Normal forms (logic)

Blake canonical form

In Boolean logic, a formula for a Boolean function f is in Blake canonical form (BCF), also called the complete sum of prime implicants, the complete sum, or the disjunctive prime form, when it is a disjunction of all the prime implicants of f. (Wikipedia).

Blake canonical form
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Example of Rational Canonical Form 3

Matrix Theory: We note two formulations of Rational Canonical Form. A recipe is given for combining and decomposing companion matrices using cyclic vectors.

From playlist Matrix Theory

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Example of Rational Canonical Form 2: Several Blocks

Matrix Theory: Let A be a 12x12 real matrix with characteristic polynomial (x^2+1)^6, minimal polynomial (x^2 + 1)^3, and dim(Null(A^2 + I)) = 6. Find all possible rational canonical forms for A.

From playlist Matrix Theory

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F[x]-Module Derivation of Rational and Jordan Canonical Forms

Similar matrices isomorphism proof: Every module is a direct sum of cyclic modules: Intro to F[x]-modules: The rational canonical form and Jordan normal form of a matrix are very important tools in li

From playlist Ring & Module Theory

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Example of Rational Canonical Form 1: Single Block

Matrix Theory: Let A be the real matrix [0 -1 1 0 \ 1 0 0 1 \ 0 0 0 -1 \ 0 0 1 0]. Find a matrix P that puts A into rational canonical form over the real numbers. We compare RCF with Jordan canonical form and review companion matrices. (Minor corrections added.)

From playlist Matrix Theory

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Overview of Jordan Canonical Form

Matrix Theory: We give an overview of the construction of Jordan canonical form for an nxn matrix A. The main step is the choice of basis that yields JCF. An example is given with two distinct eigenvalues.

From playlist Matrix Theory

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V3-06. Linear Programming. review of pivot, canonical form, geometric interpretation

Math 484: Linear Programming. review of pivot, canonical form, geometric interpretation Wen Shen, 2020, Penn State University

From playlist Math484 Linear Programming Short Videos, summer 2020

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Example of Jordan Canonical Form: Real 4x4 Matrix with Basis 1

Matrix Theory: Find a matrix P that puts the real 4x4 matrix A = [2 0 0 0 \ 0 2 1 0 \ 0 0 2 0 \ 1 0 0 2 ] in Jordan Canonical Form. We show how to find a basis that gives P. The Jordan form has 2 Jordan blocks of size 2.

From playlist Matrix Theory

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Questioning the Canon

In this module, we consider different ways to question the Western canon, focusing on: (i) Bernadine Evaristo’s curation of the series Black Britain: Writing Back and her desire to question the canon itself, (ii) the social-political exclusions that led to the exclusion of certain demograp

From playlist English Literature

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Oh No, Pi Politics Again

Hooray, Michael Blake's video is now up here: I've got opinions. Facts, too. My personal website, which you might like:

From playlist Pi and Anti-Pi

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Beyond Oak Island: MILLION DOLLAR TREASURE Lost in Cape Cod Waters (Season 3)

Rick Lagina and Matty Blake help treasure hunters locate shipwreck remains from the Whydah Gally. See more in this clip from Season 3, "Captain Bellamy's Bounty." Watch all new episodes of Beyond Oak Island, Tuesdays at 10/9c, and stay up to date on all of your favorite The HISTORY Channe

From playlist Beyond Oak Island | Official Series Playlist | History

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Reduced form Setting undr Model Uncertainty w/ Nonlinear Affine Intensities - Prof Francesca Biagini

Abstract In this talk we present a market model including financial assets and life insurance liabilities within a reduced-form framework under model uncertainty by following [1]. In particular we extend this framework to include mortality intensities following an affine process unde

From playlist Uncertainty and Risk

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Thirteenth SIAM Activity Group on FME Virtual Talk

Speakers: Damir Filipovic, EPFL and Swiss Finance Institute Title: A Machine Learning Approach to Portfolio Pricing and Risk Management for High-Dimensional Problems Moderator: Rene Carmona, Princeton University

From playlist SIAM Activity Group on FME Virtual Talk Series

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Minicourse: Deformations of path algebras of quivers with relations, Lecture IV

The minicourse consists of 4 lectures. Lecturers: Severin Barmeier and Zhengfang Wang Path algebras of quivers with relations naturally occur throughout representation theory and algebraic geometry — for example in the representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras, as the coordina

From playlist Minicourse: Deformations of path algebras of quivers with relations, JTP New Trends in Representation Theory

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William Blake | Meet 500 Years of British Art

Tate's curators introduce the new displays at Tate Britain, from 1540 to the present. This week, Martin Myrone explores the work of William Blake. This room is part of the display: BP Walk through British Art

From playlist Art in 19th century Europe | Art History | Khan Academy

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Marc spends 15 minutes with the drawings of William Blake-artist and poet (1757-1827).


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24. Elizabeth Bishop

Modern Poetry (ENGL 310) with Langdon Hammer The early poetry of Elizabeth Bishop is discussed. The poet is positioned as an endpoint to modernism, and in her essay "Dimensions for a Novel," a response to Eliot's "Tradition and the Individual Talent," Bishop is shown to transfer Eliot's c

From playlist Modern Poetry with Langdon Hammer (ENGL 310)

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Afrika Korps - Furthest South Raid

The story of Sonderkommando Blaich's daring raid on Chad in January 1942, the furthest raid south made by Rommel's Afrika Korps. Dr. Mark Felton is a well-known British historian, the author of 22 non-fiction books, including bestsellers 'Zero Night' and 'Castle of the Eagles', both curre

From playlist Daring Raids

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Example of Jordan Canonical Form: 2x2 Matrix

Matrix Theory: Find the Jordan form for the real 2 x 2 matrix A = [0 -4 \ 1 4]. For this matrix, there is no basis of eigenvectors, so it is not similar to a diagonal matrix. One alternative is to use Jordan canonical form.

From playlist Matrix Theory

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