Actuarial science

Auto insurance risk selection

Auto insurance risk selection is the process by which vehicle insurers determine whether or not to insure an individual and what insurance premium to charge. Depending on the jurisdiction, the insurance premium can be either mandated by the government or determined by the insurance company in accordance to a framework of regulations set by the government. Often, the insurer will have more freedom to set the price on physical damage coverages than on mandatory liability coverages. When the premium is not mandated by the government, it is usually derived from the calculations of an actuary based on statistical data. The premium can vary depending on many factors that are believed to affect the expected cost of future claims. Those factors can include the car characteristics, the coverage selected (deductible, limit, covered perils), the profile of the driver (age, gender, driving history) and the usage of the car (commute to work or not, predicted annual distance driven). (Wikipedia).

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What's the main mistake that risk managers are making with conduct risk and compliance?

Peter Tyson, Head Of Conduct & Compliance, Standard Life, explains the key mistakes that risk managers are making with conduct and compliance at RiskMinds Insurance 2016.

From playlist Insurance risk: Predict risk in an unpredictable world

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What is a Protective Put? Options Trading Strategies

These classes are all based on the book Trading and Pricing Financial Derivatives, available on Amazon at this link. Check out our website Follow Patrick on twitter here: What is a Protective Put? A pr

From playlist Class 2: An Introduction to Options

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A look at RiskMinds Insurance 2017 so far...

Follow the conversation on Twitter @RiskMinds with #RMInsurance. Visit for the latest in Risk thought leadership.

From playlist RiskMinds Insurance 2017

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Crash test with and without safety belt

See a head on crash test with and without a safety belt and airbags. Video credit Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

From playlist Inertia

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4 2 Risk neutral pricing Part 1

BEM1105x Course Playlist - Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies. ©2020 California Institute of Technology

From playlist BEM1105x Course - Prof. Jakša Cvitanić

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Will insurtech save the insurance industry?

The experts at RiskMinds Insurance gives their opinions about whether insurtech will save or destroy the industry, or if it will have an impact at all. Find out more at

From playlist Insurance risk: Predict risk in an unpredictable world

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Most expensive and extreme crash tests

According to the Association for Safe International Road Travel, more than 38,000 people die every year in crashes on U.S. roadways, which makes the U.S. traffic fatality rate 12.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants and road crashes the leading cause of death for people aged 1-54. An additiona

From playlist All About Transportation

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Class 10: Insurance

MIT 15.S08 FinTech: Shaping the Financial World, Spring 2020 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gensler View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: This class covers the opportunities and challenges

From playlist MIT 15.S08 FinTech: Shaping the Financial World, Spring 2020

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24. Market Failures II: Informational Asymmetry

MIT 14.01 Principles of Microeconomics, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Jonathan Gruber View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: This lecture covers the topic of social insurance, which is

From playlist MIT 14.01 Principles of Microeconomics, Fall 2018

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RiskMinds Insurance 2016 Flashback

Why did RiskMinds Insurance 2016 give experts the opportunities to learn more and develop their networks in abundance? Find full coverage of the event at

From playlist Insurance risk: Predict risk in an unpredictable world

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IEEE ICBC Tutorial - 2 190514

[Title] Enterprise Blockchain Solutions for Financial Services: Techniques and Challenges [Presenter] Ziyuan Wang ,Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Donghai Liu ,Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Yang Xiang ,Swinburne University of Technology, Australia [Abstract]

From playlist IEEE ICBC Tutorial

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13. Banking: Successes and Failures

Financial Markets (ECON 252) Banks, which were first created in primitive form by goldsmiths hundreds of years ago, have evolved into central economic institutions that manage the allocation of resources, channel information about productive activities, and offer the public convenient i

From playlist Financial Markets (2008) with Robert Shiller

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How Does Insurance Work?

Insurance, it’s the annoying necessity that we all pay for to make sure we don’t end up in massive amounts of debt if our house burns down, if we crash our car, or if something tragic happens. Have cryptocurrency taxes to file? Get free access to Ledgible Crypto Tax:

From playlist Concerning Finance

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Stanford Webinar: Business Models for Entrepreneurs and Innovators This discussion with Professor Haim Mendelson explores the best approach for putting together a business model and how to use it for new business development opportunities. Learn why the business model is a blueprint for planning, and then building, new busine

From playlist Stanford Webinars

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Financial Derivatives - Class 9 - Credit Derivatives

A credit derivative is a type of financial instrument designed to separate and transfer the credit risk or the risk of an event of default of a corporate or sovereign borrower, transferring it to an entity other than the lender or debtholder. Usually these contracts are traded pursuant to

From playlist Full Financial Derivatives Lectures

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Car engine science: Ignition timing, emissions, mixture

I describe how ignition timing and air/fuel mixture affect car engine power, emissions, and driveability.

From playlist Mechanics

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January 23: Algorithmic Decision-Making and Accountability

Jeff Larson, Safiya Noble, and Nikhyl Singhal join the Stanford teaching team, Rob Reich, Mehran Sahami, Jeremy Weinstein, and Hilary Cohen, to illuminate the ethical and social dimensions of algorithmic decision-making. They discuss competing notions of algorithmic fairness, the use of al

From playlist POL 55: The Ethics of Technological Disruption: A Conversation with Silicon Valley Leaders and Beyond

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10. Financial System Challenges & Opportunities

MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018 Instructor: Prof. Gary Gensler View the complete course: YouTube Playlist: This lecture describes three aspects of finance: financial instituti

From playlist MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018

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The ethical dilemma of self-driving cars - Patrick Lin

View full lesson: Self-driving cars are already cruising the streets today. And while these cars will ultimately be safer and cleaner than their manual counterparts, they can’t completely avoid accidents altoge

From playlist New TED-Ed Originals

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5. Insurance, the Archetypal Risk Management Institution, its Opportunities and Vulnerabilities

Financial Markets (2011) (ECON 252) In the beginning of the lecture, Professor Shiller talks about risk pooling as the fundamental concept of insurance, followed by references to moral hazard and selection bias as prominent problems of the insurance industry. In order to provide an explic

From playlist Financial Markets (2011) with Robert Shiller

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