Demo parties

Breakpoint (demoparty)

Breakpoint was a German demoscene party. From 2003 to 2010, it took place annually at Easter in Bingen. Breakpoint was the successor to the legendary . With over 1000 visitors, it was the world's biggest pure demoscene-party, attracting demosceners from not only Germany, but also from other European countries (e.g. Sweden, Finland, Poland, Spain), or even from overseas (for example Australia, Canada). The party was also the traditional host of the Awards ceremony. (Wikipedia).

Breakpoint (demoparty)
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What is a Breakpoint - Debugging Explained

What is a breakpoint and how does it work under the hood of a debugger? Learn more about how both hardware and software breakpoints work, expand for more... See more on Our 7-part tutorial series on debugging fundamentals:

From playlist Open Analysis Live!

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NOTACON 6: Bridging the Gap

Speaker: Gargaji/Conspiracy Organizing a party is a tricky task. Organizing a party in a different country is even trickier. In a different continent? Very very exhausting - and that's just the jetlag! While the European and American culture has a lot in common, they also differ a lot, es

From playlist Notacon 6

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WebAssembly: The What, Why and How

WebAssembly is a portable, size, and load-time efficient binary format for the web. It is an emerging standard being developed in the WebAssembly community group, and supported by multiple browser vendors. This talk details what WebAssembly is, the problems it is trying to solve, exciting

From playlist Talks

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Demo of httpbank - Spectrum http request command

Early demo - entirely written in z80n assembly - a bit of a treat for a JavaScript developer!

From playlist Speccy stuff

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"Breaking Visions" :: BREAKDOWN VALENTINE

"Breaking Visions" is a single released by Breakdown Valentine. Download it now at:: released 27 May 2014 Original Composition: Breakdown Valentine Production/Mixing: Allen Davis all rights reserved.

From playlist New Wave/Electro Pop/Indie Pop: 2009 - 2017 (original!)

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EnCase Computer Forensics Demo

This is a short demo of EnCase I worked up. If you are interested in some of what professional computer forensics software can do then this is for you.

From playlist digital forensics

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x64dbg System Breakpoint Explained

What is the System Breakpoint in x64dbg. Why does your debugger always stop at a random place when you start debugging? Expand for more... See more on Our 7-part tutorial series on debugging fundamentals:

From playlist Quick Tips

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Manipulating Photorealistic Renderings | Two Minute Papers #9

Photorealistic rendering (also called global illumination) enables us to see how digital objects would look like in real life. It is an amazingly powerful tool in the hands of a professional artist, who can create breathtaking images or animations with. However, for the longest time, artis

From playlist Two Minute Papers

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WebAssembly: Disrupting JavaScript

WebAssembly is a new low-level, high-performance complement to JavaScript on the Web. As an open standard developed by Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, and Apple, WebAssembly runs everywhere that JavaScript does: in every major Web browser, and in runtimes like Node.js and Electron. This talk e

From playlist WebAssembly

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Become a PowerShell Debugging Ninja by Kirk Munro

You've written PowerShell scripts or functions, and maybe packaged them up in a module. Then suddenly, when you least expect it, it shows up. It's red, and it's scary. You've hit a bug. But fear not! You, too, can become a PowerShell Debugging Ninja! Come to this session to learn how! Hi-y

From playlist PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit 2018

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RubyConf 2017: Dispelling the dark magic: Inside a Ruby debugger by Daniel Azuma

Dispelling the dark magic: Inside a Ruby debugger by Daniel Azuma Debuggers can seem like dark magic—stopping a running program, tinkering with the program state, casting strange spells on VM internals. I spent much of my career diagnosing problems using “puts” because debuggers intimidat

From playlist RubyConf 2017

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Ankit Patel: "Breaking Bad: Recent Advances from Function Space Characterization of Neural Nets ..."

Machine Learning for Physics and the Physics of Learning 2019 Workshop I: From Passive to Active: Generative and Reinforcement Learning with Physics "Breaking Bad: Recent Advances from Function Space Characterization of Neural Nets with Implications for Physical Applications" Ankit Patel,

From playlist Machine Learning for Physics and the Physics of Learning 2019

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MATLAB workspaces, stacks, and stepping-into functions

This is part of an online course on MATLAB. The course includes 5+ hours of video lectures, pdf readers, exercises, and solutions. No prior experience with MATLAB is necessary. The goal is for you to learn high-level, transferrable skills that will help you become a better programmer in a

From playlist MATLAB programming, debugging, and style

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Debugging, a Step Away From the Console

As JavaScript developers, our first steps in understanding what is happening with our codebase rely on one command: "console.log". Adam takes your debugging skills up a notch by understanding debuggers and stack traces. EVENT: dotJS 2018 SPEAKER: Adam Weeks PERMISSIONS: Original vide

From playlist Performance and Testing

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Become a PowerShell Debugging Ninja by Kirk Munro

Become a PowerShell Debugging Ninja by Kirk Munro You've written PowerShell scripts or functions, and maybe packaged them up in a module. Then suddenly, when you least expect it, it shows up. It's red, and it's scary. You've hit a bug. But fear not! You, too, can become a PowerShell Debug

From playlist PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit 2018

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What is DevSecOps?

What is DevSecOps? As teams adopt Continuous Delivery, DevOps, CI/CD for software development, being able to create systems that are safe and secure at speed, with great feedback and with high-quality becomes ever more important. Using software engineering disciplines like Continuous Del

From playlist DevOps

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