Combinatorics | Algorithms

Algorithms and Combinatorics

Algorithms and Combinatorics (ISSN 0937-5511) is a book series in mathematics, and particularly in combinatorics and the design and analysis of algorithms. It is published by Springer Science+Business Media, and was founded in 1987. (Wikipedia).

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What Is An Algorithm ? | Introduction to Algorithms | How To Write An Algorithm? | Simplilearn

This video is based on What Is An Algorithm ? The Introduction to Algorithms tutorial will explain to you How To Write An Algorithm? and it will cover the following topics ✅00:00- Introduction to Algorithms ✅01:46- What Is an Algorithm? The algorithm is a step-by-step procedure or set o

From playlist C++ Tutorial Videos

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Algorithms Explained: What is an Algorithm?

This video defines what an algorithm is, distinguishes algorithms from recipes and functions and gives some examples of algorithms. This is the first video in an "Algorithms Explained" series that discusses algorithms at a conceptual level. Videos in this series that discuss specific algo

From playlist Algorithms Explained

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Introduction to Combinatory Logic – #SoME2

This is Alexander Farrugia's and Giorgio Grigolo's submission to the second 3blue1brown Summer of Math Exposition. #some2 #mathematics #combinators #logic Music: Icelandic Arpeggios – DivKid

From playlist Summer of Math Exposition 2 videos

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Searching and Sorting Algorithms (part 4 of 4)

Introductory coverage of basic searching and sorting algorithms, as well as a rudimentary overview of Big-O algorithm analysis. Part of a larger series teaching programming at

From playlist Searching and Sorting Algorithms

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All About Algorithms: Introduction

In this video series, I will give you a visual introduction into the world of algorithms. Throughout the following videos, we will look at various different topics such as sorting algorithms, data structures or graph algorithms. I will also cover important, theoretical concepts like amorti

From playlist All About Algorithms

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Daniel Lokshtanov: Tree decompositions and graph algorithms

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Combinatorics

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Global symmetry from local information: The Graph Isomorphism Problem – László Babai – ICM2018

Combinatorics | Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science Invited Lecture 13.4 | 14.5 Global symmetry from local information: The Graph Isomorphism Problem László Babai Abstract: Graph Isomorphism (GI) is one of a small number of natural algorithmic problems with unsettled complexity stat

From playlist Combinatorics

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Combinatorial Identities via both Algebraic and Combinatorial Proof [Discrete Math Class]

This video is not like my normal uploads. This is a supplemental video from one of my courses that I made in case students had to quarantine. This is a follow up to previous a video introducing combinatorial objects (in particular k-permutations and k-subsets) and a video about the sum and

From playlist Discrete Mathematics Course

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Quantum Computers: How They Work and What Can They Do?

We are beginning to evolve beyond classical computing into a new data era called quantum computing. The quantum computing power and speed will help us solve some of the biggest and most complex challenges we face.

From playlist Quantum Computing

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Alin Bostan: Computer algebra for lattice path combinatorics

Classifying lattice walks in restricted lattices is an important problem in enumerative combinatorics. Recently, computer algebra has been used to explore and to solve a number of difficult questions related to lattice walks. We give an overview of recent results on structural properties a

From playlist Combinatorics

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Raman Sanyal: Polyhedral geometry of pivot rules

Geometrically, a linear program gives rise to a polyhedron together with an orientation of its graph. A simplex method selects a path from any given vertex to the sink and thus determines an arborescence. The centerpiece of any simplex method is the pivot rule that selects the outgoing edg

From playlist Workshop: Tropical geometry and the geometry of linear programming

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Tropical Geometry - Lecture 9 - Tropical Convexity | Bernd Sturmfels

Twelve lectures on Tropical Geometry by Bernd Sturmfels (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences | Leipzig, Germany) We recommend supplementing these lectures by reading the book "Introduction to Tropical Geometry" (Maclagan, Sturmfels - 2015 - American Mathematical Society)

From playlist Twelve Lectures on Tropical Geometry by Bernd Sturmfels

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Ezra (Bud) Brown - Puzzles & Wonders from Elwyn, Richard, John, Ron, and Martin - CoM Oct 2020

This talk will be about some or all of these: Tic Tac Toe, Hat Puzzles, Blocks on a rug, Sequences, Dots and Boxes, Counting on your Fingers, How 16 times 16 equals 24, some evidence that there aren’t nearly enough Small Numbers, and a new kind of cipher that gave jobs to millions of worth

From playlist Celebration of Mind

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Algorithms for the topology of arithmetic groups and Hecke actions - Michael Lipnowski

Workshop on Motives, Galois Representations and Cohomology Around the Langlands Program Topic: Algorithms for the topology of arithmetic groups and Hecke actions Speaker: Michael Lipnowski Affiliation: Member, School of Mathematics Date: November 6, 2017 For more videos, please visit htt

From playlist Mathematics

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Bistra Dilkina: "Decision-focused learning: integrating downstream combinatorics in ML"

Deep Learning and Combinatorial Optimization 2021 "Decision-focused learning: integrating downstream combinatorics in ML" Bistra Dilkina - University of Southern California (USC) Abstract: Closely integrating ML and discrete optimization provides key advantages in improving our ability t

From playlist Deep Learning and Combinatorial Optimization 2021

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Tropical Geometry - Lecture 10 - Matrix Rank | Bernd Sturmfels

Twelve lectures on Tropical Geometry by Bernd Sturmfels (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences | Leipzig, Germany) We recommend supplementing these lectures by reading the book "Introduction to Tropical Geometry" (Maclagan, Sturmfels - 2015 - American Mathematical Society)

From playlist Twelve Lectures on Tropical Geometry by Bernd Sturmfels

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Pablo Shmerkin: Additive combinatorics methods in fractal geometry - lecture 1

In the last few years ideas from additive combinatorics were applied to problems in fractal geometry and led to progress on some classical problems, particularly on the smoothness of Bernoulli convolutions and other self-similar measures. We will introduce some of these tools from additive

From playlist Combinatorics

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Sylvie Corteel: Le diamant aztèque - Cours 1

Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: And discover all its functionalities: - Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video - Videos enriched with abstracts, b

From playlist Combinatorics

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