Artificial life | Self-replicating machines


Astrochicken is the name given to a thought experiment expounded by theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson. An Astrochicken is a small, one-kilogram spacecraft, a self-replicating automaton that could explore space more efficiently than a crewed craft could due to its innovative mix of technology. (Wikipedia).

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Stereolab - The Super-It

Created with

From playlist the absolute best of stereolab

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From playlist Crazy Stuff

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Cosmology: A Big Bang and the Beginning of the Universe

If we want to learn about the universe, we have to start at the very beginning. How and when did the universe begin? Is it even possible to know about such things? Yes, it is! That's what cosmology is all about, the origin and development of the universe. Let's go over what astronomers kno

From playlist Astronomy/Astrophysics

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AWESOME antigravity electromagnetic levitator (explaining simply)

Physics levitron (science experiments)


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Astrobiology: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life

How many movies have you seen about aliens? Are any of them realistic? Does intelligent life exist elsewhere in the universe or are we totally alone? Both options are rather terrifying, frankly. But there are scientists that spend their days looking for places where life might be, and spec

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Self-replication | Self-replicating spacecraft | Artificial intelligence | Self-replicating machine | Automata theory | John von Neumann