Philosophy of artificial intelligence

Asilomar Conference on Beneficial AI

The Asilomar Conference on Beneficial AI was a conference organized by the Future of Life Institute, held January 5–8, 2017, at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in California. More than 100 thought leaders and researchers in economics, law, ethics, and philosophy met at the conference, to address and formulate principles of beneficial AI. Its outcome was the creation of a set of guidelines for AI research – the 23 Asilomar AI Principles. (Wikipedia).

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AI for Social Good - Introduction from Professor Andrew Blake and Sir Alan Wilson

A symposium exploring recent advances in AI and how we can achieve positive outcomes for society. AI applications are used in everyday lives at an accelerating pace, with great potential to benefit society. These applications also raise new challenges around ethics and robust design. This

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AI Product Advisory at Aggregate Intellect

More info + to join:

From playlist Mega Meetup VIII

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Artificial Intelligence: 10 Risks You Should Know About

What are the risks of artificial intelligence dangerous, and how do we develop ethical, safe and beneficial AI? This was produced before GPT and LLMs existed, but is more relevant now than ever - simply switch out Alexa for ChatGPT. Risk Bites dives into AI risk and AI ethics, with ten po

From playlist Is Artificial Intelligence Going to Kill Us All?

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Human-compatible artificial intelligence - Stuart Russell, University of California

It is reasonable to expect that AI capabilities will eventually exceed those of humans across a range of real-world-decision making scenarios. Should this be a cause for concern, as Alan Turing and others have suggested? Will we lose control over our future? Or will AI complement and augme

From playlist Interpretability, safety, and security in AI

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Session 5 - Better images of AI

The Turing recently became a supporter of the Better Images of AI project – a movement to improve the representation of AI. Tania Duarte of We and AI, Dr. Kanta Dihal of the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence and Tristan Ferne of BBC R&D, explored the positive effects of mo


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You and AI – the politics of AI

Kate Crawford, Distinguished Research Professor at New York University, a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research New York, and the co-founder and co-director the AI Now Institute, discusses the biases built into machine learning, and what that means for the social implications of AI.

From playlist You and AI

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Stanford HAI 2019 Fall Conference - AI Global Governance (CS+Social Good)

Phil Beaudoin, SVP Research Group and Co-Founder, Element AI Peter Cihon, Research Affiliate, Center for the Governance of AI Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford Eileen Donahoe, Executive Director, Global Digital Policy Incubator, Stanford University Jessica Cussins Newma

From playlist Stanford HAI 2019 Fall Conference

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Turing Centennial Conference: From Programs to Systems: Building a Smarter World

From Programs to Systems: Building a Smarter World Presented by Prof. Joseph Sifakis, Turing Award laureate, VERIMAG Laboratory and EPFL Alan M. Turing Centennial Conference - Israel April 4, 2012 The Wohl Centre Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel For more information see: https://sit

From playlist Alan M. Turing Centennial Conference - Israel

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AIUK: AI in action (Session 2)

Hosted by Gemma Milne, meet the UK’s leading researchers and experience their demonstrations, from robot fish to gamified AI. Watch their demonstrations live, ask questions, and follow up via chat! Professor Roy Ruddle, Professor of Computing, University of Leeds – Does visualisation help

From playlist AIUK 2021

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Prof. Stuart Russell - The History & Future of Artificial Intelligence

Stuart Russell is a professor of computer science, director of the Center for Intelligent Systems, and holder of the Smith-Zadeh Chair in Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. He is an adjunct professor of neurological surgery at the University of California, San Francisco

From playlist AI talks

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SDS 489: Monetizing Machine Learning — with Vin Vashishta

Vin Vashishta joins us to discuss his AI consulting work and his philosophy on AI strategy for monetization. In this episode you will learn: • V-Squared [3:18] • Vin’s online content [15:43] • Low-code/no-code in data science [23:55] • Top five gap skills [33:45] • Data sets for insights

From playlist Super Data Science Podcast

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Democratizing AI with FPGA's with Nicola Tan (Intel)

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From playlist O'Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference 2017 - San Francisco, CA

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AIUK: Health applications of AI in the real world

In this session you’ll hear from three cutting edge health start-ups about their experiences deploying their academic spin-outs to the health and medical science market. We ask what we can learn from their stories and what were their most interesting methods, followed by a conversation wit

From playlist AIUK 2021

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[ML News] Anthropic raises $124M, ML execs clueless, collusion rings, ELIZA source discovered & more

#mlnews #anthropic #eliza Anthropic raises $124M for steerable AI, peer review is threatened by collusion rings, and the original ELIZA source code was discovered. OUTLINE: 0:00 - Intro 0:40 - Anthropic raises $124M 3:25 - 65% of execs can't explain AI predictions 4:25 - DeepMind release

From playlist All Videos

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AIUK: AI in action (Session 1)

Hosted by Gemma Milne, this is the first of our AI in action demonstrations. These lively demos will feature the UK’s leading AI researchers showcasing their work across a range of topics. Join the audience to put your questions to the researchers live. --- The event took place via an

From playlist AIUK 2021

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Synthetic Life: Could We? Should We?

Synthetic biology is a new, intriguing technology that could have a huge impact on humans and our environment. Adam Rutherford chairs a panel of experts, including Louise Horsfall, Paul Freemont, Susan Molyneux-Hodgson and Robert Edwards. This event was organised by the Biochemical Societ

From playlist Ri Talks

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Superintelligence | Nick Bostrom | Talks at Google

Superintelligence asks the questions: What happens when machines surpass humans in general intelligence? Will artificial agents save or destroy us? Nick Bostrom lays the foundation for understanding the future of humanity and intelligent life. The human brain has some capabilities that t

From playlist AI talks

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DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 12/12 | Responsible Innovation

What can we do to build algorithms that are safe, reliable and robust? And what are the responsibilities of technologists who work in this area? In this talk, Chongli Qin and Iason Gabriel explore these questions — connected through the lens of responsible innovation — in two parts. In the

From playlist Learning resources

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Beyond Sentiment Analysis: Creating Engaging Conversational Experiences through Empathy |Rasa Summit

Will is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Washington, where his research focuses on enhancing empathy in text-based telehealth delivery through advances in mental state inference and conversational AI. As a researcher, he has published on a range of topics at the intersection of cons

From playlist Rasa Summit 2021

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