Cellular automatists | Chaos theorists

Brosl Hasslacher

Brosl Hasslacher (May 13, 1941 – November 11, 2005) was a theoretical physicist. Brosl Hasslacher obtained a bachelor's in physics from Harvard University in 1962. He did his Ph.D. with D.Z. Freeman and C.N. Yang at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. After having several postdoctoral and research positions at Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, Caltech, ENS in Paris, and CERN, he settled for more than twenty years at the Theoretical Division of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. There he was involved in theoretical, experimental, and numerical work in theoretical physics, high-energy physics, nonlinear dynamics, fluid dynamics, nanotechnology, and robotics. In the 1970s, he worked on the extended hadron model, collaborating with A. Neveu. During the 1980s, Hasslacher pioneered with Uriel Frisch and Yves Pomeau the lattice-gas method for discrete simulation of fluid flow. As part of the Los Alamos National Laboratory's Center for Nonlinear Studies, Hasslacher worked with Mitchell Feigenbaum and contributed ideas to chaos theory. In the 1990s, Hasslacher worked with Mark Tilden on several papers concerning Biomorphic engineering. He is largely credited for using nonlinear dynamics to describe and design Tilden's BEAM robotics. In 1994, Hasslacher's UNIX account (bhass) at Los Alamos National Laboratory was used by hacker Kevin Mitnick to break into computer security expert Tsutomu Shimomura's computers. He retired from Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2003. (Wikipedia).

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Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Verteidigung (4/8) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess

Annektion von Österreich, Ernst Kaltenbrunnder, NSDAP, Chef des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes, Machtzentrale der SS, Mauthausen, Kommandant von Ausschwitz, Konzentrationslager, Berlin, Oranienburg, namenlose Häftlinge, Rüstungsindustrie, ungarische Juden, Ankläger, Alfred Rosenberg, Lehre de

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English version here: https://youtu.be/IsmgLGVpLpQ Abonniert den Kanal oder unterstützt ihn auf Steady: https://steadyhq.com/en/brightsideofmaths Offizielle Unterstützer in diesem Monat: - William Ripley - Petar Djurkovic - Mayra Sharif - Dov Bulka - Lukas Mührke Hier erzähle ich etwas

From playlist Maßtheorie und Integrationstheorie

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Klaus Hasselmann | Physik-Nobelpreis 2021 | Pressekonferenz Mitschnitt

Pressekonferenz Mitschnitt mit Klaus Hasselmann am Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie, 05.10.2021 um 17:00 Uhr Klaus Hasselmann und Syukuro Manabe werden für ihre fundamentalen Beiträge zur Klimaforschung, Giogio Parisi für seine Forschung an ungeordneten Materialien und Zufallsprozesse

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Bildmaß und Substitutionsformel

English version here: https://youtu.be/q3UgXso-1jw Abonniert den Kanal oder unterstützt ihn auf Steady: https://steadyhq.com/en/brightsideofmaths Offizielle Unterstützer in diesem Monat: - William Ripley - Petar Djurkovic - Mayra Sharif - Dov Bulka - Lukas Mührke Hier erzähle ich etwas

From playlist Maßtheorie und Integrationstheorie

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Pomeau Yves "Limit cycles in the strongly nonlinear limit"

Résumé The discovery of the idea of limit cycle by Poincare was based mostly on geometrical considerations. The application to ordinary differential equations can be done analytically in the opposite limits of weak and of strong nonlinearity. In the latter, one finds what are called relax

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Der Nürnberger Prozess - Die Verteidigung (1/8) / Hauptkriegsverbrecher-Prozess

25 Hauptverteidiger, 70 Hilfsverteidiger, 61 Zeugen, 2700 Dokumente, Fotos und eidesstattliche Erklärungen, Dr. Dix, Verteidiger, Schacht, Prof. Hermann Jahrreiß, Prof. Franz Exner, Prof. Kraus, Dr. Seidl, Rudolf Heß, Frank, Dr. Sauter, Walter Funk, Baldur von Schirach, Dr. Marx, Julius St

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