Time series

Berlin procedure

The Berlin procedure (BV) is a mathematical procedure for time series decomposition and seasonal adjustment of monthly and quarterly economic time series. The mathematical foundations of the procedure were developed in 1960's at the Technical University of Berlin and the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW). The most important user of the procedure is the Federal Statistical Office of Germany. For the latest version 4.1 of BV a BV4.1 software is available as freeware for non-commercial purposes. (Wikipedia).

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Elimination Method, Systems of Linear Equations, No. 1

Shows how to solve systems of linear equations using the elimination method. Includes a short description of the method and three worked examples. You can link to all my videos at my website: https://www.stepbystepscience.com

From playlist Algebra; Linear Equations

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Just a mention of the physiology of the abdominal wall.

From playlist Acute Care Surgery

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Electromagnets! How Do They Work?

In this video i show and explained the power of electromagnets!!!


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B01 An introduction to numerical methods

Most differential equations cannot be solved by the analytical techniques that we have learned up until now. I these cases, we can approximate a solution by a set of points, by using a variety of numerical methods. The first of these is Euler's method.

From playlist A Second Course in Differential Equations

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Electromagnetic induction and Antigravity!!!

Physics demonstrations (la physique)!!!

From playlist physics

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29C3: Best of ... Verfassungsschutz (DE)

Speaker: Anne Roth Der Verfassungsschutz schützt die Verfassung so wie Zitronenfalter Zitronen falten. Verfassungsschutzskandale gibt es nicht erst seit der Entdeckung des NSU vor einem Jahr. Vorgestellt werden: sie Affaire Traube, der Schmücker-Prozess, das Celler Loch, die Vulkan-Affai

From playlist 29C3: Not my department

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C34 Expanding this method to higher order linear differential equations

I this video I expand the method of the variation of parameters to higher-order (higher than two), linear ODE's.

From playlist Differential Equations

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Experimenting on His Own Heart: Werner Forssmann

More than one doctor has found their theories dismissed by the existing establishment, only to be proven right years later. Perhaps none of those stories are more dramatic than the story of Werner Forssmann, who, when faced with defeat, simply chose to go around everyone and do his experim

From playlist Extraordinary people and personalities

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29C3: IFG: Chance oder Bürgerbluff? (DE)

Speaker: Jörg Tauss Informationsfreiheit in Deutschland. Ein Sachstand. Sechs Jahre nach seinem Inkrafttreten wurde das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz (IFG) des Bundes für den Deutschen Bundestag evaluiert. Auch aus einzelnen Bundesländern liegen zwischenzeitlich wissenschaftlich untermauer

From playlist 29C3: Not my department

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The Second-Ever Case of Full HIV Remission | SciShow News

There’s still a lot of work to be done before HIV is cured, but this week scientists reported the second-ever case of full HIV remission in a patient. Hosted by: Hank Green SciShow has a spinoff podcast! It's called SciShow Tangents. Check it out at https://www.scishowtangents.org ------

From playlist Uploads

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Hitler über Berlin - Heimatfront, Bombenkrieg und Deportationen 1939-1944 (2/5)

Alle Folgen der "Hitler über Berlin"-Reihe findest du hier: https://bit.ly/Hitler_ueber_Berlin Der Film zeigt Berlin während der Herrschaft der Nationalsozialisten von 1939 bis 1944. Zitate aus der Zeit dokumentieren die Ereignisse, wie die Berliner diese Jahre erlebt haben. Das zum Teil

From playlist Deutschland im Nationalsozialsmus

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Die kleinen Nazis - Das Dilemma der Entnazifizierung

Thema des Films ist die Entnazifizierung Deutschlands nach dem Krieg. Finden Sie hier interessante Videos: https://goo.gl/p3f88A Abonniere chronoshistory: http://goo.gl/IVGjVB Dargestellt werden unter anderem die Unterschiede zwischen den Besatzungsmächten, vor allem der distanziert-er

From playlist Kriegsverbrecherprozesse

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German Parliament To Investigate Wirecard Financial Scandal

Wirecard was once a source of German pride but today it's insolvent and under investigation. The payment processing company is accused of one of the greatest frauds in recent history and no one seems to be able to account for $2 billion. So, who's to blame for the company's collapse? And d

From playlist Wirecard Scandal

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B24 Introduction to the Bernoulli Equation

The Bernoulli equation follows from a linear equation in standard form.

From playlist Differential Equations

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Berlins Übergang in die Diktatur

Das historische Filmmaterial dokumentiert den Übergang von Demokratie zu Diktatur in Berlin. Der zunehmenden Repression von Juden und Andersdenkenden steht das Alltagsleben der Berliner entgegen, die sich weiterhin in Cafès und am Strand vergnügen. Die Presse verkommt zur gesteuerten Propa

From playlist Berlin und seine Geschichte

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25c3: Jahresrückblick

Speakers: Frank Rosengart Frank Rieger Constanze Kurz Andy Müller-Maguhn Erdgeist The topics of the CCC in 2008 It was again an eventful year for the CCC. Everything that happened, we will report in due brevity. The CCC was able in 2008 to identify all areas positive results. In addit

From playlist 25C3: Nothing to hide

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Geheime Reichssache - die Angeklagten des 20. Juli 1944 vor dem Volksgerichtshof

Die Prozesse gegen die Beteiligten und Mitwisser des Attentates auf Adolf Hitler am 20. Juli 1944 fanden vom 7. August 1944 bis in den März 1945 statt. An 9 Verhandlungstagen, zwischen dem 7. August und dem 20. Oktober 1944, wurde der Verlauf der Prozesse gefilmt. Ursprünglich für die Deut

From playlist Widerstand im Dritten Reich - tapfere Männer und ihre Taten

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Elimination Method, Systems of Linear Equations, No. 2

Shows how to solve systems of linear equations using the elimination method. Includes a short description of the method and two worked examples. You can link to all my videos at my website: https://www.stepbystepscience.com

From playlist Algebra; Linear Equations

Related pages

Time series | Seasonal adjustment | BV4.1 (software) | Linear regression