Signal processing

Block transform

Wavelet packet bases are designed by dividing the frequency axis in intervals of varying sizes. These bases are particularly well adapted to decomposing signals that have different behavior in different frequency intervals. If has properties that vary in time, it is then more appropriate to decompose in a block basis that segments the time axis in intervals with sizes that are adapted to the signal structures. (Wikipedia).

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Introduction to the z-Transform for more great signal processing content, including concept/screenshot files, quizzes, MATLAB and data files. Introduces the definition of the z-transform, the complex plane, and the relationship between the z-transform and the discrete-time Fourier transfor

From playlist The z-Transform

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Electrical Engineering: Ch 19: Fourier Transform (2 of 45) What is a Fourier Transform? Math Def

Visit for more math and science lectures! In this video I will explain the mathematical definition and equation of a Fourier transform. Next video in this series can be seen at:


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The Two-Dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform

The two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is the natural extension of the one-dimensional DFT and describes two-dimensional signals like images as a weighted sum of two dimensional sinusoids. Two-dimensional sinusoids have a horizontal frequency component and a vertical frequen

From playlist Fourier

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Coding Challenge #130.2: Fourier Transform User Drawing

In this "Drawing with Fourier Transform" follow-up, I render any path drawn by the user with the mouse using the Discrete Fourier Transform algorithm and epicycles. #fourier #transform #epicycles 💻 Code: 🎥 Part 1:

From playlist Coding Challenges

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The Discrete Fourier Transform

This video provides a basic introduction to the very widely used and important discrete Fourier transform (DFT). The DFT describes discrete-time signals as a weighted sum of complex sinusoid building blocks and is used in applications such as GPS, MP3, JPEG, and WiFi.

From playlist Fourier

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The Fourier Transform and Derivatives

This video describes how the Fourier Transform can be used to accurately and efficiently compute derivatives, with implications for the numerical solution of differential equations. Book Website: Book PDF: These lectures follow

From playlist Fourier

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Physical Modeling Tutorial, Part 8: Building Mechanical Assemblies Part 1

Learn to create an assembly in Simscape Multibody. You’ll see how to implement coordinate transforms, represent degrees of freedom, and specify body interfaces for reusability. - Enter the MATLAB and Simulink Racing Lounge: - Download Example Files: Physical Modelin

From playlist Physical Modeling Tutorials

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Live coding 13

About these sessions: Playlist: Contents: 00:00 - Introduction and Questions 05:15 - MultiTask Classification Notebook 07:40 - Good fastai tutorials 08:30 -

From playlist live coding & tutorials

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Modular Transformation of Conformal Blocks via Liouville CFT - Yi Sun

Probability Seminar Topic: Modular Transformation of Conformal Blocks via Liouville CFT Speaker: Yi Sun Affiliation: University of Chicago Date: December 02, 2022 Conformal blocks are objects of fundamental importance in the bootstrap approach for exact solvability of 2D conformal field

From playlist Mathematics

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Daniel Massatt: "Momentum space in relaxed incommensurate bilayers"

Theory and Computation for 2D Materials "Momentum space in relaxed incommensurate bilayers" Daniel Massatt, University of Chicago Abstract: Momentum space techniques are fundamental to the understanding of electronic structure of materials. The basic formulation of momentum space comes f

From playlist Theory and Computation for 2D Materials 2020

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Physical Modeling Tutorial, Part 9: Building Mechanical Assemblies Part 2

We continue to build on the example from “Building Mechanical Assemblies Part 1” to show how to sense and log simulation results, add internal mechanics to joints, set initial conditions for mechanical configurations, actuate joints, and apply external force on parts. - Enter the MATLAB an

From playlist Physical Modeling Tutorials

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Physics Students Need to Know These 5 Methods for Differential Equations

Differential equations are hard! But these 5 methods will enable you to solve all kinds of equations that you'll encounter throughout your physics studies. Get the notes for free here: Sign up for my newsletter for additional physics les

From playlist Physics Help Room

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Pytorch Transformers from Scratch (Attention is all you need)

In this video we read the original transformer paper "Attention is all you need" and implement it from scratch! Attention is all you need paper: A good blogpost on Transformers: ❤️ Support the channel ❤️ https:

From playlist PyTorch Tutorials

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The Narrated Transformer Language Model

AI/ML has been witnessing a rapid acceleration in model improvement in the last few years. The majority of the state-of-the-art models in the field are based on the Transformer architecture. Examples include models like BERT (which when applied to Google Search, resulted in what Google cal

From playlist Language AI & NLP

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VQ-GAN | PyTorch Implementation

In this video we are implementing the famous Vector Quantized Generative Adversarial Networks (VQGAN) paper using PyTorch. VQGAN is a generative model for image modeling. It was introduced in Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis. The concept is build upon two stages. The

From playlist Paper Implementations

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Transformer Neural Networks - EXPLAINED! (Attention is all you need)

Please subscribe to keep me alive: BLOG: ⭐ Coursera Plus: $100 off until September 29th, 2022 for access to 7000+ courses: MATH COURSES (7 day free trial) 📕 M

From playlist Transformer Neural Networks

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Wavelet packet decomposition | Fourier analysis | Signal processing | Orthogonal basis