling. It gives a graphical representation of games in which the flo

From playlist compositional game theory

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Paul-André Melliès - A Functorial Excursion between Algebraic Geometry and Linear Logic

In this talk, I will use the functor of points approach to Algebraic Geometry to establish that every covariant presheaf X on the category of commutative rings — and in particular every scheme X — comes equipped “above it” with a symmetric monoidal closed category PshModX of presheaves of

From playlist Combinatorics and Arithmetic for Physics: special days

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Intermediate Algebra-Cartesian Coordinate System

Intermediate Algebra-Cartesian Coordinate System

From playlist Intermediate Algebra

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Patrick Popescu Pampu: A proof of Neumann-Wahl Milnor fibre Conjecture via logarithmic...- Lecture 4

HYBRID EVENT Recorded during the meeting "Milnor Fibrations, Degenerations and Deformations from Modern Perspectives" the September 10, 2021 by the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France) Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent Find this video and other talks given

From playlist Algebraic and Complex Geometry

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Paul André Melliès - Dialogue Games and Logical Proofs in String Diagrams

After a short introduction to the functorial approach to logical proofs and programs initiated by Lambek in the late 1960s, based on the notion of free cartesian closed category, we will describe a recent convergence with the notion of ribbon category introduced in 1990 by Reshetikhin and

From playlist Combinatorics and Arithmetic for Physics: 02-03 December 2020

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Higher Algebra 9: Symmetric monoidal infinity categories

In this video, we introduce the notion of a symmetric monoidal infinity categories and give some examples. Feel free to post comments and questions at our public forum at Homepage with further information: https://www.uni-mu

From playlist Higher Algebra

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Jules Hedges - compositional game theory - part IV

Compositional game theory is an approach to game theory that is designed to have better mathematical (loosely “algebraic” and “geometric”) properties, while also being intended as a practical setting for microeconomic modelling. It gives a graphical representation of games in which the flo

From playlist compositional game theory

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Multivariable Calculus | What is a vector field.

We introduce the notion of a vector field and give some graphical examples. We also define a conservative vector field with examples.

From playlist Multivariable Calculus

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Signature (logic) | Joachim Lambek | Structure (mathematical logic) | Domain of discourse | Monoid