Singularity theory

Brieskorn manifold

In mathematics, a Brieskorn manifold or Brieskorn–Phạm manifold, introduced by Egbert Brieskorn , is the intersection of a small sphere around the origin with the singular, complex hypersurface studied by Frédéric Pham. Brieskorn manifolds give examples of exotic spheres. (Wikipedia).

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My #MegaFavNumber - The Bremner-Macleod Numbers

Much better video here:

From playlist MegaFavNumbers

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Online-Vortrag "Paradoxe Phänomene in der Mathematik" (Director's Cut)

Aufzeichnung (Director's Cut) der ersten virtuellen Ausgabe der öffentlichen Reihe "Brücken in der Mathematik". Prof. Dr. Martin Hils und Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe erläutern paradoxe Phänomene in der Mathematik. Darum geht es: Die Welt – insbesondere die der Mathematik – ist voller Rätsel.

From playlist Brücken in der Mathematik

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Online-Vortrag "Blick in den Körper: Über das Inverse und medizinische Bildgebung" (Director's Cut)

Aufzeichnung (Director's Cut): Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth erläutert im Rahmen der öffentlichen Reihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" die mathematischen Konzepte hinter der medizinischen Bildgebung. Darum geht es: Moderne Technik erlaubt den Blick in den Körper, ohne ihn zu öffnen. Es wird sozu

From playlist Brücken in der Mathematik

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Higgs-Boson kurz erklärt | 10 Jahre Higgs-Teilchen | LHC Cern | Wissen Was mit @DoktorWhatson

Teilnahme am Wettbewerb Fast Forward Science 2022/23 #FFSci #tandemarward @fastforwardscience Vor zehn Jahren vermeldeten die Experimente Atlas und CMS einen durchschlagenden Erfolg: Nicht einmal drei Jahre nach dem Start des Large Hadron Collider (LH

From playlist Wissen Was

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Online-Vortrag "Blick in den Körper: Über das Inverse und medizinische Bildgebung" (Livestream)

Der Vortrag beginnt bei Minute 10:20! Aufzeichnung des Livestreams (inkl. Livechat). Teil der Vortragsreihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" des Exzellenzclusters Mathematik Münster, diesmal mit Prof. Dr. Benedikt Wirth. Dies ist die Original-Aufzeichnung des Livestreams. Hier finden Sie den "

From playlist Brücken in der Mathematik

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"Symmetrie und Ähnlichkeit" - Vortrag von Prof. Martin Grohe

Aufzeichnung des Vortrags "Symmetrie und Ähnlichkeit" von Prof. Dr. Martin Grohe (RWTH Aachen) im Rahmen der öffentlichen Reihe "Brücken in der Mathematik" an der WWU Münster. Darum geht es: Muster auf Schmetterlingsflügeln, Schneekristalle, Blütenblätter – symmetrische Strukturen sind in

From playlist Brücken in der Mathematik

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Online-Vortrag "Paradoxe Phänomene in der Mathematik" (Livestream)

Livestream-Aufzeichnung der ersten virtuellen Ausgabe der öffentlichen Reihe "Brücken in der Mathematik". Prof. Dr. Martin Hils und Prof. Dr. Matthias Löwe erläutern paradoxe Phänomene in der Mathematik. Dies ist die Original-Aufzeichnung des Livestreams. Hier finden Sie den "Director's C

From playlist Brücken in der Mathematik

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Make An Amazing Magic Ball!

Add me on Facebook brusspup t-shirts! This is one of the easiest tricks to do and the results are truly amazing. I picked up the plastic ball at Hobby Lobby. The steel ball is a Chinese Stress Ball. You can play around

From playlist Cool Science Tricks

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Six Pieces for Flute and Piano, Fikret Amirov. Luisa Mei Bressan, Part 1, Recital, The New School

Part 1: Six Pieces for Flute and Piano, Fikret Amirov (1922 - 1984) Bardenweise Wiegenlied Tanz In Den Bergen Aserbaidschans An der Quelle Nocturne Flute: Luisa Mei Bressan (LUISAMEI.COM, Piano: Vladimir Rumyantsev

From playlist Luisa Mei Bressan, Recital 2019

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Über das Leben Felix Hausdorffs

Leben und Werk von Felix Hausdorff stellten am Aktionstag Mathematik Dr. Michael Meier, ehem. Geschäftsführer des Hausdorff Centers, und Pascal Lamy, Absolvent der Mathematik und der Geschichtswissenschaft, im Herbst 2018 vor. Den Namen des Mathematikers, Literaten und Philosophen trägt he

From playlist Hausdorff Center goes public

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"Das Mädchen mit den Taschenrechnern"

Prof. Günter M. Ziegler (FU Berlin) stellte am 3. Juni 2015 auf Einladung des Hausdorff Centers in der Bundeskunsthalle Bonn Auszüge aus seinem neuen Buch "Mathematik - Das ist doch keine Kunst!" vor und erläuterte dabei die Mathematik hinter einigen weltberühmten Kunstwerken.

From playlist Hausdorff Center goes public

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Haim Sompolinsky: "Statistical Mechanics of Deep Manifolds: Mean Field Geometry in High Dimension"

Machine Learning for Physics and the Physics of Learning 2019 Workshop IV: Using Physical Insights for Machine Learning "Statistical Mechanics of Deep Manifolds: Mean Field Geometry in High Dimension" Haim Sompolinsky - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Abstract: Recent advances in sys

From playlist Machine Learning for Physics and the Physics of Learning 2019

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Fitting a manifold to noisy data by Hariharan Narayanan

DISCUSSION MEETING THE THEORETICAL BASIS OF MACHINE LEARNING (ML) ORGANIZERS: Chiranjib Bhattacharya, Sunita Sarawagi, Ravi Sundaram and SVN Vishwanathan DATE : 27 December 2018 to 29 December 2018 VENUE : Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bangalore ML (Machine Learning) has enjoyed tr

From playlist The Theoretical Basis of Machine Learning 2018 (ML)

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Rustam Sadykov (1/28/21): On the Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory of 4-manifolds

Title: On the Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory of 4-manifolds Abstract: I will discuss various versions of the Lusternik-Schnirelman category involving covers and fillings of 4-manifolds by various sets. In particular, I will discuss Gay-Kirby trisections, which are certain decompositions o

From playlist Topological Complexity Seminar

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Jintian Zhu - Incompressible hypersurface, positive scalar curvature and positive mass theorem

In this talk, I will introduce a positive mass theorem for asymptotically flat manifolds with fibers (like ALF and ALG manifolds) under an additional but necessary incompressible condition. I will also make a discussion on its connection with surgery theory as well as quasi-local mass and

From playlist Not Only Scalar Curvature Seminar

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Fitting manifolds to data - Charlie Fefferman

Workshop on Topology: Identifying Order in Complex Systems Topic: Fitting manifolds to data Speaker: Charlie Fefferman Affiliation: Princeton University Date: April 7, 2018 For more videos, please visit

From playlist Mathematics

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Brent Pym: Holomorphic Poisson structures - lecture 3

The notion of a Poisson manifold originated in mathematical physics, where it is used to describe the equations of motion of classical mechanical systems, but it is nowadays connected with many different parts of mathematics. A key feature of any Poisson manifold is that it carries a cano

From playlist Virtual Conference

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Hao Xu (7/26/22): Frobenius algebra structure of statistical manifold

Abstract: In information geometry, a statistical manifold is a Riemannian manifold (M,g) equipped with a totally symmetric (0,3)-tensor. We show that the tangent bundle of a statistical manifold has a Frobenius algebra structure if and only if the sectional K-curvature vanishes. This gives

From playlist Applied Geometry for Data Sciences 2022

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Björcks Busbil 2006 Supra!

First year with the Supra. Imported it from Japan and rebuilt it to single turbo and had some fun! Filmed and edited 2006. Uploaded at Youtube 2013

From playlist My Supra 1294 RWHP

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Winter School JTP: Introduction to Fukaya categories, James Pascaleff, Lecture 1

This minicourse will provide an introduction to Fukaya categories. I will assume that participants are also attending Keller’s course on A∞ categories. 􏰀 Lecture 1: Basics of symplectic geometry for Fukaya categories. Symplectic manifolds; Lagrangian submanifolds; exactness conditions;

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