Order theory | Graph families

Bound graph

In graph theory, a bound graph expresses which pairs of elements of some partially ordered set have an upper bound. Rigorously, any graph G is a bound graph if there exists a partial order ≤ on the vertices of G with the property that for any vertices u and v of G, uv is an edge of G if and only if u ≠ v and there is a vertex w such that u ≤ w and v ≤ w. Bound graphs are sometimes referred to as upper bound graphs, but the analogously defined lower bound graphs comprise exactly the same class—any lower bound for ≤ is easily seen to be an upper bound for the dual partial order ≥. (Wikipedia).

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What are Connected Graphs? | Graph Theory

What is a connected graph in graph theory? That is the subject of today's math lesson! A connected graph is a graph in which every pair of vertices is connected, which means there exists a path in the graph with those vertices as endpoints. We can think of it this way: if, by traveling acr

From playlist Graph Theory

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What is a Path Graph? | Graph Theory

What is a path graph? We have previously discussed paths as being ways of moving through graphs without repeating vertices or edges, but today we can also talk about paths as being graphs themselves, and that is the topic of today's math lesson! A path graph is a graph whose vertices can

From playlist Graph Theory

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The Definition of a Graph (Graph Theory)

The Definition of a Graph (Graph Theory) mathispower4u.com

From playlist Graph Theory (Discrete Math)

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What is a Graph? | Graph Theory

What is a graph? A graph theory graph, in particular, is the subject of discussion today. In graph theory, a graph is an ordered pair consisting of a vertex set, then an edge set. Graphs are often represented as diagrams, with dots representing vertices, and lines representing edges. Each

From playlist Graph Theory

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Weakly Connected Directed Graphs | Digraph Theory

What is a connected digraph? When we start considering directed graphs, we have to rethink our definition of connected. We say that an undirected graph is connected if there exists a path connecting every pair of vertices. However, in a directed graph, we need to be more specific since it

From playlist Graph Theory

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Simple Bounds on Vertex Connectivity | Graph Theory

We know that the vertex connectivity of a graph is the minimum number of vertices that can be deleted to disconnect it or make it trivial. We may then ask, what is an upper bound on the connectivity of a graph? What is a lower bound on the vertex connectivity of a graph? We give the most b

From playlist Graph Theory

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Tree Graphs - Intro to Algorithms

This video is part of an online course, Intro to Algorithms. Check out the course here: https://www.udacity.com/course/cs215.

From playlist Introduction to Algorithms

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Graph Neural Networks, Session 2: Graph Definition

Types of Graphs Common data structures for storing graphs

From playlist Graph Neural Networks (Hands-on)

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Empty Graph, Trivial Graph, and the Null Graph | Graph Theory

Whenever we talk about something that is defined by sets, it is important to consider the empty set and how it fits into the definition. In graph theory, empty sets in the definition of a particular graph can bring on three types/categories of graphs. The empty graphs, the trivial graph, a

From playlist Graph Theory

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A Tight Bound for Hypergraph Regularity - Guy Moshkovitz

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar I Topic: A Tight Bound for Hypergraph Regularity Speaker: Guy Moshkovitz Affiliation: Harvard University Date: Febuary 27, 2018 For more videos, please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Lower bounds for subgraph isomorphism – Benjamin Rossman – ICM2018

Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science Invited Lecture 14.3 Lower bounds for subgraph isomorphism Benjamin Rossman Abstract: We consider the problem of determining whether an Erdős–Rényi random graph contains a subgraph isomorphic to a fixed pattern, such as a clique or cycle of consta

From playlist Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science

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Nexus Trimester - Ofer Shayevitz (Tel Aviv University)

Zero-error capacity for multiuser channels Ofer Shayevitz (Tel Aviv University) March,03 206 Abstract: The capacity of a point-to-point communication channel under a zero-error criterion was originally studied by Shannon in 1956. Despite the apparent simplicity of the problem, and in cont

From playlist Nexus Trimester - 2016 - Central Workshop

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Francisco Martinez Figueroa (8/19/22): Chromatic number of G-Borsuk graphs

The Borsuk graph has vertex set the sphere S^d, and edges x∼y whenever x and y are ϵ-almost antipodal. It is well known that when epsilon is small, its chromatic number is d+2, which follows from the topology of S^d via Borsuk-Ulam's Theorem. Given a finite group G acting freely over a com

From playlist Vietoris-Rips Seminar

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The communication complexity of distributed subgraph detection - Rotem Oshman

Rotem Oshman Tel Aviv University October 6, 2014 In distributed systems, communication between the participants in the computation is usually the most expensive part of the computation. Theoretical models of distributed systems usually reflect this by neglecting the cost of local computat

From playlist Mathematics

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A Regularity Lemma with Modifications - Guy Moshkovitz

Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II Topic: A Regularity Lemma with Modifications Speaker: Guy Moshkovitz Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: January 29, 2019 For more video please visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Graph regularity and counting lemmas - Jacob Fox

Conference on Graphs and Analysis Jacob Fox June 5, 2012 More videos on http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Dependent random choice - Jacob Fox

Marston Morse Lectures Topic: Dependent random choice Speaker: Jacob Fox, Stanford University Date: October 26, 2016 For more videos, visit http://video.ias.edu

From playlist Mathematics

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Graph Theory: 05. Connected and Regular Graphs

We give the definition of a connected graph and give examples of connected and disconnected graphs. We also discuss the concepts of the neighbourhood of a vertex and the degree of a vertex. This allows us to define a regular graph, and we give some examples of these. --An introduction to

From playlist Graph Theory part-1

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Expanders and Communication-Avoiding Algorithms - Oded Schwartz

Oded Schwartz Technical University Berlin January 25, 2010 Algorithms spend time on performing arithmetic computations, but often more on moving data, between the levels of a memory hierarchy and between parallel computing entities. Judging by the hardware evolution of the last few decades

From playlist Mathematics

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Graph theory | Graph (discrete mathematics) | Vertex (graph theory) | Partially ordered set | Duality (order theory)